For the first two weeks that Homer Wells was gone from St. Cloud's, Wilbur Larch let the mail pile up unanswered, Nurse Angela struggled with the longer and denser sentences of Charles Dickens (which had a curious effect on the boys' attention; they hung on her every word, holding their breath for the errors they anticipated), and Mrs. Grogan suffered Melony's deadpan rendition of Charlotte Bronte. Near the end of Chapter Twenty-seven, Mrs. Grogan could detect a bare minimum of Jane Eyre's 'indomitable' spirit in Melony's voice.
'I care for myself,' Melony read. 'The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I will respect myself.'
Good girl, thought Mrs. Grogan, please be a good girl. She told Dr. Larch that, although Melony's reading voice depressed her, Melony should be encouraged; she should be given more responsibility.
Nurse Angela said she'd be glad to give up on Dickens. Dr. Larch surprised them all. When Homer Wells had been gone for three weeks, Dr. Larch announced that he didn't give a damn who read what to whom. He had ceased to care about the benediction altogether, and so Nurse Edna-although it would never feel quite natural to her-persisted with the nightly salutation to the imagined Princes of Maine, 'the dear little Kings of New England.'
Mrs. Grogan became so firmly transfixed by Melony's {276} reading voice that she now accompanied Melony to the boys' division and listened, with the nervous boys, to Melony read Dickens. Melony's voice was too evenpitched for Dickens; she plodded her way-she made no mistakes but she never adjusted her cadence; she presented bustle and sunshine with the same heavy speech she used for gloom and fog. By her stern countenance, Mrs. Grogan saw that Melony was analyzing as she read-but the subject of her analysis was not Charles Dickens; Melony was searching through Dickens for specific characteristics she associated with Homer Wells. Sometimes, by the intense concentration on Melony's face, Melony seemed close to discovering Homer's whereabouts in the England of another century. (Dr. Larch had told Melony that Homer's actual whereabouts were not her business.)
Never mind that Melony murdered every moment of Dickensian wit with her ferocity, or that the rich and colorful details of character and place were turned uniformly drab by her voice. 'The girl has no lilt,' Nurse Edna complained. Never mind: the boys were terrified of Melony, and their fears made them pay more attention to her than they had ever paid to Homer Wells. Sometimes the interest in the literature isn't in the literature-the boys' division was an audience like any other: self-interest, personal memories, their secret anxieties crept into their perceptions of what they heard (regardless of what Charles Dickens had done and what Melony did to him). |
Not feeling completely comfortable with leaving the girls' division unattended while she trotted to the boys' to hear Melony read, Mrs. Grogan developed the habit of following the excerpt from Jane Eyre with a short prayer that clung, both lovely and ominous, to the pale and stained bedspreads on which the moonlight glowed long after Melony and Mrs. Grogan had left the girls to themselves. Even Mary Agnes Cork was struck silent-if not exactly rendered well behaved-by Mrs. Grogan's prayer.
If Mrs. Grogan had known that the prayer was English {277} in origin, she might not have used it; she had heard it on the radio and memorized it. and she always spoke it to herself before she allowed herself to sleep. The jprayer was written by Cardinal Newman. When Melony started reading to the boys, Mrs. Grogan made her personal prayer public.
'Oh Lord,' she said in the hall light, in the open doorway, while Melony stood restlessly beside her. 'Oh Lord, support us all the day long, until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then in thy mercy grant us a safe lodging, and a holy rest, and peace at the last.'
'Amen,' Melony would say-not quite facetiously, but certainly not reverentially. She said it the way she read from Charlotte Bronte and from Charles Dickens -it gave Mrs. Grogan a chill, although the summer nights were warm and humid and she needed to take two steps for every one of Melony's, just to keep pace with Melony on her determined journey to the boys' division. The way Melony said 'Amen' was the way she said everything. Hers was a voice without a soul, Mrs. Grogan thought-her teeth chattering as she sat in a chair in the boys' division, slightly out of the light, behind Melony, watching her broad back. Something in Mrs Grogan's transfixed appearance may have been responsible for the rumor begun in the boys' division, possibly by Curly Day: that Mrs. Grogan had never gone to school, was actually illiterate, was incapable of reading even a newspaper to herself-and was, therefore, in Melony's control.
The little boys, lying frightened in their beds, felt that they were in Melony's control, too.
Nurse Edna was so disquieted by Melony's reading that she couldn't wait to launch into her Princes of Maine and Kings of New England refrain (even if she didn't know what it meant). Nurse Edna suggested that Melony was to blame for an increase in nightmares in the boys' division and that she should be removed from her responsibilities {278} as reader. Nurse Angela disagreed; if Melony persisted in casting an evil presence, it was because she'd not been given enough responsibility. Also, Nurse Angela said, maybe there weren't more nightmares; with Homer Wells gone (it had now been a month), perhaps it was simply that Nurse Edna and Nurse Angela heard those suffering from night terrors-in the past, Homer heard them first and tended to them.
Mrs Grogan was in favor of increasing Melony's responsibilities; she felt the girl was at the threshold of a change-she might either rise above her own bitterness or descend more deeply into it. It was Nurse Angela who suggested to Dr. Larch that Melony might be of use.
'Of more use, you mean?' Dr. Larch asked.
'Right,' Nurse Angela said, but Dr. Larch didn't appreciate anyone imitating the speech habits of Homer Wells; he gave Nurse Angela such a look that she never said 'Right' again. He also didn't appreciate the suggestion that Melony could be taught to replace Homer- not even in usefulness. I
Nurse Edna took up Melony's cause. 'If she were a boy, Wilbur,' Nurse Edna said, 'you would already have given her more to do.'
The hospital is connected to the boys' division,' Larch said. 'It's impossible to keep what's happening here a secret from the boys. But the girls are another matter,' he concluded weakly.
'Melony knows what's happening here,' Nurse Angela said.
Wilbur Larch knew he was cornered. He was also angry at Homer Wells-he had given the boy permission to extend his time away from St. Cloud's as long as possible, but he hadn't expected he wouldn't hear from Homer (not a word!) in nearly six weeks.
'I don't know that I have the patience to work with a teen-ager, anymore,' Larch said peevishly.
'I think Melony is twenty-four or twenty-five,' Mrs. Grogan said. i {279}
How could someone that old still be in an orphanage? Larch wondered. The same way that I can still be here, he answered himself. Who else would take the job? Who else would take Melony? 'All right. Let's ask her if she's interested,' Larch said.
He dreaded the meeting with Melony; he couldn't help himself, but he blamed her for whatever sullenness had crept into Homer's personality-and the rebellion Homer had manifested toward him recently. Larch knew he was being unfair, and this made him feel guilty; he began to answer the mail.
There was a long (albeit businesslike) letter from Olive Worthington, and a check-a rather sizable donation to the orphanage. Mrs. Worthington said she was happy her son had been so 'taken' by the good work at St. Cloud's that he'd seen fit to bring one of Dr. Larch's 'boys' home with him. It was fine with the Worthingtons that Homer stay through the summer. They frequently hired 'schoolboy help,' and she was frankly grateful that her son Wally had 'the opportunity to mingle with someone his own age-but of less fortunate circumstances.' Olive Worthington wanted Larch to know that she and her husband thought Homer was a fine boy, polite and a good worker, and that he seemed 'altogether a sobering influence on Wally.' She concluded that she hoped 'Wally might even learn the value of a day's work from his proximity to Homer,' and that Homer had 'clearly profited from a rigorous education'-she based this judgment on Homer's ability to learn the apple business 'as if he were used to more demanding studies.'
Olive wanted Dr. Larch to know that Homer had requested to be paid in the form of a monthly donation to St. Cloud's, minus only what she fairly judged were his expenses; since he shared a room with Wally and could fit into Wally's clothes, and since he ate his meals with the Worthington family, Olive said the boy's expenses were minimal. She was delighted that her son had 'such manly and honorable company' for the summer, and she was {280} pleased to have the opportunity to contribute what little she could to the well-being of the orphans of St. Cloud's. 'The kids,' Olive said (it was how she referred to Wally and Candy), '…tell me you are doing great things there. They're so happy they stumbled upon you.'
Wilbur Larch could tell that Olive Worthington didn't know she had an accomplished obstetrician tending to her apple trees, and he grumbled to himself about the 'rigorous education' he felt had been quite wasted on Homer Wells-given his present occupation-but Dr. Larch calmed himself sufficiently to compose a cordial, albeit formal, letter in response to Mrs. Worthington.
Her donation was very gratefully received, and he was glad that Homer Wells was representing his upbringing at St. Cloud's in so positive a manner-he would expect no less of the boy, which Mrs. Worthington might be so kind as to tell him. Also, that it would be nice if Homer would write. Dr. Larch was happy that there was such healthy summer employment for Homer; the boy would be missed at St. Cloud's, where he had always been of use, but Larch emphasized his pleasure at Homer's good fortune. He congratulated Olive Worthington on the good manners and the generosity of her son; he said he would welcome those 'kids' back at St. Cloud's- anytime What luck-for everyone!-that they had 'stumbled upon' the orphanage.
Wilbur Larch gritted his teeth and tried to imagine a harder place to stumble upon than St. Cloud's; he managed a supreme effort at concentration and proceeded with the part of the letter he had waited more than a month to write.
There is one thing I must tell you about Homer Wells,' Wilbur Larch wrote. 'There is a problem with his heart,' the doctor wrote; he elaborated. He was more careful than he'd been when he discussed Homer's heart defect with Wally and Candy; he tried to be as precise but as elusive as he knew he'd eventually have to be when he {281} described the ailment to Homer Wells. His letter to Olive Worthington about Homer's heart was a kind ol: warmup exercise. He was sowing seeds (an infuriating phrase, but he found himself thinking it-ever since his inheritance of the stationmaster's catalogues); he wanted Homer treated with kid gloves, as they say in Maine.
Olive Worthington had mentioned that Homer was taking driving lessons from Wally and swimming lessons from Candy-the latter in the Haven Club's heated pool. The latter-swimming lessons from that girl! – made Larch growl, and he concluded his cautionary advice about Homer's heart with the suggestion that Homer 'take it easy with the swimming.'
Dr. Larch did not share Olive Worthington's opinion that 'every boy should know how to drive and swim'; Dr. Larch could do neither.
'Here in St. Cloud's,' he wrote, to himself, 'it is imperative to have good obstetrical procedure, and to be able to perform a dilatation and curettage. In other parts of the world, they learn how to drive and swim!'
He showed Olive Worthington's letter to Nurse Angela and Nurse Edna, who both wept over it. They were of the opinion that Mrs. Worthington sounded 'charminG' and 'warm' and 'intelligent,' but Larch grumbled how it was strange that Mr. Worthington was so little in view; what was the matter with him? 'What's his wife running the farm for?' Larch asked his nurses, who both scolded him for his readiness to assume there was something wrong whenever a woman was in charge of anything. They reminded him that he had an appointment with Melony.
Melony had been working herself into a proper state of mind for her meeting with Dr. Larch. She prepared herself by lying in her bed and reading over and over again the inscription she had written in the stolen copy of Little Dorrit:
Then she tried, again and again, to begin the book through her angry tears.
The image of the staring, blazing sun in Marseilles -the oppressive glare-was both dazzling and mystifying to Melony. What experience did she have to help her comprehend a sun of that brightness? And the coincidence of so much sunshine (considering her nickname for Homer Wells) was too much for her. She read, got lost, began again, got lost again; she grew angrier and angrier.
Then she looked in her canvas bag of toilet articles and saw that the horn-rim barrette, which Mary Agnes had stolen from Candy-and which Melony had snatched out of Mary Agnes's hair and taken for herself-had been stolen again. She marched to Mary Agnes Cork's bed and retrieved the elegant barrette from under Mary Agnes's pillow. Melony's hair was cropped too short for her to be able to use the barrette, which she was not exactly sure how to use, anyway. She jammed it into her jeans' pocket; this was uncomfortable-her jeans were so tight. She went into the girls' shower room, where Mary Agnes Cork was washing her hair, and she turned the hot water up so hot that Mary Agnes was nearly scalded. Mary Agnes flung herself out of the shower; she lay red and writhing on the floor, where Melony twisted her arm behind her back and then stepped with all her weight on Mary Agnes's shoulder. Melony didn't mean to break anything; she was repelled by the sound of Mary Agnes's collarbone giving way, and she stepped quickly away from the younger girl-whose naked body turned from very red to very white. She lay on the shower room floor, shivering and moaning, not daring to move.
'Get dressed and I'll take you to the hospital,' Melony said. 'You broke something.' {283}
Mary Agnes trembled. 'I can't move,' she whispered.
'I didn't mean to,' Melony said, 'but I told you to keep outta my stuff.'
'Your hair's too short,' Mary Agnes said. 'You can't wear it, anyway.'
'You want me to break something else?' Melony asked the girl.
Mary Agnes tried to shake her head, but she stopped. 'I can't move,' she repeated. When Melony bent over to help her up, Mary Agnes screamed, 'Don't touch me!'
'Suit yourself,' Melony said, leaving her there. 'Just keep outta my stuff.'
