"That was about eighteen hundred?" Pickering pried gently. He knew what time Goettge left.
Fucking around with one thing and another, including taking his own combat correspondent with him, Goettge's ramp boat left at least two hours too late to do any good once he got where they were headed.
"That's about all we know, Sergeant," Pickering said, gently. "Could you fill me in from there?"
"Well, it was dark when we got there, Sir."
"You mean at the Matanikau River?"
Pickering knew that too. Following First Sergeant Custer's original plan at least that far, Goettge had told him he planned to go ashore about two hundred yards west of the mouth of the Matanikau.
"Yes, Sir. That's probably why we ran aground. It was dark and we couldn't see."
"Where did you run aground?"
"About fifty yards offshore, Colonel," Sergeant Sellers said. Pickering did not correct him. "The... watchacallem? The guy who runs the boat?"
"The coxswain," Pickering furnished.
"The coxswain said it was a sandbar."
"What happened then?"
"Some of the guys went over the sides and tried to rock it free, but when that didn't work, we all went into the water and waded ashore."
"What happened to the ramp boat?"
"A couple of guys stayed behind and kept rocking it. I guess they finally got it loose. We could hear it after a while; we couldn't see it, it was too dark. We could hear it going away."
"So there you were on the beach?"
"So they talked it over."
" 'They'?"
"Colonel Goettge and the officers," Sellers said. "I was there with them."
"They decided it was too late, too dark, too, to do anything. Except find some place to spend the night. And then go on patrol in the morning. So Colonel Goettge and Sergeant Custer started walking toward the coconut trees..."
"What coconut trees?"
"There was a grove of coconut trees. It was dark on the ground, Colonel, but we could see the tops of the trees... You know what I mean?"
"Yes, I think so. Then what happened?"
"That's when the Japs started shooting," Sellers said, very quietly, barely audibly.
"Was anyone hit?"
"Colonel Goettge. He got it first. Then Sergeant Custer," Sellers said. "They went down right away. Christ! Then the Doc ran out to help them..."
"That would be Captain Pratt, the surgeon?"
"I think that was his name," Sellers said. "And then Sergeant Caltrider shot the Jap."
"What Jap was that?"
"The one we brought with us. The Jap warrant officer."
"Sergeant Caltrider shot him?"
"Blew the cocksucker's head off," Sellers said. "The bastard led us into a trap. That's what it was, a trap. He deserved it, the cocksucker."
"Was Colonel Goettge badly wounded?"
"Killed. Had half of his face shot away. Sergeant Custer, too. He was hit four, five times. Killed him right away."
"And Doctor Pratt?"
"Him, too."
"And what were the rest of you doing?"
"One of the guys ran back in the water and fired his rifle, to get the ramp boat to come back. The rest of us just laid there. Jesus, there was no place to get out of the line of fire. It was like they were waiting for us, knew where we would be, and when we got where they wanted us, they opened up with everything they had."
"Did the boat come back?"
"No, Sir. Either he didn't know we wanted him to, or he could see what was going on and figured we were all dead."
"Then what?"
"We just laid there. Christ, we couldn't even see where they were to shoot back at them. I mean, we knew where they were, but we couldn't see them."
"But they knew where you were?"
"The only reason I'm alive is because of the way the beach sloped. There was just enough sand to hide behind."
"Where was Captain Ringer? Did you see him?"
Ringer was the S-2 of the 5th Marines. In Pickering's judgment, if any staff Intelligence officer should have gone out on this patrol-and he didn't think any should have-it should have been under the command of an infantry platoon leader. It should have been Ringer. And now he thought, unkindly, that since Goettge had insisted on going himself, Ringer should have stayed behind.
"Yes, Sir. He sort of took over after the colonel was killed. Him and Lieutenant Cory."
"What were they doing at this time?"