“I know what you’ve been through today, Tom, but one of our men has been reported missing.” It was one of the pastors at the church where I served as an elder calling me that evening. “We think he’s gone. Will you come with me? I want you to break the news to the family.”
I knew exactly where this man’s office was. I saw that wreckage, and there’s no way he would have made it. We checked all the hospitals to be sure, but I wasn’t surprised to learn he wasn’t at any of them.
Sharing the news with his wife, fifteen-year-old daughter, and eleven-year-old son was the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to do. I still see the daughter’s eyes periodically when I wake up at night. Who’s going to walk me down the aisle? they seemed to say. Who’s going to interview my prom date?
Completely exhausted emotionally and physically, I returned home that night around 10 p.m. When my oldest son Ryan, a junior in high school, saw me, he jumped up out of his seat, and threw his arms around me.
“Dad, I’m so thankful that God spared your life today,” he said.
After a few minutes, he dropped his arms, stepped back, and looked at me. “Dad, I gotta ask you a question. For some reason God spared your life today at the Pentagon. What are you going to do now with the rest of your life?” He repeated the question, said “I love you Dad,” went upstairs and went to bed.
It was the most penetrating question anyone’s ever asked me. It was just like God said to Ryan, “Challenge your dad and go to bed.” It was that clear.
September 11, 2001, was a wake-up call for me. I had already been considering going into ministry after retirement, and on that day, I felt like God was saying, I want you to make a decision. I spared your life. I want you to do something a little more valuable with it.
Two weeks after my Navy retirement ceremony in 2003, I was sitting at a desk at Immanuel Bible Church as the new Pastor of Discipleship and Family.
Lord, help me fulfill your purpose for me in a way that honors you.
“I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” (Ephesians 4:1)