In the lobby of the girls' division, on her way to her meeting with Dr. Larch, Melony told Mrs. Grogan that Mary Agnes had 'broken something.' Mrs. Grogan naturally assumed that Melony meant that Mary Agnes had broken a lamp, or a window, or even a bed,
'How are you liking the book, dear?' Mrs Grogan asked Melony, who always carried Little Dorrit with her; she'd not been able to get past the first page.
'It starts kinda slow,' said Melony.
When she got to Nurse Angela's office, where Dr. Larch was waiting for her, she was slightly out of breath and sweating.
'What's the book?' Dr. Larch asked her.
'Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens,' Melony said; she felt the barrette bite into her leg when she sat down.
'Where'd you get it?' Dr. Larch asked her.
'It was a gift,' Melony said-which was not exactly a lie.
'That's nice,' said Wilbur Larch.
Melony shrugged. 'It starts kinda slow,' she said.
They eyed each other for a moment, cautiously. Larch smiled a little. Melony tried to smile but she was unsure how this looked on her face-so she stopped. She shifted in the chair; the barrette in her pocket hurt her a little less.
'He's not coming back, is he? Melony asked Dr. Larch, {284} who regarded her with the respect and wariness you feel for someone who has read your mind.
'He has a summer job,' Larch said. 'Of course, some other opportunity might develop.'
Melony shrugged. 'He might go to school, I suppose,' she said.
'Oh, I hope so!' Larch said.
'I suppose you want him to be a doctor,' Melony said.
Larch shrugged. It was his turn to feign indifference. 'If he wants to be,' he said.
'I broke someone's arm, once,' Melony said. 'Or maybe it was something in the chest.'
'The chest?' Larch asked. 'When did you do this?'
'Not too long ago,' Melony said. 'Pretty recently. I didn't mean to.'
'How did it happen?' Dr. Larch asked her.
'I twisted her arm behind her back-she was on the floor-and then I stepped on her shoulder, the same shoulder of the arm I twisted.'
'Ouch,' said Dr. Larch. I
'I heard it,' Melony said. 'Her arm or her chest.'
'Perhaps her collarbone,' Larch suggested. Given the position, he guessed it would be the collarbone.
'Well, whatever it was, I heard it,' Melony said.
'How did that make you feel?' Wilbur Larch asked Melony, who shrugged.
'I don't know,' Melony said. 'Sick, I guess, but strong,' she added. 'Sick and strong,' she said.
'Perhaps you'd like to have more to do?' Larch asked her.
'Here?' Melony asked.
'Well, here, yes,' Larch said. 'I could find more things for you to do here-more important things. Of course, I could also inquire for you about jobs-outside, I mean. Away from here.'
'You want me to go, or do more chores, is that it?'
'I don't want you to do anything you don't want to do. You told me you didn't want to leave, once-and I'll {285} never force you. It's just that I thought you might be looking for a change.'
'You don't like how I read, huh?' Melony asked. 'Is that it?'
'No!' Dr. Larch said. 'I want you to keep reading, but that's only one of the things you might do here.'
'You want me to do what Homer Wells did?'
'Homer did a lot of studying,' Dr. Larch said. 'Perhaps you could assist Nurse Angela and Nurse Edna, and me. Perhaps you'd be interested in just observing-to see if you liked it.'
'I think it's sick,' Melony said.
'You disapprove?' Larch asked, but Melony looked genuinely puzzled.
'What?' she asked.
'You don't believe we should perform the abortions, is that it?' Larch asked. 'You don't believe in terminating a birth, in aborting the fetus?'
Melony shrugged. 'I just think it would make me sick,' she repeated. 'Delivering babies-yuck,' she said. 'And cutting babies out of people-yuck, again.'
Larch was confused. 'But it's not that you think it's wrong?' he asked.
'What's wrong about it?' she asked him. 'I think it's sick. Blood, people leaking stuff out of their bodies – sick,' Melony said. 'It smells bad around here,' she added, meaning the hospital air-the aura of ether, the scent of old blood.
Wilbur Larch stared at Melony and thought., Why, she's just a big child! She's a baby thug!
'I don't want to work around the hospital,' Melony said flatly. 'I'll rake leaves, or something-stuff like that is okay, if you want me to work more, for my food or something.'
'I want you to be happier than you are, Melony,' Dr. Larch said cautiously. He felt miserable for how neglected the creature before him was.
'Happier!' said Melony; she gave a little jump in her {286} chair and the stolen barrette dug into her. 'You must be stupid, or crazy.' Dr. Larch wasn't shocked; he nodded, considering the possibilities.
He heard Mrs. Grogan calling him from the hall outside the dispensary.
'Doctor Larch! Doctor Larch!' she called. 'Wilbur?' she added, which gave Nurse Edna a tremor, because she felt a certain possessiveness regarding the use of that name. 'Mary Agnes has broken her arm!' Larch stared at Melony, who for the first time managed to smile.
'You said this happened “not too long ago”?' Larch asked her.
'I said “pretty recently,” ' Melony admitted.
Larch went into the dispensary, where he examined Mary Agnes's collarbone, which was broken; then he instructed Nurse Angela to prepare the child for X-ray.
'I slipped on the shower room floor,' Mary Agnes moaned. 'It was real wet.'
'Melony!' Dr. Larch called. Melony was hanging around in the hall. 'Melony, would you like to observe how we set a broken bone?' Melony walked into the dispensary, which was a small, crowded area-especially with Nurse Edna and Mrs. Grogan standing there, and with Nurse Angela leading Mary Agnes away for her Xray. Seeing everyone together, Larch realized how old and frail he and his colleagues looked alongside Melony. 'Would you like to participate in the setting of a broken bone, Melony?' Larch asked the sturdy and imposing young woman.
'Nope,' Melony said. 'I got things to do.'She waved the copy of Little Dorrit a trifle threateningly. 'And I gotta look at what I'm gonna read tonight,' she added.
She went back to the girls' division, to her window there, while Dr. Larch set Mary Agnes's collarbone. Melony tried again to comprehend the power of the sun in Marseilles.
The very dust was scorched brown,' she read to herself, 'and something quivered in the atmosphere as if the {287} air itself were panting.' Oh, Sunshine, she thought, why didn't you take me anywhere? It wouldn't have to have been to France, although that would have been nice.
She daydreamed as she read and therefore she missed the transition between the 'universal stare' of the sun in Marseilles and the atmosphere of the prison in the same town. Suddenly, she discovered she was in the prison. 'A prison taint was on everything…' she read. 'Like a well, like a vault, like a tomb, the prison had no knowledge of the brightness outside…' She stopped reading. She left Little Dorrit on her pillow. She stripped a pillowcase off a bed neater than her own, and into the pillowcase she stuffed her canvas bag of toilet articles and some clothes. She also put Jane Eyre in the bag.
In Mrs. Grogan's rather Spartan room, Melony had no difficulty locating Mrs. Grogan's purse-she robbed Mrs. Grogan of her money (there wasn't much), and also took Mrs. Grogan's heavy winter coat (in the summer, the coat would be useful if she had to sleep on the ground). Mrs. Grogan was still at the hospital, worrying about Mary Agnes Cork's collarbone; Melony would have liked to say good-bye to Mrs. Grogan (even after robbing her), but she knew the train schedule by heart -actually, she knew it by ear; the sound of every arrival and departure reached her window.
At the train station she bought a ticket only as far as Livermore Falls. She knew that even the new and stupid young stationmaster would be able to remember that, and he would tell Dr. Larch and Mrs. Grogan that Melony had gone to Livermore Falls. She also knew that once she was on the train she could purchase a ticket to some place much farther away than Livermore Falls. Can I afford Portland? she wondered. It was the coast that she would need to explore, eventually-because, below the Cadillac's gold monogram on that Red Delicious apple, inscribed (also in gold) against the vivid green background of the apple leaf, she had been able to read OCEAN VIEW ORCHARDS. That had to be within {288} sight of the coast, and the Cadillac had a Maine license plate. It mattered not to Melony that there were thousands of miles of coastline in the state of Maine. As her train pulled away from St. Cloud's, Melony said to herself -so vehemently that her breath fogged the window and obscured the abandoned buildings in that forsaken town from her view-'I'm gonna find you, Sunshine.'
Dr. Larch tried to comfort Mrs. Grogan, who said she wished only that she'd had more money for Melony to steal. 'And my coat's not waterproof,' Mrs Grogan complained. 'She should have a real raincoat in this state.'
Dr. Larch tried to reassure Mrs Grogan; he asserted that Melony was not a little girl. 'She's twenty-four or twenty-five,' Larch reminded Mrs. Grogan.
'I think her heart is broken,' said Mrs. Grogan miserably.
Dr. Larch pointed out that Melony had taken Jane Eyre with her; he accepted this as a hopeful sign- wherever Melony went, she would not be without guidance, she would not be without love, without faith; she had a good book with her. If only she'll keep reading it, and reading it, Larch thought.
The book that Melony had left behind was a puzzle to both Mrs. Grogan and Dr. Larch. They read the dedication to Homer 'Sunshine' Wells, which touched Mrs. Grogan deeply.
Neither of them had any luck reading Little Dorrit, either. Mrs. Grogan never would get to the Villainous' prison; the staring sun in Marseilles outstared her, it was too powerfully blinding. Dr. Larch, who-in the absence of Homer Wells and Melony-resumed his responsibilities as the nightly reader to both the boys' and the girls' divisions, attempted to read Little Dorrii to the girls; wasn't the main character a girl? But the contrast between the scorched air in the Marseilles sun and the tainted air in the Marseilles prison created such a powerful sleeplessness among the girls that Larch was relieved {289} to give up on the book in Chapter Three, which had an unfortunate title, for orphans: 'Home.' He began the description of London on a Sunday evening-hounded by church bells.
'Melancholy streets, in a penitential garb of soot,' read Dr. Larch, and then he stopped; we need no more melancholy here, he thought.
'Wouldn't we rather wait, and read Jane Eyre again?' Dr. Larch asked; the girls nodded eagerly.
Knowing that the beautiful boy with the face of a benefactor must have a mother with the heart for benefiting those who existed in (as she had written herself) 'less fortunate circumstances,' Dr. Larch wrote Olive Worthington.
My Dear Mrs. Worthington,
Here in St. Cloud's, we depend on our few luxuries and imagine (and pray) they will last forever. If you would be so kind, please tell Homer that his friend Melony has left us-her whereabouts are unknown- and that she took with her our only copy oljane Eyre. The orphans in the girls' division were accustomed to hearing this book read aloud-in fact, Homer used to read to them. If Homer could discover a replacement copy, the little girls and I would remain in his debt. In other parts of the world, there are bookshops…
Thus, Larch knew, he had accomplished two things. Olive Worthington herself would send him a replacement Jane Eyre (he doubted very much that it would be a secondhand copy), and Homer would receive the important message: Melony was out. She was loose in the world. Larch thought that Homer should know this, that he might want to keep an eye open for her,
As for Little Dorrit, Nurse Edna read Melony's inscription and wept. She was not a big reader, Edna; she penetrated no farther than the inscription. Nurse Angela had already been defeated by Dickens; she blinked once, {290} briefly, at the sun in Marseilles and failed to turn the page.
For years Candy's unread copy would rest in Nurse Angela's office; those nervously awaiting interviews with Dr. Larch would pick up Little Dorrit as they would pick up a magazine-restlessly, inattentively. Larch rarely kept anyone waiting past the first glare of the sun. And most preferred to scan the odd assortment of catalogues. The seeds, the fishing equipment, the stupendous undergarments -the latter modeled in an otherworldly way: on those headless, legless, armless stumps that were the period's version of the standard dressmaker's dummy.
'In other parts of the world,' Dr. Larch began once,'they have nursing bras.' But this thought led him nowhere; it fell as a fragment into the many, many pages of A Brief History of St. Cloud's.
Little Dorrit seemed condemned to an unread life. Even Candy, who replaced her stolen copy (and always wondered what happened to it), would never finish the book, although it was required reading for her class. She, too, could not navigate past the sun's initial assault on her senses; she suspected her difficulty with the book arose from its power to remind her of her discomfort on the long journey to and from St. Cloud's-and of what had happened to her there.
She would especially remember the ride back to the coast-how she'd stretched out in the back seat, with only the dash lights of the Cadillac and the glowing ash end of Wally's cigarette shining bright but small in the surrounding darkness. The tires of the big car hummed soothingly; she was grateful for Homer's presence because she didn't have to talk to-or listen to-Wally. She couldn't even hear what Wally and Homer were saying to each other. 'Life stories,' Wally would say to her later. 'That kid's had quite a life, but I should let him tell you.'
The drone of their conversation was as rhythmic as the tire song, but-as weary as she was-she couldn't {291} sleep. She thought about how much she was bleeding- maybe more than she should be, she worried. Between St. Cloud's and the coast, she asked Wally three limes to stop the car. She kept checking her bleeding and changing the pad; Dr. Larch had given her quite a few pads -but would there be enough, and how much bleeding was too much? She looked at the back of Homer's head. If it's worse tomorrow, or as bad the next day, she thought, I'll have to ask him.
When Wally went to the men's room and left them alone in the car, Homer spoke to her, but he didn't turn around. 'You're probably having cramps, about as bad as you get with your period,' he said. 'You're probably bleeding, but not like you bleed during your period- nothing near what it is, at your heaviest time. If the stains on the pad are only two or three inches in diameter, that's okay. It's expected.'
