"'Ten-HUT! PORT, Harms! Lu-eft, FACE! Foh-wud, HARCH! Up the stairs and into the building." When Private Hart passed the sergeant major, the sergeant ma3or leaned forward to get a good look at Private Hart.
Private Hart could smell his breath; he had been in enough bars to recognize the smell of whiskey there. Indeed, his experience as a vice squad detective had given him the expertise to make a professional judgment: The sergeant major had been drinking scotch, and in quantities sufficient to place in grave doubt his ability to walk a straight line or to close his eyes and touch his nose with his finger.
Jesus Christ, now what? What the fuck is this all about? I've heard they take people out behind barracks and beat the shit out of them. Is that why nothing happened to me for trying to break that asshole's arm? They were saving me for this? Are the sergeant major, drunk -and maybe a couple of drunken officers really going to leach me that they just won't tolerate trying to break a DIs arm?
Staff Sergeant Hungleberry marched Private Hart into the room, again ordered, "De-tail, HALT!" and then barked, "Sir, Staff Sergeant Hungleberry reporting to the Lieutenant with a detail of one, Sir!"
"Put your detail at ease, Sergeant," the officer ordered conversationally.
"Aww-duh, HARMS! Puh-rade, REST!"
"I said, `at ease,' Sergeant," the officer said.
"At EASE!"
After Private Hart complied, he dared to look around the room. There were two officers, both young. One was a second lieutenant, sprawled on a bed, a whiskey glass resting on his stomach. He was wearing khakis. His field scarf was pulled down the top three buttons of his shirt were open.
Hart recognized the Purple Heart among the ribbons pinned to the shirt.
The other officer was a first lieutenant, and he too had ribbons pinned to his shirt, including the Purple Heart. In the fleeting instant when their eyes met, Private Hart's professional experience told him, this guy can be one mean sonofabitch.
"You're his DI?" the mean-looking officer asked.
"Yes, Sir. Staff Sergeant Hungleberry, Sir."
"OK, Sergeant. Tell me, is this guy going to be a Marine or not?" The question surprised Hungleberry. It was a moment before he replied:
"I guess he'll be all right, Sir." That's the nicest thing anybody has said about me since I came to this fucking hellhole.
"I didn't ask for a guess, Sergeant. I asked whether this guy make a Marine or not?" The hesitation this time was longer.
"Yes, Sir, in my opinion, he'll be all right."
"Thank you," the officer said. He turned to the dresser behind him and picked up a pint of scotch. "Sorry to keep you out of the sack at this time of night, but we want to talk to him.
He tossed the pint to the sergeant major, who had come into the room.
"Take the sergeant someplace and give him a little taste, Teddy, would you, please?" the officer said.
"Aye, aye, Sir," the sergeant major said. In a moment Hart heard the door close.
"My name is McCoy," the officer said. "That's Lieutenant Moore."
"Yes, Sir."
"I understand you're a tough guy," McCoy said.
Hart could not think of a proper reply to that. He did not answer.
"I understand you tried to break your DI's arm. Yes or no?"
"Yes, Sir.
"I also understand you know how to use a knife?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Why didn't you kill the DI? Everybody seems agreed that he's an asshole."
"I didn't want to go to Portsmouth, Sir."
"Good reason," McCoy said. "I asked you a question before. Are you a tough guy or not?"
"I used to be a cop, Lieutenant," Hart said. "I suppose I'm as tough as most cops."
"Tougher than some7"
"Yes, Sir."
"You look like you could use a drink," McCoy said. "Lean your piece against the wall." The offer completely surprised Hart. McCoy saw his hesitation and laughed.
"Go ahead," he said. "You're not the first guy to go through here, including me, who wanted to kill his DI. You're the first sane one I've met who actually tried to." He walked to Hart, took his rifle from him, and motioned him into a chair. He leaned the rifle against a wall, and then he poured whiskey into a glass and handed it to him.
"You want some water?"
"No, thank you, Sir."
"Why did you want to be a cop?"
"My whole family is cops."
"When you were a cop, did you ever use your weapon? Kill somebody? Or try to?"
"Yes, Sir." Hart took a sip of the whiskey. For the first time he saw Moore's cane.
"Which? Tried to? Or did?"
"I had to kill a couple of people, Sir, when I was a cop."
"Is that why you joined the crotch?" Moore asked somewhat thickly. "To kill people?"
What did he say? The crotch?
Hart saw McCoy flash Moore an angry look, but then he turned to Hart: