`Never what?'
`I'd never lose all my money in any way.'
`Try to use your imagination, Jim. The-'
`The name is Jake Ecstein. Why use my imagination? If I'm in touch with reality, why leave it?'
`How, do you know it's reality?'
'How do you know it's not?' Dr. E asked.
`But if there's any doubt, then you should experiment with other realities.'
`No doubt in my mind.'
`I see.'
`Look, buddy, I'm here as an observer. I like Luke Rhinehart and want to look over his plant.'
'You can't understand CETRE without living it'
`Okay, I'm trying, but don't expect me to use my imagination.'
Later Dr. Ecstein was taken to the love rooms.
`What kind of love experiences would you like to have?'
`Huh? ?'
`What kind of sex experience would you like to have?'
`Oh,' Dr. Ecstein said. `Okay.'
`Okay, what?'
'Okay, I'll have a sex experience.'
`But what kinds interest you?'
`Any. Doesn't make any difference.'
The teacher handed Dr. E the basic list of thirty-six possible love roles.
`Are there any that particularly appeal to you or any that you would prefer not to have as possible options of the Die?'
he asked.
Dr. E looked over the list: 'You wish to be loved slavishly by a . `You-wish to love slavishly a ' `You wish to be courted sweetly by a . . : 'You wish to court sweetly…' `'You wish to be raped by a . . : 'You wish to rape a : . : 'You wish to watch pornographic films,' 'You wish to watch
other people's sexual activities,' 'You wish to striptease,' `To watch a striptease,' 'You wish to be someone's mistress, a
prostitute, a stud, a call girl, a male prostitute, happily married to Most of the options gave the choice of alternatives
for performing the sexual role with: a young woman, an older woman, a young man, an older man, a man and a
woman, two men or two women.
`What's all this?' Dr. Ecstein asked.
`Simply choose those you are willing to play, make a list and let the dice choose one for you to play.'
`Better scratch the "rape" and the "be raped." Had enough of those in the marriage room.'
`All right. Any others, Phil?'
`Stop calling me names.'
`Sorry, Roger.'
`Better throw out the homosexual stuff. Might hurt my reputation outside.'
`But no one in here knows who you are or ever will know.'
`I'm Jake Ecstein, damn it! I've said that six times.'
`I know that, Elijah, but there are five other Jake Ecsteins in here this week as well, so I don't see what difference it
'Five others!' `Certainly. Would you like to meet some before you try your first random sex experience?'
`You're Goddam-right.'
The teacher took Dr. E into a room named Cocktail Party where a crowd milled and drinks were served. The teacher
took a portly gentleman by the elbow and said to him `Jake, I'd like you to meet Roger. Roger, Jake Ecstein.'
'Goddam it,' Dr. Ecstein said, `I'm Jake Ecstein!'
`Oh are you really?' the portly gentleman said. `I am too. How nice. I'm very pleased to meet you, Jake.'
Dr. E permitted himself to shake hands.
`Have you met the tall thin Jake Ecstein yet?' the portly one asked. `Awfully pleasant chap.'
`No, I haven't. And I don't want to.'