'Thank you,' Candy whispered.
'The bleeding should taper off tomorrow, and get much lighter the next day. If you're worried, you should ask me,' he said.
'Okay,' Candy said. She felt so strange: that a boy her own age should know this much about her.
'I've never seen a lobster,' said Homer Wells, to change the subject-to allow her to be the authority.
Then you've never eaten one, either,' Candy said cheerfully.
'I don't know if I want to eat something I've never seen,' Homer said, and Candy laughed. She was laughing when Wally got back in the car.
'We're talking about lobsters,' Homer explained.
'Oh, they're hilarious,' Wally said, and all three of them laughed.
'Wait till you see one!' Candy said to Homer. 'He's never seen one!' she told Wally.
'They're even funnier when you see them,' Wally said. Candy's laughter hurt her; she stopped very suddenly, but Homer laughed more. 'And wait till they try to talk {292} to you,' Wally added. 'Lobsters really break me up, every time they try to talk.'
When he and Wally stopped laughing, Homer said, Tve never seen the ocean, you know.'
'Candy, did you hear that?' Wally asked, but Candy had released herself with her brief laughter; she was sound asleep. 'You've never seen the ocean?' Wally asked Homer.
'That's right,' said Homer Wells.
'That's not funny,' said Wally seriously.
'Right,'Homer said.
A little later, Wally said, 'You want to drive for a while?'
'I don't know how to drive,' Homer said.
'Really?' Wally asked. And later still-it was almost midnight-Wally asked, 'Uh, have you ever been with a girl-made love to one, you know?' But Homer Wells had also felt released: he had laughed out loud with his new friends. The young but veteran insomniac had fallen asleep. Would Wally have been surprised to know that Homer hadn't laughed out loud with friends before, either? And possibly Homer would have had difficulty characterizing his relationship with Melony as a relationship based on making love.
What a new sense of security Homer had felt in that moment of laughter with friends in the enclosed dark of the moving car, and what a sense of freedom the car itself gave to him-its seemingly effortless journeying was a wonder to Homer Wells, for whom the idea of motion (not to mention the sense of change) was accomplished only rarely and only with enormous strife.
'Candy?' Wally whispered. And a little later, he whispered, 'Homer?' He rather liked the idea of steering these two through the blackened world, of being their guide through the night, and their protector from whatever lay just beyond the headlights' reach.
'Well, buddy,' Wally said to the sleeping Homer Wells, 'it's high time you had some fun.' {293}
Wilbur Larch, almost a month later-still waiting to hear from Homer Wells and too proud to write the first letter-wondered about the 'fun' Homer was having. Swimming lessons! he thought. What does one wear for swimming in a heated pool? How do they heat the pool, and how much do they heat it?
In 194-, the pool at the Haven Club was the first heated swimming pool in Maine. Although Raymond Kendall thought it was ridiculous to heat water for purposes other than cooking and bathing, he had invented the heating system for the Haven Club pool. It was just an exercise in mechanics for Ray.
'If you learn to swim in the ocean,' Ray told Homer, 'you'll learn the proper response for a body to make to all that water.'
'But you don't know how to swim, Daddy,' Candy said.
'That's what I mean,' Ray said, winking at Homer Wells. 'You set foot in the ocean, or fall in, you'll have enough sense never to set foot in it again-it's too cold!'
Homer liked Candy's father, perhaps because surgery is the mechanics of medicine and Homer's early training had been surgical. He made instant identification with the machinery with which Ray Kendall worked, both the apple farm equipment and the mechanisms for hauling the lobsters and keeping them alive.
Contrary to Wally's promise to him regarding the humor of lobsters, Homer was unamused by his first look at the creatures. They crammed the tank in Ray Kendall's lobster pound, crawling over each other, their claws pegged shut so that they wielded them underwater like ineffective clubs. Homer knew he had seen a good reason for learning how to swim. If one ever fell in the sea, one wouldn't want to fall to the bottom where these creatures lived. It was some while before Homer learned that the lobsters did not cover the ocean's floor in such density as they occupied the tank. The first question that leaped to his mind did not concern how a lobster ate or {294} how it multiplied-but why it lived at all.
'There's got to be something that picks up what's lying around,' Ray Kendall advised Homer.
'It's the garbage monster of the ocean's floor,' Wally said laughing-he always laughed when he discussed lobsters.
The sea gull cleans up the shore,' Ray Kendall said. 'The lobster cleans up the bottom.'
'Lobsters and sea gulls,' Candy said, 'they take what's left over.'
Wilbur Larch might have observed that they were given the orphan's share. This occurred to Homer Wells, who discovered he could spend time watching lobsters,; with dread, and sea gulls, with pleasure-while watch-; ing both with awe and respect.
Years later, when she became the proud owner of the first TV set in Heart's Rock, Olive Worthington would say that Homer Wells was the only person who ever pulled up a chair and sat down in front of the tank in Ray Kendall's lobster pound 'as if he were watching the news on television.'
Homer pulled lobster pots with Candy's father on Sun-; days-not for money but to be out on the water and to be around Ray. Six days a week Homer worked with Wally in the orchards. The ocean was visible from only one of Ocean View's several orchards but the presence of the sea was felt throughout the farm, especially in the early morning fog, and when a sea breeze freshened the summer heat-and because of the sea gulls who circled inland and occasionally perched in the trees. They were more partial to blueberries than to apples but their presence was an irritation to Olive, who from her early years among the clams had no love for the raucous birds, and who fought with the gulls over the small plot of blueberries she was cultivating-the blueberries were protected with low-hung nets, but the gulls and the crows were smart enough to walk under the nets.
Among orphans, thought Homer Wells, sea gulls are {295} superior to crows-not in intelligence or in personality, he observed, but in the freedom they possess and cherish. It was in looking at sea gulls that it first occurred to Homer Wells that he was free.
Wilbur Larch knew that freedom was an orphan's most dangerous illusion, and when he finally heard from Homer, he scanned the oddly formal letter, which was disappointing in its lack of detail. Regarding illusions, and all the rest, there was simply no evidence.
'I am learning to swim,' wrote Homer Wells. (I know! I know! Tell me about it! thought Wilbur Larch.) 'I do better at driving,' Homer added.
'Mrs Worthirigton is very nice.' (I could have guessed that! thought Wilbur Larch.) 'She knows everything about apples.'
'Candy's father is very nice, too,' Homer Wells wrote to Dr. Larch. 'He takes me out on his lobster boat, and he is teaching rne how an engine works.' (Do you wear a life jacket on the lobster boat? Wilbur Larch wanted to know. You think an engine is so special? I could teach you how the heart works, thought Wilbur Larch-his own heart teaching him about itself, and much more than its function as a muscle.)
'Candy and Wally are wonderful!' Homer wrote. 'I go everywhere with them. I sleep in Wally's room. I wear his clothes. It's great that we're the same size, although he is stronger. Candy and Wally are getting married, one day, and they want to have lots of children.' (Tell me about the swimming lessons, thought Wilbur Larch. Watch out for the swimming lessons.)
'Poor Mr. Worthington-everyone calls him Senior,' Homer wrote. (Ah-ha! thought Wilbur Larch. So something isn't perfect, is it? What's 'poor' about Mr. Worthington?)
He asked Nurse Angela and Nurse Edna what they thought of the name 'Senior.' They agreed it was different.
'It sounds stupid to me,' said Wilbur Larch. {296}
Nurse Angela and Nurse Edna told him he wasn't being fair. The boy had departed with his blessings- more, with his encouragement. They agreed Homer could have written something and sent it sooner than six weeks, but they argued that this indicated only how happy he was-how busy and how glad to be busy, too. And what experience did Homer Wells have with writing letters, or with writing of any kind? they wanted to know.
'You want him to be a doctor, Wilbur,' Nurse Edna said, 'but it's his life.'
'Do you expect him to be a writer, too?' Nurse Angela chimed in.
'And never get married?' Nurse Edna asked dangerously.
I expect him to be of use, thought Wilbur Larch tiredly. And I want him with me; this last wish he knew was unfair. In the dispensary, he rested from the summer heat. All that glass and steel were somehow cooling, and the ether fumes evaporated more slowly in the humidity. He seemed to be traveling both farther away and for longer in his ether dreams now. When he came out of the ether, he seemed to come out of it more slowly. I'm getting older, he repeated to himself.
A beautiful and untouched copy of Jane Eyre arrived from Mrs. Worthington, and Wilbur Larch read more spiritedly to the girls-the newness of the story refreshed him. It even enlivened his weary approach to the sad conclusion to Great Expectations. (He never believed the part about Pip and Estella being happy ever after; he never believed that about anyone.)
A pattern of correspondence slowly developed between Wilbur Larch and Homer Wells. Homer would sketch the barest facts of his life in Heart's Rock and Heart's Haven; he would give Dr. Larch a glimpse, like the far-off visibility of the ocean from the one orchard at Ocean View where sighting the sea was possible. He would send Dr. Larch a page, maybe two pages once a {297} I week or every other week. To this speck on the horizon Dr. Larch would respond with the full orchestration of the written word: questions (which would never be answered) regarding the specificity that was lacking in Homer's last letter ('What precisely is the matter with Mr. Worthington?') and a flood of details concerning the daily grimness of St. Cloud's. As much as Dr. Larch disdained the gossipy instinct of Snowy Meadows for 'keeping up' with the orphanage, Dr. Larch provided Homer Wells with a virtual alumni newsletter and with a calendar of hospital and social events. His letters to Homer Wells were longer than his longest entries in A Brief History of St. Cloud's, and they were written and mailed the day following Dr. Larch's receipt of the most minimal scrawl from Homer.
'You can't expect the boy to keep up with you, Wilbur,' Nurse Edna advised Dr. Larch.
'You can't expect him to compete with you,' Nurse Angela said.
'What the hell is wrong with this Senior Worthington character?' Dr. Larch asked.
'Homer said it was a drinking problem, Wilbur,' Nurse Edna reminded him.
'What do you want to know-the brand of hooch?' Nurse Angela asked.
But what Wilbur Larch expected from his young apprentice was only what he thought he had taught him: clinical analysis, the exact definition of characteristics associated with light, medium, or heavy drinking. Are we talking about a guy who makes a fool out of himself at parties? Wilbur Larch wondered. Or is this something severe and chronic?
Because Homer Wells had never seen a drunk before, he was-at first-even more easily deceived by Senior Worthington's appearance than Senior's immediate family and friends were; and Homer was as ready as they were to accept Senior's deterioration in cognition as the natural result of alcoholism. A man long admired in {298} Heart's Rock and Heart's Haven, especially for the sweetness of his disposition, Senior had become shorttempered, irritable, and even aggressive on occasion. Following the incident with the grasshopper pie, Olive wouldn't allow him to go to the Haven Club without her: Senior had plastered an entire grasshopper pie against the chest of a nice, young lifeguard and needed to be restrained, then, from further smearing the pale-green ingredients on the rump of a nice, young waitress. 'He was showing off,' Senior said of the lifeguard. 'He was just standing there,' he explained.
'And the waitress?' Olive asked. Senior appeared confused and began to cry.
'I thought she was someone else,' he said faintly. Olive had taken him home; Wally had made up to the waitress; it was Candy who had charmed and reassured the lifeguard.
Senior became lost driving to other than routine places; Olive never allowed him to have the car unless Wally or Homer went with him. Eventually, he became lost trying to get to familiar places; Homer had to lead him back to Ocean View from Ray Kendall's lobster pound-even Homer, who was unfamiliar with the network of small roads to and from the coast, could tell that Senior had made a wrong turn.
Senior made terrible mistakes in any complex motor task. While cleaning the carburetor for the Cadillac-a simple job, which Ray Kendall had demonstrated for him many times-Senior inhaled the gas and little carbon particles in the tubes (he sucked in instead of blowing out).
Senior's recent memory was so severely impaired that he wandered for an hour through his own bedroom unable to dress himself; he constantly confused his sock drawer with the drawer for Olive's underwear. One morning he became so enraged at his mistake that he appeared at the breakfast table with each foot tightly tied up in a bra. Normally friendly to Homer and tender {299} to Wally and Olive, he shouted an accusation at Wally-that his own son was wearing his father's socks, which he had taken without his father's permission! – and he ranted at Olive for turning his domicile into a foundling home without asking his permission regarding that.
'You'd be better off at Saint Cloud's than in this house of thieves,' he told Homer.
Upon saying this, Senior Worthington burst into tears and begged Homer's forgiveness; he put his head on Homer's shoulder and wept. 'My brain is sending poison to my heart,' he told Homer, who thought it strange that Senior didn't seem to drink before the late afternoon-yet he appeared to be drunk nearly all the time.
Sometimes it went like this. Senior would not drink for three days-a part of him able to observe that his silliness flourished no less ardently. Yet he would forget to make this point to Olive, or to anyone else, until he'd broken down and had a drink; by the time he remembered to say he had not been drinking, he was drunk. Why do I forget everything? he wondered, and then forgot it.
Yet his long-range memory was quite intact. He sang college songs to Olive (the lines of which she herself was unable to remember), and he sweetly recalled for her the romantic evenings of their courtship; he told Wall y stories of Wally as a baby; he entertained Homer by cheerfully recounting the planting of some of the older-tree orchards, including the lone orchard from which the sea was visible.
