"Excuse me?"
"COMSOPAC. Commander, Southern Pacific-Admiral Ghormley. And Admiral Ghormley is under Admiral Nimitz. Admiral Nimitz is the senior Naval officer in the Pacific and is thus MacArthur's opposite number. There are two wars out here: between us and the Japanese, and between the Army and the Navy to see who fights the war, and where it is fought, and how."
Banning could see in Moore's face that the kid was both a little stunned by what he'd just been told and was suppressing only with an effort the urge to ask questions.
"And there is one more thing," Banning said, somewhat reluctantly. He was a good officer, and good officers do not criticize second lieutenants, much less lieutenant colonels, before enlisted men. But this was the inevitable exception that proved the rule. It had to be done.
"There are intelligence officers and intelligence officers," Banning went on. "Colonel Goettge is very good at what he does-Division Intelligence Officer. What that means is that he advises the Division Commander of his assessment of enemy capabilities and intentions, based on what information he has been given, and what he's been able to develop himself, say from prisoner interrogation, that sort of thing.
"But he has not been trained in, and has no experience with, the kind of-I guess the word is 'strategic'- intelligence that we're dealing with here..."
He stopped when he saw confusion clouding Moore's eyes. He realized that he'd been beating around the bush; this was not the place to be doing that.
"To put a point on it, Moore," he said. "In my opinion, Colonel Goettge is not as good an intelligence officer as he thinks he is... nor as knowledgeable, nor for that matter as bright. Keep that in mind."
"Yes, Sir," Moore said. Astonishment was all over his face. He never imagined he'd hear an officer say such a thing about another officer.
"Question?" Banning asked. "Questions?"
"Several hundred," Moore said.
"But one in particular?"
"Why am I being told all this?" Moore asked, and then remembered to append, "Sir?"
" 'In for a penny, in for a pound,'" Banning quoted Pickering. "You're now part of the team, Sergeant. In Captain Pickering's judgment, since you have been made aware of the price of a loose mouth, it makes more sense to bring you in on anything and everything that will help you do your job-which you now know is analysis of intercepted enemy messages-than it would be to make a decision every time something came up whether or not you should be told about it."
"I see," Moore said thoughtfully.
"Just one more thing: You are never, under any circumstances, to tell anyone that you have been given access to MAGIC."
Even after all that Major Banning had explained to him in the kitchen earlier, Moore sat for a long time in the butler's cubicle listening to the conversation in the library before he even began to understand what was going on. But finally, it began slowly to make sense:
In about a month the 1st Marine Division would invade several islands in the Solomons. Colonel Goettge, who was the Intelligence Officer of the 1st Marines, had very little intelligence information, maps or anything else, that the Division would need in order to launch the invasion. So he was understandably desperate for whatever information he could get. He'd come to Melbourne after Major Dillon told him that he and Captain Pickering were old friends, and that Pickering could be prevailed upon to use his influence at MacArthur's SHSWPA (Supreme Headquarters, South West Pacific Area).
That wasn't all Moore learned that evening. There were fireworks too.
"Hell, it's all over Washington, Flem, that you and Dugout Doug are asshole buddies," Major Dillon said at one point.
And Captain Pickering jumped all over Major Dillon almost before the words were out of Dillon's mouth.
If Captain Pickering's furious defense of MacArthur's brains and personal courage and his outrage that Major Dillon would dare call him "Dugout Doug" was not so intense, actually frightening, the ass-chewing he gave Dillon would have been funny. Moore was almost pleased to learn that the dignified Naval officer who was now his boss had a completely unsuspected flair for obscenely colorful phraseology. It would have been the envy of any Parris Island Drill Sergeant. Among other things-and there were many other things-he told Major Dillon that he wouldn't make a pimple on a real Marine's ass.
But the ass-chewing he gave to Major Dillon was frightening... so frightening that at one point Colonel Goettge even tried to apologize and leave.
Probably, Moore decided, because he didn't want to risk exacerbating the already hostile relations between SHSWPA and the Navy, which of course included the Marines.
"No, Colonel, you stay," Captain Pickering told him. "I certainly don't hold you responsible for Diarrhea Mouth here. Let's have another drink to calm down, and then try to figure out how to help the 1st Division."
Five more people came in the library before they all went in for dinner: Colonel Willoughby, who spoke-Moore noted-with a faint German accent and who was introduced as the SHSWPA G-2; then two women, a U.S. Navy Nurse and some kind of Australian Navy enlisted woman; and finally two Australian Navy Officers.
One of them was introduced as "Commander Feldt."
"Commander Feldt, Colonel," Pickering explained to Goettge, "commands the Royal Australian Navy Coastwatcher Establishment."
Moore tried to get a look at Commander Feldt through the duct, but was unable to see him. He decided that the other Australian officer worked for Feldt, or with him anyhow.
The women baffled him for a long time; but from what was said, he eventually understood that they were the girlfriends of two Marines who were off on some island with the Coastwatchers. And that answer raised another fascinating question: What were these women doing at a dinner where all sorts of classified information was being discussed?
The answer to that, when he finally thought of it, was quite simple. Captain Pickering decided who could be told what. In this case, obviously, he had decided that these two women-who were in uniform themselves and whose men were off on a secret mission-could be trusted to keep their mouths shut about that mission, and for that matter, about anything else.
Proof of that came a little later, just before they went into dinner and the women went to "powder their noses."
"Nice girls," Colonel Willoughby said approvingly.
"Women, Colonel," Commander Feldt corrected him, somewhat nastily. "Daphne has already lost one man, her husband, to this sodding war."
"He was a Coastwatcher?"
"No," Feldt answered. "He was a sergeant in the sodding Royal Signals. Our sodding politicians sent most of our men to sodding Africa, which is where he caught it."
He paused, apparently having seen something on Willoughby's face. "Did that remark offend you, Colonel?"
By now Moore was convinced that Feldt was more than a little drunk.
"No, of course not," Willoughby replied, somewhat unconvincingly.
"I was thinking of a conversation I had yesterday with Banning," Feldt went on, "as I watched her walk out of here just now."
"Oh?" Willoughby asked uneasily.
"He asked me what I thought the chances were of getting them back alive-Banning's men on Buka, Lieutenant Howard and Sergeant Koffler, who has been comforting the widow Farnsworth in her grief. I told him the truth: From slim to sodding none."
"Is it that low?" Willoughby asked.
"Commander Feldt underestimates the Marine Corps," Major Banning said, trying to temper Feldt's bitterness.
"Sod you, Banning," Feldt said cheerfully. "What I was thinking, Colonel, was that it is a bit much to ask of a pretty young woman like Yeoman Farnsworth to lose two men to this sodding war."
"I think they'll come back," Pickering said. "They are both very resourceful young men."
"I think we had better change the subject," Banning said. "They're liable to walk in here any moment."
"They wouldn't hear a sodding thing they haven't sodding well thought of at least once a sodding day themselves," Feldt said. "What the hell are they doing here anyway? Whose brilliant sodding idea was that?"