39801.fb2 The Black Prince - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 64

The Black Prince - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 64

On the third evening Rachel turned up. Of course whenever the doorbell rang I rushed out sick with hope and terror. Twice it was Christian (whom I did not let in), once Rigby asking for Francis. (Francis went out and they talked for some time in the court.) The fourth time it was Rachel. I saw her through the glass and opened the door.

Seeing Rachel there in the flat was like a bad trip in a time machine. There was a memory-odour like a smell of decay. I felt distressed, physically repelled, frightened. Her wide round pale face was terribly familiar, but with the ambiguous veiled familiarity of a dream. It was as if my mother had visited me in her cerements.

She came in tossing her head with a surge of excitement, a perhaps feigned air of confidence, almost of elation. She strode by me, not looking at me, her hands deep in the pockets of her tweed coat which had been cobwebbed-over by the light rain. She was purposeful and handsome and I flinched out of her way. She took off her woollen hat and her coat and shook them lightly and hung them up in the hall. We sat down in the sitting-room in the cold brown early-evening light.

Rachel smoothed her skirt down neatly about her knees. «Bradley, I wanted to tell you how sorry I was about Priscilla.»

«Where's Julian?»

«Don't you know?»

«I know she'll come back. I don't know where she is.»

«Poor old Bradley,» said Rachel. She gave a nervous ejaculatory laugh like a cough.

«Where is she?»

«She's on holiday. I don't know where she is just now, I really don't. Here's the letter you sent her. I haven't read it.»

I took the letter. The return of a passionate letter unread desolates far regions of the imagination. If somewhere she had read my words the world was changed. Now all blew back upon me like dead leaves.

«Oh Rachel, where is she?»

«Honestly I don't know, I'm not in touch. Bradley, do stop it. Think of your dignity or something. You look terrible, you look a hundred. You might shave at least. This thing is all in your mind.»

«You didn't think so when Julian said she loved me.»

«Rachel,» I said, «you are talking about someone else. You are not talking about Julian, about my Julian.»

«Your Julian is a fiction. This is what I'm telling you, dear Bradley. I'm not saying she didn't care for you, but a young girl's emotions are chaos.»

«And you are talking to another person. You obviously have no conception of what you're dealing with. I live in a different world, I am in love, and-«Do you think there is some magic in those words which you utter so solemnly?»

«Yes, I do. All this is happening on a different plane-«This is a form of insanity, Bradley. Only the insane think that there are planes which are quite separate from other planes. It's all a muddle, Bradley, it's all a muddle. God knows, I'm saying this to you in kindness.»

«Love is a sort of certainty, perhaps the only sort.»

«It's just a state of mind-«It's a true state of mind.»

«Oh Bradley, do stop. You've had a terrible time lately, no wonder your head's in a whirl. I am so awfully sorry about Priscilla.»

«Priscilla. Yes.»

«You mustn't blame yourself too much.»


«Where did Francis find her? Where was she lying when he found her?»

«I don't know.»

«You mean you didn't ask?»

«No. I suppose she was in bed.»

«I would have wanted to know-all the details-I think-just to picture it-Did you see her dead?»


«Didn't you have to identify her?»


«Someone must have done.»

«Roger did.»

«Odd about identifying dead people, recognizing them. I hope I don't ever have to-«He's keeping her prisoner somewhere, I know he is.»

«Really, Bradley, you seem to be living in some sort of literary dream. Everything is so much duller and more mixed-up than you imagine, even the awful things are.»

«He locked her in her room before.»

«Of course he didn't. The girl was romancing.»

«Do you really not know where she is?»


«Why hasn't she written to me?»

«She's no good at writing letters, never has been. Anyway give her time. She will write. Perhaps it's just a rather difficult letter to compose!»

«Rachel, you don't know what's inside me, you don't know what it's like to be me, to be where I am. You see it's a matter of absolute certainty, of knowing your own mind and somebody else's with absolute certainty. It's something completely steady and old, as if it's always been, ever since the world began. That's why what you say is simply nonsense, it doesn't make any sense to me, it's a sort of gabbling. She understands, she spoke this language with me at once. We love each other.»

«Bradley dear, do try to come back to reality-«This is reality. Oh God, supposing she were dead-«Oh don't be silly. You make me sick.»

«Rachel, she isn't dead, is she?»

In a way, the truth was that I did not. I could attach no precise events to the idea of Rachel. Here memory was simply a cold cloud to be shuddered at. She was a familiar person and a familiar presence, but the notion that I had ever done anything in relation to her was utterly shadowy, so much had the advent of Julian drained the rest of my life of significant content, separating history from prehistory. I wanted to explain this.

«Yes, I do-of course-remember-but it's as if-since Julian-everything has been-sort of amputated and-the past has quite gone-it didn't mean anything anyway-it was just-I'm sorry this sounds rather unkind, but being in love one simply has to tell the truth all the time-I know you must feel that there was a sort of-betrayal-you must resent it-«Resent it? Good heavens no. I just feel sorry for you. And it's all a pity and a sort of waste and rather pathetic really. Well, a sad thing, a disappointment perhaps, a disillusionment. It seems odd to me now that I ever felt that you were a sort of strong wise man or that you could help me. I was touched when you talked about eternal friendship. It seemed to mean something at the time. Do you remember talking about eternal friendship?»


«Can you really not remember? You are peculiar. I wonder if you're having some sort of breakdown? Can you really not recall our liaison at all?»

«There was no liaison.»