'It was where I wanted to build the house, Homer,' Senior said. It was lunchtime. Wally and Homer had been suckering in the orchard: stripping the inner limbs off the tree or any new, sprouting branches (or 'suckers') that are turned inward-the ones not reaching out to the sun. Wally had heard the story; he was distracted; he poured some Coca-Cola on an anthill. Suckering exposes as many of the limbs as possible to the light; it lets the light come through the tree. {300}
'You don't allow an apple tree to grow every which way,' Wally had explained to Homer.
'Like a boy!' Senior had shouted, laughing.
'Olive thought it was too windy for a house here,' Senior told Homer. 'Women are disturbed by the wind more than men are disturbed by it,' Senior confided. That's a fact. Anyway…'he paused. He gestured to the sea, as if it were a far-off audience and he meant to include it by the sweep of his hand. He turned to the apple trees around them…They were a slightly more intimate audience, paying closer attention. 'The wind…' he started to say, and paused again, perhaps waiting for the wind to contribute something. The house…'he started to say.
'You can see this orchard from the second floor of our house. Did you know that?' he asked Homer.
'Right,' Homer said. Wally's room was on the second floor. From Wally's window, he could see the orchard from which the sea was visible, but the sea wasn't visible from Wally's window-or from any other window in the house.
'I called the whole place Ocean View,' Senior explained, 'because I thought the house was going to be here. Right here,' he repeated. He looked down at the foaming Coca-Cola that Wally was slowly pouring onto the anthill.
'You use poison oats and poison corn to kill the mice,' Senior said. 'It stinks.' Wally looked up at him; Homer nodded. 'You scatter the stuff for the field mice, but you i have to find the holes and put it in the tunnels if you want \ to kill the pine mice,'he said.
'We know, Pop,' Wally said softly.
'Field mice are the same as meadow mice,' Senior explained to Homer, who had already been told this.
'Right,' Homer said.
'Meadow mice girdle a tree, and pine mice eat the roots,' Senior recited, from his distant memory.
Wally stopped pouring the Coke on the anthill. He and {301} Homer didn't know why Senior had joined them for their lunch break; they'd been suckering in the ocean orchard all morning, and Senior had just shown up. He was driving the old jeep that didn't have any license plates; it was strictly for driving around the orchards.
'Pop?' Wally asked him. 'What are you doing out here?'
Senior stared blankly at his son. He looked at Homer; he hoped Homer might tell him the answer. He regarded his audience-the apple trees, the far-off ocean.
'I wanted to build the house here, right here,' he said to Wally, 'But your bossy bitch of a have-it-all-her-ownway mother wouldn't let me-she wouldn't let me, the cunt!' he cried. 'Clam-digger cunt, well-digger pussy!' he shouted. He stood up,- he looked disoriented; Wally stood up with him.
'Come on, Pop,' he said. 'I'll drive you home.'
They took Wally's pickup. Homer followed them in the old jeep; it was the vehicle he had learned to drive in after Wally had assured him that he couldn't hurt it.
Alcohol, thought Homer Wells; it sure can destroy you.
Senior had all the other symptoms, too. He was fiftyfive; he looked seventy. He had periods of paranoia, of grandiosity, of confabulation. His few obnoxious traits-which he'd always had-were exaggerated; in his case, nose-picking, for example. He could explore a nostril for an hour; he put boogers on his pants or on the furniture. Olive's vulgar brother, Bucky Bean, claimed that Senior could have been a well-digger. 'The way he roots into his snoot,' Bucky said, I could use him to dig a well.'
The Haven Club's lifeguard, whose chest had received the full force of the grasshopper pie, turned out to be not completely mollified. He objected to Candy giving Homer swimming lessons in the shallow end of the pool in the late afternoon. The pool was crowded then, he complained; swimming lessons were regularly scheduled {302} in the early morning-and he-the lifeguard-regularly administered them-for a fee. He was not convinced that he should be flexible about the matter. Homer worked at Ocean View all day, Candy argued. In the late afternoon, when Wally played tennis after work, was the ideal time for Candy to give Homer instructions.
'Ideal for you,' the lifeguard argued with Candy; he had a crush on her, it was plain. It was one thing to be jealous of Wally Worthington-everyone was-but quite another to have to suffer the attentions Candy Kendall gave to the hard-luck case from St. Cloud's. At the Haven Club-never in Candy's presence, or in the presence of any of the Worthingtons-Homer was referred to not as the foundling or as the orphan, but as 'the hard-luck case from St. Cloud's'-sometimes 'the Worthingtons' hard-luck case' was the way it was put.
Homer said he wouldn't mind practising in the Worthingtons' private pool at Ocean View, but it was nice that he and Candy could be at the Haven Club when Wally finished playing tennis; they could then go off together, to the beach, to Ray Kendall's dock, to wherever. Also, at the Worthingtons' pool there would be Senior to deal with; more and more Olive tried to keep Senior home, away from the Haven Club. She found she could pacify him best by feeding him gin and tonics and keeping him in the pool-floating on a rubber raft. But the real reason it was a bad idea (everyone felt) for Homer to learn to swim in the Worthingtons' wnheated pool was that the cool water might be a shock to his heart.
Olive decided that she would take over Homer's lessons from Candy; she knew that the lifeguard at the Haven Club wouldn't dare to complain to her; she and Candy and Wally agreed that the unheated experience might be too severe for Homer.
'I don't want to be any trouble for you,' Homer said, puzzled and, doubtlessly, disappointed that the hands {303} under his stomach as he paddled back and forth were Olive's and not Candy's. 'It's not too cold for me in your pool, Wally,' Homer said.
'It's harder to learn when it's cold,' Candy said.
'Yes, that's right,' Olive said.
'Well, I want to swim in the ocean, as soon as I learn how,' Homer told them. 'It's a lot colder in the ocean than it is in your pool.'
Oh my, Olive worried. She wrote Dr. Larch about 'the heart problem,' which made Larch feel guilty and slightly trapped. Actually, he wrote to her, cold water doesn't provide the kind of shock he was anxious about; the kind of shock associated with an accident-'for example, a near-drowninG'-was more the kind of shock he felt that Homer must try to avoid.
What lies! Larch thought, but he mailed the letter to Mrs. Worthington anyway, and Olive found that Homer learned to swim very rapidly. 'He must have been right on the verge of picking it up when I took over from you,' she told Candy; but in truth, Homer learned more quickly from Olive because the lessons themselves were not as pleasurable.
With Candy, he might have never learned to swim; at least he could have prolonged it and made the lessons last the rest of the summer.
Homer Wells would have made that summer last the rest of his life if he could have. There was so much about his life at Ocean View that made him happy.
He was not ashamed that he loved the Worthingtons' wall-to-wall carpeting; he'd come from bare wood walls and many layers of linoleum, between which one could feel the sawdust shift underfoot. One couldn't claim that the Worthingtons' walls were hung with art, but Homer had not seen pictures on walls before (except the portrait of the pony woman); even the crowning cuteness of the oil painting of the cat in the flower bed (in W ally's bathroom) appealed to Homer-and the flower-bed wallpaper behind the painting appealed to him, too. What {304} did he know about wallpaper or art? He thought all wallpaper was wonderful.
He felt he would never stop loving Wally's room. What did he know about varsity letters and footballs dipped in liquid gold and inscribed with the score of an important game? And tennis trophies, and old yearbooks and the ticket stubs tucked into the molding of the mirror (from the first movie Wally took Candy to)? What did he know about movies? Wally and Candy took him to one of Maine's first drive-in movies. How could he ever have imagined that? And what did he know about people who came together every day, and worked together, by apparent choice? His fellow workers at Ocean View were a marvel to Homer Wells; at first, he loved them all. He loved Meany Hyde the most, because Meany was so friendly and had such a fondness for explaining how everything was done-even things that Homer-or anyone else-could have seen how to do without being told. Homer especially loved listening to Meany explain the obvious.
He loved Meany Hyde's wife, Florence-and the other women who spent the summer making the apple mart and the cider house ready for the harvest. He loved Big Dot Taft, although the jiggle in the backs of her arms reminded him of Melony (whom he never thought about, not even when he heard that she had left St. Cloud's). He liked Big Dot Taft's kid sister, Debra Pettigrew, who was his own age, and pretty, although there was something determined about her chubbiness that suggested she had the capacity for one day becoming as big as Big Dot.
Big Dot's husband, Everett Taft, showed Homer all about mowing. You mowed the rows between the trees twice a summer; then you raked and hayed the rows; then you baled the hay and sold it to the dairy farm in Kenneth Corners. You used the loose hay for mulch around the younger trees. At Ocean View, everything was used.
Homer liked Ira Titcomb, the beekeeper and the {305} husband of Irene of the wondrous burn scar: it was Ira who explained to Homer about the bees. They like at least sixty-five degrees, no wind, no hail, no frost,' Ira said. 'A bee lives about thirty days and does more work than some men do all their lives-1 ain't sayin' who. All honey is,' said Ira Titcomb, 'is fuel for bees.'
Homer learned that bees prefer dandelions to apple blossoms, which was why you mowed the dandelions down just before you brought the bees into the orchard. He learned why there had to be more than one kind of tree in an orchard, for cross-pollinating-the bees had to carry the pollen from one kind of tree to another. He learned it should be nighttime when you put the hives out in the orchard; at night the bees were asleep and you could close the little screen door at the slat at the bottom of the box that contained the hive; when you carried the hives, the bees woke up but they couldn't get out. The hives were light when they were carried off the flatbed trailer and distributed through the orchards, but they were heavy with honey when they had to be picked up and loaded back on the trailer a week later. Sometimes a hive could be too heavy to lift alone. If the hives were jostled, the bees inside began to hum; you could feel them stirring through the wood. If honey had leaked through the slats, a lone bee might get gobbed up in the leaking honey, and that was the only way you could get stung.
Once when Homer hugged a hive to his chest, and carefully walked it to the flatbed's edge, he felt a vibration against the taut boards containing the hive; even in the cool night air, the boards were warm; the activity of the hive generated heat-like an infection, Homer thought suddenly. He recalled the taut belly of the woman he had saved from convulsions. He thought of the activity in the uterus as producing both a heat and a hardness to the abdomen. How many abdomens had Homer Wells put his hand on before he was twenty? I prefer apple farming, he thought.
At St. Cloud's, growth was unwanted even when it {306} was delivered-and the process of birth was often interrupted. Now he was engaged in the business of growing things. What he loved about the life at Ocean View was how everything was of use and that everything was wanted.
He even thought he loved Vernon Lynch, although he'd been told how Vernon beat his wife and Grace Lynch had a way of looking at Homer that did alarm him. He could not tell from her look if it was need or suspicion or simply curiosity that he saw-Grace gave out the kind of look you go on feeling after you've stopped looking back.
Vernon Lynch showed Homer how to spray. It was appropriate that Vernon Lynch was in charge of the pesticides, of extermination.
'As soon as there's leaves, there's trouble,' Vernon told him. That's in April. You start sprayin' in April and you don't stop till the end of August, when you're ready to start pickin'. You spray every week or ten days. You spray for scab and you spray for insects. We got two sprayers here, one's a Hardie and one's a Bean, and both of them hold five hundred gallons. You wear the respirator because you don't want to breathe the shit, and the respirator don't do you no good if it don't fit tight.' Saying this, Vernon Lynch tightened the respirator around Homer's head: Homer could feel his temples pound. 'If you don't keep washin' out the cloth in the mask, you could choke,' Vernon said. He cupped his hand over Homer's mouth and nose; Homer experienced airlessness. 'And keep your hair covered if you don't want to go bald.' Vernon's hand remained clamped over Homer's mouth and nose. 'And keep the goggles on if you don't want to go blind,' he added. Homer considered struggling, decided to conserve his strength, contemplated fainting, wondered if it was true or just an expression that lungs exploded. 'If you got what they call an open wound, like a cut, and the shit gets in there, you could get sterile,' said Vernon Lynch. 'That means no more {307} nasty hard-ons.' Homer tapped his shoulder and waved to Vernon, as if he were signaling something too complicated to be communicated by normal means. I can't breathe! Hello! I can't breathe! Hello out there!
When Homer's knees started to wobble, Vernon ripped the mask off his face-the head strap raking his ears upward and tangling his hair.
'Got the picture?' Vernon asked.
'Right!' Homer called out, his lungs screaming.
He even liked Herb Fowler. He'd been with Herb less than two minutes when the prophylactic sailed his way and struck him in the forehead. All Meany Hyde had said was, 'Hi, Herb, this here is Homer Wells-he's Wally's pal from Saint Cloud's.' And Herb had flipped the rubber at Homer.
'Wouldn't be so many orphans if more people put these on their joints,' Herb said.
Homer Wells had never seen a prophylactic in a commercial wrapper. The ones that Dr. Larch kepi: at the hospital, and distributed to many of the women, in handfuls, were sealed in something plain and seethrough, like wax paper; no brand names adorned them. Dr. Larch was always complaining that he didn't know where all the rubbers were going, but Homer knew that Melony had helped herself on many occasions. It had been Melony, of course, who had introduced Homer to prophylactics.
Herb Fowler's girlfriend, Louise Tobey, was doubtlessly professional in handling Herb's prophylactics. When Homer touched himself, he thought about Squeeze Louise-he imagined her dexterity with a prophylactic, her fast and nimble fingers, the way she held a paint brush and clenched her teeth, slapping the paint on thick on the apple-mart shelves, blowing a lock of her hair off her forehead with a puff of breath that was bitter with cigarettes.
Homer didn't allow himself to masturbate when Candy was on his mind. He lay not touching himself in {308} Wally's room, with Wally breathing deeply and sleeping peacefully beside him. Whenever Homer did imagine that Candy was sleeping beside him, they were never touching each other intimately-they were just holding tightly to each other in a grip of chaste affection. ('Nothing genital,' as Melony used to say.)
Candy smoked, but she was so mannered and exaggerated that she often dropped her cigarette in her lap, jumping up and furiously brushing away the sparks, always laughing.
'Oh, what a clod!' she'd cry. If so, thought Homer Wells, only when you're smoking.
Louise Tobey wolfed in a cigarette; she sucked in a cloud of smoke and blew so little back, Homer wondered where it went. The older apple-mart women were constant smokers (all except Grace Lynch, who had resolved not to part her lips-not for any reason), but Florence and Irene and Big Dot Taft had been smoking so long, they appeared off-handed about it. Only Debra Pettigrew, Dot's kid sister, smoked with Candy's infrequency and awkwardness. Squeeze Louise smoked with a quick, sure violence that Homer imagined must have been inspired by Herb Fowler's rough-and-ready use of rubbers.
In all of Heart's Rock and Heart's Haven-from the briny gurgle of lobstering life to the chlorine security of the Haven Club pool; from the bustle of the making ready in the apple mart to the work in the fields-there was nothing that caused Homer a single, sharp reminder of St. Cloud's, nothing until the first rainy day, when they sent him, with a small crew of scrubbers and painters, to the cider house.
Nothing about the building, from the outside, prepared him. On or in various farm vehicles, he had lumbered past it often-a long, thin, one-story, shed-roofed building in the shape of an arm held at a right angle; in the elbow of the building, where there was a double-door entrance, were the cider mill and the press (the grinder, {309} the pump, the pump engine and the grinder engine, and the thousand-gallon tank).
One wing of the building was studded with refrigeration units; it was a cold-storage room for the cider. In the other wing was a small kitchen, beyond which were extended two long rows of iron hospital-style beds, each with its own blanket and pillow. Mattresses were rolled neatly on each of the more than twenty beds. Sometimes a blanket on wire runners enclosed a bed, or a section of beds, in the semi-privacy that Homer Wells associated with a hospital ward. Unpainted plywood shelves between the beds formed primitive but stable wardrobe closets, which contained those twisted, gooses-necked reading lamps wherever there was the occasional electrical outlet. The furniture was shabby but neat, as if rescued or rejected from hospitals and offices where it had been exposed to relentless but considerate use.
This wing of the cider house had the functional economy of a military barracks, but it had too many personal touches to be institutional. There were curtains, for example, and Homer could tell that they would have been adequate, if faded, at the Worthingtons' diningroom windows-which was where they'd come from. Homer also recognized a particularly exaggerated peacefulness in a few of the flowery landscape paintings and animal portraits that were hung on the plasterboard walls-in such unlikely places (at times, too high; at times, too low) that Homer was sure they'd been hung to hide holes. Maybe boot holes, maybe fist holes, perhaps whole-head holes; there seemed to Homer Wells to radiate from the room a kind of dormitory anger and apprehension he recognized from his nearly twenty years in the boys' division at St. Cloud's.
'What is this place?' he asked Meany Hyde, the rain pelting on the tin roof above them.
'The cider house,' said Meany.
'But who sleeps here-who stays here? Do people live here?' Homer asked. It was remarkably clean, yet the {310} atmosphere of use was so prevalent, Homer was reminded of the old bunkrooms in St. Cloud's where the woodsmen and sawyers had dreamed out their exhausted lives.
'It's crew quarters, for the pickers,' Meany Hyde said. 'Durin' the harvest, the pickers stay here-the migrants.'
'It's for the colored folks,' said Big Dot Taft, plopping down the mops and pails. 'Every year, we make it nice for them. We wash everythin' and we give everythin' a fresh coat of paint.'
'I gotta wax the press boards,' Meany Hyde said, sliding away from what he thought was the women's work -although Homer and Wally would perform it regularly most rainy days of the summer.
'Negroes?' Homer Wells asked. 'The pickers are Negroes?'
'Black as night, some of them,' said Florence Hyde. 'They're okay.'
'They're nice!' called Meany Hyde.
'Some of them are nicer than others,' said Big Dot Taft.
'Like other people I know,' Irene Titcomb said, giggling, hiding her scar.
'They're nice because Mrs. Worthington is nice to them!' Meany Hyde yelled from the spattered vicinity of the cider press.
The building smelled like vinegar-old cider that had turned. It was a strong smell, but there was nothing stifling or unclean about it.
Debra Pettigrew smiled at Homer over the bucket they were sharing; he cautiously returned her smile while wondering where Wally was working today, in the rain, and imagining Ray Kendall at work. Ray would either be out on the choppy sea in his glistening sou'wester or else working on the wiring of the International Harvester in the building called Number Two.
Grace Lynch was scrubbing the linoleum counters in the kitchen of the cider house; Homer marveled that he had not noticed her there before, that he hadn't even {311} known she was part of their crew. Louise Tobey, sucking a cigarette down to its nub and flicking the butt out the picking crew-quarters' door, remarked that her mop wringer was 'out of joint.'
'It's jammed, or somethin',' Squeeze Louise said crossly.
'Louise's mop wringer is out of joint,' Big Dot Taft said mockingly.
'Poor Louise-jammed your mop wringer, huh?' said Florence Hyde, who laughed, which caused Big Dot Taft to roar.
'Oh, cut it out!' Louise said. She kicked her mop wringer.
'What's going on out there?' called Meany Hyde.
'Louise has got an overworked wringer! said Big Dot Taft. Homer looked at Louise, who was cross; then he looked at Debra Pettigrew, who blushed.
'Are you overusin' your poor wringer, Louise?' Irene Titcomb asked.
'Louise, you must be stickin' too many mops in your wringer, darlin',' said Florence Hyde.
'Be nice, all of you!' cried Meany Hyde.
'Too much of one mop, that's for sure,' said Big Dot Taft. Elven Louise found that funny. When she looked at Homer Wells, he looked away; Debra Pettigrew was watching him, so he looked away from her, too.
When Herb Fowler came by, at the lunch break, he walked into the cider house and said, 'Whew! You can smell niggers in here a whole year later.'
'I think it's just vinegar,' Meany Hyde said.
'You tellin' me you can't smell niggers?' Herb Fowler asked. 'You smell 'em?' Herb asked Louise. She shrugged. 'How about you?' Herb asked Homer. 'Can't you smell 'em?'
'I can smell vinegar, old apples, old cider,' Homer said.
He saw the rubber sailing toward him in time to catch it.
'You know what niggers do with those?' Herb asked him. He flipped another rubber to Louise Tobey, who {312} caught it without the slightest effort-she expected prophylactics to be flying in her direction hourly. 'Show him what a nigger does with it, Louise,' Herb said. The other women were bored; they'd seen this demonstration all their lives; Debra Pettigrew looked nervously at Homer Wells and deliberately away from Louise; Louise herself seemed nervous and bored at the same time. She ripped the rubber out of its wrapper and stuck her index finger in it-her fingernail poked out the rubber, her nail's fine edge next to the nipplelike end.
'One year I told the niggers that they should just stick their joints into these rubbers if they didn't want to be catchin' diseases or havin' any new babies,' Herb said. He grabbed Louise's finger in the rubber sheath and held it out for everyone to see. 'And the next year, all the niggers told me that the rubbers didn't work. They said they stuck their fingers in there, like I showed 'em, and they still got diseases and new babies every time they turned around!'
No one laughed; no one believed it; it was an old joke to all of them, except to Homer Wells; and the idea of people having babies every time they turned around was not especially funny to Homer.
When Herb Fowler offered to drive them all to the diner on Drinkwater Road for a hot lunch, Homer said he didn't want to go; Mrs. Worthington made his lunch, and Wally's, every morning, and Homer felt obliged to eat his-he always enjoyed it. He also knew the crew was not supposed to leave the orchards for a lunch break, especially not in any of the Ocean View vehicles, and Herb Fowler was driving the green van that Olive used most often. It wasn't a hard rule, but Homer knew that if Wally had been working in the cider house Herb wouldn't have suggested it.
Homer ate his lunch, appropriately, in the cider house kitchen; when he glanced into the long room with the two rows of narrow beds, he thought how much the rolled mattresses and blankets resembled people sleeping {313} there-except the shapes upon the iron beds were too still to be sleepers. They are like bodies waiting to be identified, thought Homer Wells.
Even though it was raining, he went outside to look at the collection of dead cars and junked tractor-and-trailer parts that festooned the dirt driveway in front of the cider house. In the back was a churned-up area of discolored weeds where the mash, or the pornace, was flung after the press. A pig farmer from Waldoboro drove all the way just to have it, Meany Hyde had told Homer; the mash was great for pigs.
Some of the dead cars had South Carolina plates. Homer Wells had never looked at a map of the United States; he had seen a globe, but it was crude one-the states weren't marked. He knew South Carolina was; a long way south; the Negroes came from there in trucks, Meany Hyde had said, or they drove their own oars, but some of their cars were so old and beaten up that they died here; Meany wasn't sure how all the Negroes got back to South Carolina.
'They pick grapefruits down in Florida, I think,' Meany said, 'and peaches when it's peach time somewhere else, and apples here. They travel around, just pickin'things.'
Homer watched a sea gull that was watching him from the roof of the cider house; the gull was so drawn in upon itself that Homer was reminded it was raining arid went back inside.
He rolled down one of the mattresses and stretched out on it, placing both the pillow and the blanket under his head. Something invited him to smell the blanket and the pillow, but he could detect nothing more than the aura of vinegar and a scent he categorized as simply old. The blanket and pillow felt more human than they:;melled, but the deeper he pushed his face into them, the more human their smell became. He thought about the strain on Louise Tobey's face, and how her finger had stretched itself out in the rubber, and the way her nail had looked {314} ready to slice through. He recalled the mattress in the sawyers' lodge in St. Cloud's, where Melony had introduced him to the way he felt now. He took himself out of his work jeans and masturbated quickly, the springs of the old iron bed creaking sharply. Something in his vision seemed clearer after he had finished. When he sat up on the bed, he spotted the other body that had taken the liberty of resting in the cider house. Even with her body curled so tightly in upon itself-like the gull in the rain or like a fetus or like a woman with cramps-Homer had no trouble recognizing Grace Lynch.
Even if she hadn't been watching him, even if she'd never been turned in his direction, she surely could not have mistaken the rhythm of the old bed springs-or even, Homer thought, the detectable sharpness of the odor of the semen he cupped in his hand. He stepped quietly outdoors and held his hand out in the rain. The sea gull, still huddled on the cider house roof, took a sudden interest in him-there was a history of successful scavenging associated with this place. When Homer went back in the cider house, he saw that Grace Lynch had fixed her mattress the way it had been and was standing by the window with her face pressed into the curtain. You had to look twice to see Grace Lynch; he wouldn't have seen her standing there if he hadn't already known she was in the room.
'I been there,' Grace Lynch said softly, without looking at Homer. 'Where you come from,' she explained. 'I been there-I don't know how you managed a night's sleep.'
Her thinness was especially sharp, even knifelike in what dead, gray light the rainy day provided at that window; she drew the faded curtain around her narrow shoulders like a shawl. She wouldn't look at Homer Wells, and nothing in her brittle, shivering stance could have been interpreted as beckoning, yet Homer felt himself drawn to her-in the way we are urged, especially in gloomy weather, to seek the familiar. In St. Cloud's, {315} one grew accustomed to victims, and the attitude of a victim shone stronger than reflected sunlight from Grace Lynch. Homer felt such a contradictory glow shining forth from her that he was impelled to go to her and hold her limp, damp hands.
'Funny,' she whispered, still not looking at him. 'It was so awful there., I felt real safe.' She put her head on his chest and stuck her sharp knee between his legs, twisting her bony hip into him. 'Not like here,' she whispered. 'It's dangerous here.' Her thin bony hand slipped into his pants, as skittish as a lizard.
The noisy arrival of the green van containing the escapees-to a hot lunch-saved him. Like a startled cat, Grace sprang crazily away from him, When they all came through the door, she was digging the grit from a seam in the linoleum on the kitchen counter-using a wire brush that Homer hadn't noticed she'd had in her hip pocket. Like so much of Grace Lynch, it had been concealed. But the tension in the look she gave him at quitting time-when he rode back to the apple mart on Big Dot Taft's jolly lap-was enough to tell Homer Wells that whatever was 'dangerous' had not deserted Grace Lynch and that he could travel far but never so far that the victims of St. Cloud's would ever desert him.
The night after Grace Lynch attacked him, Homer had his first date with Debra Pettigrew; it was also the first time he went to the drive-in movie with Candy and Wally. They all went in Senior's Cadillac. Homer and Debra Pettigrew sat in the splotched back seat where only a couple of months ago poor Curly Day had lost control of himself; Homer was unaware that the purpose of drive-in movies was, ultimately, for losing control of oneself in the back seats of cars.
'Homer's never been to a drive-in before,' Wally announced to Debra Pettigrew when they picked her up. The Pettigrews were a large family who kept dogs-many {316} dogs, mostly chained; some were chained to the bumpers of the several undriven, believed-to-be-dead cars that so permanently occupied the front lawn that the grass grew through the drive shafts and the axle bearings. As Homer stepped gingerly around the snapping dogs en route to Debra's front door, the dogs lunged against the unbudging cars.
The Pettigrews were a large family in both numbers and in flesh; Debra's fetching chubbiness was but a slight reminder of the family's potential for girth. At the door, Debra's mother greeted Homer massively-she of the monstrous genes responsible for the likes of Debra's sister, Big Dot Taft.
'De-BRA!' shrieked Debra's mother. 'It's your BEAU! Hi, sweetie-pie,' she said to Homer. 'I've heard all about how nice you are, and what good manners you've got- please excuse the mess.' Debra, blushing beside her, tried to hurry Homer outside as forcefully as her mother wished to usher him in. He glimpsed several huge people -some with remarkably swollen faces, as if they'd lived half their lives underwater or had survived incredible beatings; all with wide, friendly smiles, which contradicted the untold viciousness of the dogs barking in such a frenzy at Homer's back.
'We have to go, Mom,' Debra whined, shoving Homer out the door. 'We can't be late.'
'Late for what?' someone cackled from the house, which shook with heavy laughter; coughs followed, which were followed by labored sighing before the dogs erupted in such force that Homer thought the noise of them would be sufficient to keep him and Debra from ever reaching the Cadillac.
'Shut up!' Debra yelled at the dogs. They all stopped, but only for a second.
When Wally said, 'Homer's never been to a drive-in before,' he had to shout to be heard over the dogs.
'I've never been to a movie before,' Homer admitted.
'Gosh,' said Debra Pettigrew. She smelled nice; she {317} was much neater and cleaner than she looked in her apple-mart clothes; Debra dressed with a certain pert orderliness for working, too. Her chubbiness was restrained, and as they drove to Cape Kenneth, her usual good nature emerged so warmly that even her shyness disappeared-she was a fun girl, as they say in Maine. She was nice-looking, relaxed, good-humored, hardworking and not very smart. Her prospects, at best, included marriage to someone pleasant and not a great deal older or smarter than herself.
In the summers, the Pettigrews occupied one of the new houses on the overcrowded, mucky shore of Drinkwater Lake; they'd managed to make the new place look lived-in-on its rapid way to ramshackle-almost instantly. The lawn had appeared to grow its dead cars overnight, and the dogs had survived the move from the Pettigrews' winter house in Kenneth Corners without losing a bit of their territorial savagery. Like all the cottages around Drinkwater Lake, the Pettigrews' had been named-as if the houses themselves were orphans, delivered incomplete and in need of further creation. The Pettigrews' house was named 'All of Us!'
'The exclamation point is what kills me,' Wally had said to Homer when they pulled up at the car-and-dog lot. 'As if they're proud of their overpopulation.' But Wally was very respectful once Debra joined them in the car.
This mannerism of what he'd seen of society struck Homer Wells quite forcefully; people, even nice people -because surely, Wally was nice-would say a host of critical things about someone to whom they would then be perfectly pleasant. At St. Cloud's, criticism was plainer-and harder, if not impossible, to conceal.
The drive-in movie in Cape Kenneth was nearly as new to Maine as the Haven Club's heated pool and was a lot less practical. Drive-in movies would never be a great idea for Maine; the night fog along the coast lent to many {318} a joyful film the inappropriately ghoulish atmosphere of a horror movie. In later years, people groping for rest rooms and the snack bar would fail to find their cars when they attempted to return to them.
The other problem was mosquitoes. In 194-, when Homer Wells went to his first drive-in movie, the hum of the mosquitoes in the night air of Cape Kenneth was far more audible than the sound track. Wally was relatively successful in preventing the mosquitoes from taking over the. car because he always brought with him an aerosol pump sprayer with which he frequently doused the car -and the air surrounding the cars. The pump can was loaded with the insecticide they sprayed the apples with. Thus the air in and surrounding the Cadillac was rendered poisonous and foul but fairly free of mosquitoes. The hiss and stench of the spray aroused frequent complaints from Wally's fellow moviegoers in the cars nearest the Cadillac-until they were being bitten so badly by mosquitoes that they stopped protesting; some of them politely asked if they could borrow the device for the purpose of poisoning their own cars.
There was no snack bar at the Cape Kenneth drive-in in 194-, and there were no rest rooms. The men and boys took turns urinating against a dank cement wall at the rear of the drive-in pit; atop the wall were perched several small and uncouth boys (Cape Kenneth locals, too young or too poor for cars), who used the wall to watch the movie even though they were well beyond the possibility of hearing it. Occasionally, when the movie was dissatisfying, they peed from the top of the wall onto the luckless people who were peeing against it.
Girls and women were not expected to pee at the drive-in, and consequently were better behaved than the men and boys-the women drank less, for example, although their behavior inside the cars could not be monitored.
It was wondrous-this whole experience-for Homer Wells. He was especially acute at noticing what human {319} beings did for pleasure-what (there could be no mistake about it) they chose to do-because he had come from a place where choice was not so evident, and examples of people performing for pleasure were not plentiful. It amazed him that people suffered drive-in movies by choice, and for pleasure; but he believed that, if he failed to see the fun in it, it was entirely his failure.
What he was most unprepared for was the movie itself. After people honked their horns and blinked their headlights and exhibited other less endearing forms of impatience – heard what was, unmistakably, the sound of someone vomiting against a fender-a gigantic image filled the sky. It is something's mouth! thought Homer Wells. The camera backed, or rather, lurched away. Something's head-a kind of horse! thought Homer Wells. It was a camel, actually, but Homer Wells had never seen a camel, or a picture of one; he thought it was a horribly deformed horse-a mutant horse! Perhaps some ghastly fetus-phase of a horse! The camera staggered back farther. Mounted by the camel's grotesque hump was a black-skinned man almost entirely concealed in white wrapping-bandages! thought Homer Wells. The ferocious black Arab nomad brandished a frightening curved sword; whacking the lumbering camel with the flat of the blade, he drove the beast into a faulty, staggering gallop across such endless sand dunes that the animal and its rider were soon only a speck on the vast horizon. Suddenly, music! Homer jumped. Words! The titles, the names of the actors were written in the sand by an invisible hand.
'What was that?' Homer asked Wally. He meant: the animal, its rider, the desert, the credits-everything!
'Some dumb Bedouin. I think,' Wally said.
A Bedouin? thought Homer Wells.
'It's a kind of horse?' he asked.
'What horse?' asked Debra Pettigrew.
'The animal,' Homer said, sensing his mistake.
Candy turned around in the front seat and looked at {320} Homer with heartbreaking affection. That's a camel, Homer,' she said.
'You've never seen a camel!' Wally shouted.
'Well, where would he see a camel?' Candy snapped at him.
'I was just surprised,' Wally said defensively.
'I've never seen a Negro, either,' Homer said. 'That was one, wasn't it?-on the camel.'
'A Negro Bedouin, I guess,' Wally said.
'Gosh,' said Debra Pettigrew, who looked at Homer a little fearfully, as if she suspected him of simultaneously existing on another planet, in another life-form.
Then the credits were over. The black man on the camel was gone and would never be seen again. The desert was also gone; apparently, it had served its uncertain function-it would never be seen again, either. It was a pirate movie. Great ships were blasting each other with cannons; swarthy men with uncut hair and baggy pants were doing terrible things to nicer-looking men, who were better-dressed. None of the men was black. Perhaps the camel's rider had been a kind of omen, thought Homer Wells. His exposure to storytelling, through Charles Dickens and Charlotte Bronte, had ill prepared him for characters who came from and traveled nowhere-or for stories that made no sense.
The pirates stole a chest of coins and a blond woman from the ship of pleasanter aspect before they sank the ship and sailed away in their own foul vessel, on which they coarsely attempted to make merry with drunkenness and song. They appeared to enjoy leering at the woman, and taunting her, but some mysterious and totally unseen force kept them from actually harming her-for a whole hour, during which they harmed nearly everyone else and many of themselves. The woman, however, was reserved for more teasing, yet she protested her fate bitterly, and Homer had the feeling that he was supposed to lament for her.
A man who apparently adored the complaining {321} woman pursued her across the ocean, through burning harbor towns and charmless inns of suggested but never visualized lewdness. As the fog rolled in, there was much of the movie that was never visualized, although Homer remained riveted to the image in the sky. He was only partially aware that Wally and Candy were uninterested in the movie; they had slumped from sight in the front seat and only occasionally did Candy's hand appear, gripping-or lolling on-the back of the seat. Twice Homer heard her say, 'No, Wally,' once with a firmness he had never heard in her voice before. W ally's frequent laughter continued at intervals, and he whispered and murmured and gurgled in his throat.
Homer was occasionally aware of Debra Pettigrew being less interested in the pirate movie than he was; when he looked at her, he was surprised to find her looking at him. Not critically but not very affectionately either. She appeared to be more and more amazed to see him, as the picture went on and on. Once she touched his hand; he thought she wanted something, and regarded her politely. She just stared at him; he looked back at the movie.
The blond woman was forever barring her door against her captors, and they were always breaking into her room despite her efforts; they seemed to break into her room for the single purpose of demonstrating to her that she couldn't bar them out. Once in the room, they taunted her in the usual fashion and then retreated-whereupon she attempted to bar their way again.
'I think I've missed something,' Homer Wells announced after more than an hour had passed. Candy sat up in the front seat and looked at him, her genuine concern quite apparent despite the wild tangle her hair was in.
'What have you missed?' Wally asked-sleepily, Homer thought.
Debra Pettigrew, prettily, leaned close to Homer and {322} whispered in his ear. 'I think you've missed me,' she said. 'I think you've forgotten I'm here.'
Homer had meant he'd missed something in the story; he stared at Debra in a particularly uncomprehending way. Debra kissed him, very neatly-very dryly-on his mouth. She sat back in the seat and smiled at him.
'Your turn,' she said.
Wally, at this moment, opened the front door and sprayed lethal fumes all around the Cadillac-much of the stuff drifting back through the open door. Candy and Wally, and Debra, too, coughed in a very dramatic fashion, but Homer stared at Debra Pettigrew-the idea of the drive-in movie slowly coming to him.
He cautiously kissed Debra on her dry little mouth. She kissed him back. He settled himself more comfortably beside her, and she put her head on his shoulder, one hand on his chest. He put one hand on her chest, but she pushed it away. He knew he was still missing something, but he proceeded, tentatively, to discover the rules. He kissed her neck; this was acceptable-she snuggled against his neck and something new and daring (and wet) licked him at the throat (her tongue!); Homer permitted his tongue to venture into the poisoned air. He took a moment, contemplating the uses of his tongue; he decided to kiss her on her mouth and to suggest, gently, the application of his tongue there, but this was somewhat tensely rejected-her own tongue pushed his away; her teeth blocked further entry.
He was beginning to see it was a yes-no set of rules he had encountered; he was permitted to rub her tummy, but not to touch her breasts. The hand on her hips was allowed to remain there; the hand on her thigh, in her lap, was moved on. She put her arms around him and hugged him; her kisses were friendly and sweet; he began to feel like a well-treated pet-certainly better treated than most of the Pettigrew dogs.
'No!' Candy said, so loudly that both Homer and Debra Pettigrew flinched; then Debra giggled and {323} cuddled against him. By straining his neck and rolling his eyes toward the back of his head, Homer Wells could manage to see the movie.
At last, the tireless lover had tracked the blond woman to yet another place of bondage; the stupid woman had barred herself in again, but this time she was attempting to keep herself untouched by her rescuer. It was quite frustrating to watch him hack and flail at her door.
From one of the cars in the hazardous fog around them, someone yelled, 'Leave her!' Another person cried, 'Kill her!' All Homer felt sure of was that no one would ever fuck her-she seemed protected from both sex and death by something as shifty as the Cape Kenneth fog- nor would any of them in the Cadillac pursue much adventure beyond the pleasure afforded to cherished household pets.
This feeling caused Homer to remember the affection Dr. Larch had for him-and Nurse Edna and Nurse Angela had for him, too. When the movie was over, he realized he was crying; he realized that although he loved where he was, he loved Dr. Larch more than anyone else-at this point in his life, he still loved Larch more than he loved Candy-and he realized that he missed Larch, too-while at the same time he hoped he would never again set foot in St. Cloud's.
It was an overwhelming confusion that inspired his weeping, but Debra Pettigrew mistook the cause; she thought the movie had moved him to tears.
'There, there,' she said in a mothering tone, hugging him. Candy and Wally leaned over the front seat. Candy touched his head.
'It's okay. You can cry. I cry at lots of movies,' she said.
Even Wally was deeply respectful. 'Hey, buddy,' he said. 'We know this must all be a shock to you.' His poor heart, sweet Wally was thinking. You dear boy, Candy thought, please watch out for your heart. She put her cheek against Homer's cheek and kissed him near his ear. It was a very sudden surprise to her, how much she {324} enjoyed that kiss of friendship; it surprised Homer Wells, too. Despite the little dry kisses that Debra Pettigrew gave him in abundance, he felt a remarkable difference surge through him at the instant of Candy's kissing him. It was a feeling that rushed him from nowhere-and he knew, looking at Wally's fond and handsome face, that it was a feeling with nowhere to go. Was that what love was, and how it came to you-leaving you no options for its use? Like the black-skinned nomad on the camel: where did he belong in a movie about pirates?
I am that black-skinned rider on that camel, thought the orphan, Homer Wells. What was he called?
Later, after he'd taken Debra Pettigrew home and had nearly been eaten by her dogs, he asked Wally. Homer sat up front in the Cadillac-Candy in the middle of the seat between them.
'A Bedouin,' Wally said.
I'm a Bedouin! thought Homer Wells.
When Candy fell asleep, she slumped against Wally's shoulder, but this bothered his driving; he pushed her very gently in Homer's direction. The rest of the way to Heart's Haven, she slept with her head on Homer's shoulder, her hair lightly touching his face. When they got to Ray Kendall's lobster pound, Wally shut off the car and whispered, 'Hey, Sleepy.' He kissed Candy on the lips, which woke her up. She sat bolt upright, for a second disoriented, and she looked accusingly at both Wally and Homer, as if she weren't sure which one of them had kissed her. 'Easy,' Wally said to her, laughing. 'You're home.'
Home, thought Homer Wells. He knew that for the Bedouin-come from nowhere, going nowhere-there was no home.
In August of that same summer another Bedouin left what had been home for him; Curly Day departed St. Cloud's for Boothbay, where a young druggist and his wife had recently moved and had plunged into a life of 325 community service. Dr. Larch had his doubts about the young couple, but he had more doubts regarding Curly Day's resilience to another winter in St. Cloud's. The end of the summer was the last good time for visits from adoptive families; the good weather in the early fall was brief. And Curly's general positivism had been in decline since the departure of Homer Wells; Curly could never be convinced that Homer had not somehow stolen the beautiful couple who a kinder fate had intended for him.
The druggist and his wife were not a beautiful couple. They were well off and good-hearted; but they had not been born to a life of ease, and it seemed unlikely that they would ever adjust to anything resembling gracious living. They had striven to their station in life, and their idea of helping their fellow man seemed rooted in the notion that their fellow man should be taught how to strive. They had requested an older orphan; they wanted someone capable of doing a few hours' work in the drugstore after school.
They saw their childlessness as entirely God's decision and agreed that God had meant for them to find a foundling and educate him in the methods of self-support and self-improvement, for which the foundling would be broadly rewarded by inheriting the young couple's pharmacy, and with it the means to care for them in their apparently eagerly anticipated old age.
They were practical and Christian people-albeit grim when they reviewed for Larch their earlier efforts to have a child of their own. Before he met the couple- at a time when he had only corresponded with them by mail-Larch had hoped he might persuade them to allow Curly to keep his first name. When an orphan gets to be as old as Curly, Larch argued, the name has more than casual significance. But Larch's hopes sank when he saw the couple; the young man was prematurely bald- so perfectly bald that Larch wondered if the fellow had not suffered from the application of an untested pharmaceutical product-and the young wife's hair was fine and {326} lank. The couple seemed shocked at the wealth of Curly Day's curly hair, and Larch imagined that their first family trip would probably include a visit to the barber.
Curly himself seemed as unenthusiastic about the couple as the couple were unenthusiastic about his name, yet he wanted to leave St. Cloud's-badly. Larch saw that the boy still hoped for an adoption as dazzling as the one he'd imagined, for a couple as glittering with the promise of another life as Candy and Wally were. Of the very plain young couple from Boothbay, Curly Day said to Dr. Larch: 'They're okay. They're nice, I guess. And Boothbay is on the coast. I think I'd like the ocean.'
Larch did not say to the boy that the couple adopting him did not appear to be a boating couple, or a beach couple, or even a fishing-off-a-dock couple; he suspected them of thinking that a life of playing with, on, or in the sea was frivolous, something for tourists. (Larch thought that way himself.) Larch expected that the drugstore remained open every daylight hour of the summer, and that the hardworking young couple remained in the store every minute-selling tanning oil to summer people while they themselves stayed as pale as the winter, and were proud of it.
'You can't be too choosy, Wilbur,' Nurse Edna said. 'If the boy gets sick, there'll be lots of pills and cough medicines around.'
'He'll still be Curly to me,' Nurse Angela said defiantly.
Worse, Larch imagined: he'll always be Curly to Curly. But Larch let him go; it was high time for him to be gone-that was the main reason.
The couple's name was Rinfret; they called Curly 'Roy.' And so Roy 'Curly' Rinfret took up residence in Boothbay. Rinfret's Pharmacy was a harborfront store; the family lived several miles inland, where the sea was out of sight. 'But not out of scent,' Mrs. Rinfret had maintained; she declared that, when the wind was right, the ocean could be smelled from the house. {327}
Not with Curly's nose, Dr. Larch imagined: Curly's nose was such a constant streamer, Dr. Larch suspected that Curly had no sense of smell at all.
'Let us be happy for Curly Day,' Dr. Larch announced to the boys' division one evening in August in 194-over David Copperfield's steady sobs. 'Curly Day has found a family,' Dr. Larch said. 'Good night, Curly!'
'G'night, Burly!' young Copperfield cried.
When Homer Wells received the letter telling him the news of Curly's adoption, he read it again and again-in the moonlight streaming through Wally's window, while Wally slept.
A druggist! thought Homer Wells. He'd been upset enough by the news to talk about it with Wally and Candy. They'd sat in the moonlight, earlier that evening, throwing snails off Ray Kendall's dock. Ploink! Ploink! went the periwinkles; Homer Wells talked and talked. Ke told them about the litany-'Let us be happy for Curly Day,' and so forth; he tried to explain how it had felt to be addressed as a Prince of Maine, as a King of New England.
'I guess I imagined someone who looked like you,' Homer said to Wally.
Candy remembered that Dr. Larch had said this to her, too: that he'd told her that her babies would be these princes, these kings. 'But I didn't know what he meant.,' she said. 'I mean, he was nice-but it was unimaginable.'
'It still is unimaginable to me,' Wally said. 'I mean, what you saw,' he said to Homer. 'What all of you imagined -it must have been different, for each of you.' Wally was unwilling to accept the notion that someone who looked like himself would ever be adequate to the expression.
'It sounds a little mocking,' Candy said. I just can't see what he meant.'
'Yeah,' Wally agreed. 'It sounds a little cynical.' {328}
'Maybe it was,' said Homer Wells. 'Maybe he said it for himself and not for us.'
He told them about Melony, but not everything about her. He took a deep breath and told them about Fuzzy Stone; he imitated the breathing contraption admirably -he had them both so roaring with laughter at the racket he was making that they drowned out the insignificant ploink of the snails dropping into the sea. Wally and Candy didn't know they were at the end of the story until Homer simply arrived at it. 'Fuzzy Stone has found a new family,' he repeated to them. 'Good night, Fuzzy,' he concluded hollowly.
There wasn't a sound, then, not even a snail; the sea lapped at the dock posts; the boats moored around them rocked on the water. When a line was pulled taut and yanked out of the water, you could hear the water drip off the line; when the thicker ropes were stretched, they made a noise like grinding teeth.
'Curly Day was the first boy I circumcised,' Homer Wells announced-just to change the subject from Fuzzy Stone. 'Doctor Larch was there when I did it,' Homer said, 'and a circumcision is no big deal-it's really easy.' Wally felt his own penis inch toward itself like a snail. Candy felt a cramp knot in her calf and she stopped swinging her legs off the edge of the dock; she drew her heels up to her buttocks and hugged her knees. 'Curly was the first one,' Homer said. 'I made it a little lopsided,'he confessed.
'We could drive up to Boothbay and see how he's doing,' Wally suggested.
What would we see? Candy wondered. She imagined Curly peeing all over the Cadillac again, and telling them again that he was the best one.
'I don't think that would be a good idea,' Homer said.
He went with Wally back to Ocean View and wrote Dr. Larch a long letter-his longest so far. He tried to tell Larch about the drive-in movie, but the letter degenerated into a critique of the movie itself, and so he tried to change the subject. {329}
Should he tell him about Herb Fowler carrying all the prophylactics? (Although Dr. Larch approved of everyone using prophylactics, he would hardly have approved of Herb Fowler.) Should he tell Larch that he had learned the real purpose of the drive-in? Wasn't it to tease oneself and one's date into a state of sexual frenzy -which neither of you were allowed to act upon? (Dr. Larch would certainly not think highly of that.) Should he tell Dr. Larch what Grace Lynch had said and done, or how he dreamed about her-or how he imagined he was falling in love, or already had fallen in love, with Candy (which he knew was forbidden)? And how do I say, 'I miss you'? he wondered-when I don't mean, 'I want to come back!'?
And so he ended the letter in his fashion; he ended it inexactly. 'I remember when you kissed me,' he wrote to Dr. Larch. 'I wasn't really asleep.'
Yes, thought Dr. Larch, I remember that, too. He rested in the dispensary. Why didn't I kiss him more- why not all the time? In other parts of the world, he dreamed, they have drive-in movies!
He always used more ether than he should have before the annual meeting of St. Cloud's board of trustees. He'd never quite understood what a board of trustees was for, and his impatience with the routine inquiries was growing. In the old days, there'd been the Maine State board of medical examiners; they'd never asked him any questions-they never wanted to hear from hi:nn. Now it appeared to Wilbur Larch that there was a board of trustees for everything. This year there were two new board members who'd never before seen the orphanage, and so the meeting had been scheduled to take place in St. Cloud's-the board usually met in Portland. The new members wanted to see the place; the old members agreed they should refresh themselves with the atmosphere.
It was a perfect August morning, with more indications {330} of September in the air's crispness than there were indications of the stifling carry-over of July's humidity and hazy heat; but Larch was irritable.
'I don't know, “exactly,” what a drive-in movie is,' he said crossly to Nurse Angela. 'Homer doesn't say, “exactly.” '
Nurse Angela looked frustrated. 'No, he doesn't,' she agreed, going over the letter again and again.
'What do you do with your cars when you're watching the movie?' Nurse Edna asked.
'I don't know,' Dr. Larch said. 'I assume that if you drive into something to see the movie, you must stay in your cars.'
'But what do you drive into, Wilbur?' Nurse Edna asked.
'That's what I don't know!' Larch shouted.
'Well, aren't we in a lovely mood?' Nurse Angela said.
'Why would you want to bring your car to a movie in the first place?' Nurse Edna asked.
'I don't know the answer to that, either,' Dr. Larch said tiredly.
Unfortunately, he looked tired during the trustees meeting, too. Nurse Angela tried to present some of the orphanage's priorities for him; she didn't want him to get bad-tempered with anyone on the board. The two new members seemed in an awful hurry to demonstrate that they already understood everything-and Nurse Angela detected Dr. Larch looking at these younger members with something of the look he had formerly reserved for Clara, in the days when Larch would discover that Homer's cadaver hadn't been put away properly.
The new woman on the board had been appointed for her abilities at fund-raising; she was especially aggressive. She'd been married to a Congregationalist missionary who'd committed suicide in Japan, and she had returned to her home state of Maine with a zeal for putting her considerable energies to work for something {331} 'doable'. Japan had not been at all 'doable,' sbe kept saying. Maine's problems, by comparison, were entirely surmountable. She believed that all Maine needed-or lacked-was organization, and she believed every solution began with 'new blood'-a phrase, Nurse Angela observed, that caused Dr. Larch to pale as if his own blood were trickling away from him.
That's an unfortunate expression for those of us familiar with hospital work,' Dr. Larch snapped once, but the woman-Mrs. Goodhall-did not look sufficiently bitten.
Mrs Goodhall expressed, albeit coldly, her admiration for the severity and the duration of Dr. Larch's 'undertakinG' and her respect for how much experience Larch and his assistants had with administering St. Cloud's; perhaps they all could be invigorated by a younger assistant. 'A young intern-a willing toiler, and with some new ideas in the obstetrical field,' Mrs. Goodhall suggested.
'I keep up with the field,' Dr. Larch said. 'And I keep up with the number of babies born here.'
'Well, then, how about a new administrative assistant?' Mrs. Goodhall suggested. 'Leave the medical practice to you-I'm talking about someone with a grasp of some of the newer adoption procedures, or just someone who could handle the correspondence and the interviewing for you.'
'I could use a new typewriter,' Dr. Larch said. 'Just get me a new typewriter, and you can keep the assistant – or give the assistant to someone who's really doddering around.'
The new man on the board was a psychiatrist; he was rather new at psychiatry, which was rather new in Maine in 194-. His name was Gingrich; even with people he had just met, he had a way of assuming he understood what pressure they were under-he was quite sure that everyone was under some pressure. Even if he was correct (about the particular pressure you were under), and {332} even if you agreed with him (that there indeed was a certain pressure, and indeed you were under it), he had a way of assuming he knew other pressures that preyed upon you (which were always unseen by you). For example, had he seen the movie that began with the Bedouin on the camel, Dr. Gingrich might have assumed that the captive woman was under great pressure to marry someone -although it was clearly her opinion that all she wanted was to get free. His eyes and introductory smile communicated a cloying sympathy that you perhaps did not deserve-as if he were imparting by the imposed gentleness of his voice and the slowness with which he spoke, the assurance that everything is much more subtle than we can suppose.
The older members of the board-all men, all as elderly as Larch-were intimidated by this new man who spoke in whispers and by this new woman who was so loud. In tandem, they seemed so sure of themselves; they viewed their new roles on the board not as learning experiences, or even as an introduction to orphanage life, but as opportunities for taking charge.
Oh dear, Nurse Edna thought.
There's going to be trouble, as if we need any, Nurse Angela thought. It wouldn't have hurt to have a young intern around, or an administrative assistant, either; but she knew that Wilbur Larch was protecting his ability to perform the abortions. How could he accept new appointees without knowing the person's beliefs?
'Now, Doctor Larch,' Dr. Gingrich said softly, 'surely you know we don't think of you as doddering.'
'Sometimes I think of myself as doddering,' Larch said defensively. 'I suppose you might think so, too.'
'The pressure you must be under,' Dr. Gingrich said. 'Someone with all your responsibilities should have all the help he can get.'
'Someone with my responsibility should stay responsible,' Larch said.
'With the pressure you must be under,' said Dr. {333} Gingrich, 'it's no wonder you find it hard to delegate even a little of that responsibility.'
'I have more use for a typewriter than for a delegate,' Wilbur Larch said, but when he blinked his eyes he saw those bright stars that populated both a clear Maine night and the firmament of ether, and he wasn't sure which stars they were. He rubbed his face with his hand, and caught Mrs. Goodhall scribbling something on the impressively thick pad before her.
'Let's see,' she said-sharply, by comparison to Dr. Gingrich's wispy voice. 'You're in your seventies, now-is that correct? Aren't you seventy-something?' she asked Dr. Larch.
'Right,' said Wilbur Larch. 'Seventy-something.'
'And how old is Missus Grogan?' Mrs. Goodhall asked suddenly, as if Mrs. Grogan weren't present-or as if she were so old that she was incapable of answering for herself.
'I'm sixty-two,' Mrs Grogan said pertly, 'and I'm as lively as a spring chicken!'
'Oh, no one doubts you 're not lively!' said Dr. Gingrich.
'And Nurse Angela?' Mrs. Goodhall asked, not looking up at anyone; the scrutiny of her own writing on the pad before her required every ounce of her exhaustive attention.
'I'm fifty-eight,' Nurse Angela said.
'Angela is as strong as an ox!' Mrs. Grogan said.
'We don't doubt it!' said Dr. Gingrich cheerfully.
'I'm fifty-five or fifty-six,' Nurse Edna offered., before the question was raised.
'You don't know how old you are?' Dr. Gingrich asked meaningfully.
'Actually,' said Wilbur Larch, 'we're all so senile, we can't remember-we're just guessing. But look at you!' he said suddenly to Mrs. Goodhall, which did get Mrs. Goodhall to raise her eyes from her pad. 'I guess you have such trouble remembering things,' Larch said, 'that you have to write everything down.' {334}
'I'm just trying to get the picture of what's going on here,' Mrs. Goodhall said evenly.
'Well,' Larch said. 'I suggest you listen to me. I've been here long enough to have the picture pretty clearly in mind.'
'It's very clear what a wonderful job you're doing!' Dr. Gingrich told Dr. Larch. 'It's also clear how hard a job it is.' Such a warm washcloth kind of sympathy was leaking from Dr. Gingrich that Larch felt wet-and grateful that he wasn't sitting near enough to Dr. Gingrich for Dr. Gingrich to touch him; Gingrich was clearly a toucher.
'If it's not asking too much, in the way of your support,' Dr. Larch said, 'I'd not only like a new typewriter; I'd like permission to keep the old one.'
'I think we can arrange that,' Mrs. Goodhall said.
Nurse Edna, who was not accustomed to sudden insights-or, despite her years, hot flashes-and was completely inexperienced with the world of omens and signs or even forewarnings, felt a totally foreign and breathtaking violence rise from her stomach. She found herself staring at Mrs. Goodhall with a hatred Nurse Edna couldn't conceive of feeling for another human being. Oh dear, the enemy! she thought; she had to excuse herself-she was sure she was going to be ill. (She was, but discreetly, out of sight, in the boys' shower room.) Only David Copperfield, still mourning the departure of Curly Day, and still struggling with the language, spotted her.
'Medna?' young Copperfield asked.
'I'm fine, David,' she told him, but she was not fine. I have seen the end, she thought with an unfamiliar bitterness.
Larch had seen it, too. Someone will replace me, he realized. And it won't be long. He looked at his calendar; he had two abortions to perform the next day, and three 'probables' near the end of the week. There were always those who just showed up, too.{335}
And what if they get someone who won't perform one? he thought.
When the new typewriter arrived, it fitted-just in
time-into his plans for Fuzzy Stone.
'Thank you for the new typewriter,' Larch wrote to the board of trustees. It had arrived 'just in time,' he added, because the old typewriter (which, if they remembered, he wanted to keep) had completely broken down. This was not true. He had the keys replaced on the old typewriter, and it now typed a story with a different face.
What it typed were letters from young Fuzzy Stone. Fuzzy began by wanting Dr. Larch to know how much he was looking forward to being a doctor' when he grew up, and how much Dr. Larch had inspired him to make this decision.
'I doubt that I will ever come to feel as you do, regarding abortion,' young Fuzzy wrote to Dr. Larch. 'Certainly, it is obstetrics that interests me, and certainly your example is responsible for my interest, but I expect we shall never agree about abortion. Although I know you perform abortions out of the most genuine beliefs and out of the best intentions, you must permit me to honor my beliefs accordingly.'
And on and on. Larch covered the years; he wrote into the future, leaving a few convenient blanks. Larch completed Dr. F. Stone's training (he put him through medical school, he gave him fine obstetrical procedure -even a few variances from Dr. Larch's procedure, which Dr. Larch had Dr. Stone describe). And always Fuzzy Stone remained faithful to his beliefs.
I'm sorry, but I believe there is a soul, and that it exists from the moment of conception,' Fuzzy Stone wrote. He was slightly pompous-sounding, as he grew up, close to unctuous in his graciousness toward Larch, even capable of condescension at times-the kind of patronizing a young man will indulge in when he think;; he ha;; 'developed' beyond his teacher. Larch gave Fuzzy Stone an {336} unmistakable self-righteousness, which he imagined all supporters of the existing law against abortion would feel at home with.
He even had young Dr. Stone propose that he replace Dr. Larch-'but not until you're ready to retire, of course!'-and that by this replacement it might be demonstrated to Dr. Larch that the law should be observed, that abortions should not be performed, and that a safe and informative view of family planning (birth control, and so forth) could in time achieve the desired effect ('…without breaking the laws of God or man,' wrote a convincingly creepy Fuzzy Stone).
The desired effect'-both Dr. Larch and Dr. Stone agreed-would be a minimum of unwanted children brought forth into the world. 'I, for one, am happy to be here!' crowed young Dr. Stone. He sounds like a missionary! thought Wilbur Larch. The idea of making a missionary out of Fuzzy appealed to Dr. Larch for several reasons-among them: Fuzzy wouldn't need a license to practice medicine if he took his magic to some remote and primitive place.
It exhausted Larch, but he got it all down-one typewriter for Fuzzy that was used for nothing else, and the new one for himself. (He made carbons of his own letters and referred to his 'dialogue' with young Dr. Stone in various fragments, which he contributed to A Brief History of St. Cloud's.)
He imagined that their correspondence ended, quite abruptly, when Larch refused to accept the idea that anyone should replace him who was unwilling to perform abortions. 'I will go until I drop,' he wrote to Fuzzy. 'Here in St. Cloud's, I will never allow myself to be replaced by some reactionary religious moron who cares more for the misgivings suffered in his own frail soul than for the actual suffering of countless unwanted and mistreated children. I am sorry you're a doctor!' Larch ranted to poor Fuzzy. 'I am sorry such training was wasted on someone who refuses to help the living {337} because of a presumptuous point of view taken toward the unborn. You are not the proper doctor for this orphanage, and over my dead body will you ever get my job!'
What he heard from Dr. Stone, after that, was a rather curt note in which Fuzzy said he needed to search his soul regarding his personal debt to Dr. Larch and his 'perhaps larger debt to society, and to all the murdered unborn of the future'; it was hard, Fuzzy implied, to listen to his conscience and not 'turn in' Dr. Larch '…to the authorities,' he added ominously.
What a good story! thought Wilbur Larch. It had taken him the rest of August of 194-. He wanted to leave the matter all set up-all arranged-when Homer Wells returned to St. Cloud's from his summer job.
Wilbur Larch had created a replacement for himself, one who would be acceptable to the authorities-whoever they were. He had created someone with qualified obstetrical procedure, and-what better?-an orphan familiar with the place from birth. He had also created a perfect lie, because the Dr. F. Stone whom Wilbur Larch had in mind would perform abortions, of course, while at the same time-what better?-he would be on record for claiming he was against performing them. When Larch retired (or, he knew, if he was ever caught), he would already have available his most perfect replacement. Of course, Larch was not through with Fuzzy; such an important replacement might require some revision.
Wilbur Larch lay in the dispensary with both the stars of Maine and the stars of ether circling around him. He had given Fuzzy Stone a role in life that was much more strenuous than Fuzzy ever could have been capable of. How could poor Fuzzy even have imagined it, as he succumbed to the failure of his breathing contraption?
Only one problem, thought Wilbur Larch, dreaming with the stars. How do I get Homer to play the part?
Homer Wells, gazing at the actual stars of Maine and {338} at the orchards visible in the waning moonlight out Wally's window, saw something glint-something beyond the orchard from which he knew the ocean could be viewed. Homer moved his head up and down in Wally's window, and the glint flashed tohim; thefeeblesignal remindedhim of the night when the deep Maine woods had not returned his voice to him-when he had yelled his echoless good night to Fuzzy Stone.
Then he realized where the glint was coming from. There must be one, small, polished spot on the tin roof of the cider house; he was seeing the waning moon bounce off the roof of the cider house-off a spot no bigger than a knife blade. This little glint in the night was one of those things that-even after you identify it-you can't leave alone.
It was no help to him, to listen to Wally's peaceful breathing. The problem is, Homer Wells knew, I am in love with Candy. It was Candy who suggested he not go back to St. Cloud's.
'My father likes you so much,' she'd told Homer. 'I know he'll give you a job on the boat, or in the pound.'
'My mother likes you so much,' Wally had added. 'I know she'll keep you on in the orchards, especially through harvest. And she gets lonely whenever I go back to college. I'll bet she'd be delighted to have you stay right where you are-in my room!'
Out in the orchards, the roof of the cider house flashed to him; the flash was as small and as quick as the one glimpse of an eyetooth Grace Lynch had revealed-her mouth had parted only that much when she'd last looked at him.
How could I not be in love with Candy? he wondered. And if I stay here, he asked himself, what can I do?
The roof of the cider house flashed; then it stood dark and still. He had seen the wink of the curette before it went to work; he had seen it at rest in the examining tray, dull with blood, in need of cleaning.
And if I go back to St. Cloud's, he asked himself, what can I do? {339}
In Nurse Angela's office, on the new typewriter, Dr. Larch began a letter to Homer Wells. 'I remember nothing so vividly as kissing you,' Dr. Larch began, but he stopped; he knew he couldn't say that. He pulled the page from the typewriter, then he hid it deep within A Brief History of St. Cloud's, as if it were another particle of history without an audience.
David Copperfield had a fever when he'd gone to bed, and Larch went to check on the boy. Dr. Larch was relieved to feel that young Copperfield's fever had broken; the boy's forehead was cool, and a slight sweat chilled the boy's neck, which Larch carefully rubbed dry with a towel. There was not much moonlight; therefore, Larch felt unobserved. He bent over Copperfield and kissed him, much in the manner that he remembered kissing Homer Wells. Larch moved to the next bed and kissed Smoky Fields, who tasted vaguely like hot dogs; yet the experience was soothing to Larch. How he wished he had kissed Homer more, when he'd had the chance! He went from bed to bed, kissing the boys; it occurred to him, he didn't know all their names, but Fie kissed them anyway. He kissed all of them.
When he left the room, Smoky Fields asked the darkness, 'What was that all about?' But no one else was awake, or else no one wanted to answer him.
I wish he would kiss me, thought Nurse Edna, who had a very alert ear for unusual goings-on.
'I think it's nice,' Mrs. Grogan said to Nurse Angela, when Nurse Angela told her about it.
'I think it's senile,' Nurse Angela said.
But Homer Wells, at Wally's window, did not know that Dr. Larch's kisses were out in the world, in search of him.
He didn't know, either-he could never have imagined it!-that Candy was also awake, and also worried. If he does stay, if he doesn't go back to St. Cloud's, she was thinking, what will I do? The sea tugged all around her. Both the darkness and the moon were failing. {340}
There came that time when Homer Wells could make out the boundaries of the cider house, but the roof did not wink to him, no matter how he moved his head. With no signal flashing to him, Homer may have thought he was speaking to the dead when he whispered, 'Good night, Fuzzy.'
He did not know that Fuzzy Stone, like Melony, was looking for him. {341}