'Yes, about then. Why? What's Frank up to these days? Nothing serious, I hope.'
`Please describe your meeting with him.'
'Mmmmm. I remember I ran into him purely by chance on the street near his apartment. We decided to go to dinner
'Go on.'
'After dinner, he suggested we go visit a girlfriend of his in Harlem. So we went.'
'Go on.'
'I spent a couple of hours with Osterflood with his girlfriend and then I left' 'What took place at this girlfriend's place?'
'We watched some television. And, well, Osterflood engaged the girl in sexual congress and then I engaged her in
sexual congress. It was a joint session you might say.'
'Did Osterflood leave with you?'
'No. I left alone.'
'What was he doing when you left?'
'He was sleeping on the living room rug.'
'What was Osterflood's relation to this girl?'
`I'd say it was basically masochistic. Sadistic elements too.'
`Did the girl seem to like him?'
'She seemed to take pleasure in her interaction with him.'
`You say Osterflood was asleep when you left'
`Was he drunk?'
`Was he in good health?'
`Mmmm. No. He was overweight, had eaten too much that night. Had digestive problems. Was exhausting himself in
acts of atonement.'
Inspector Putt stared coldly at Dr. Rhinehart and then asked abruptly 'Who prepared the drinks for everyone that night?'
'Ahh. The drinks.'
'Yes, the drinks.'
Dr. Rhinehart bounced the die on the desk a second time. He smiled.
'Mr. Osterflood prepared the drinks.'
'Osterflood!' `I found several of my Scotches unfriendlily watered-down, but the service was otherwise fine.'
The inspector's face and eyes became exceptionally cold as he stared at Dr. Rhinehart.
'Did the die tell you to murder Osterflood that night?'
'Oh I doubt it. But it's an interesting question. Let's see.'
Dr. Rhinehart dribbled the die a third time, and then looked up brightly at his questioner. 'Nope.'
'I see. I suppose that's the truth,' Inspector Putt sneered.
`It's what the die told me to say.'
The two men looked at each other and then the inspector, tight-lipped, pushed a button on the side of his desk and told
the detective who came to the door to 'bring her in.'
Gina entered, dressed conservatively in a knee-length skirt, a heavy blouse and an ill-fitting jacket.
`That's the man,' she said.
'Sit down,' said the inspector.
`That's him.'
'Hi, Gina,' Dr. Rhinehart said.
`He admits it See, he admits it'
'Sit down, Gina,' the detective said.
`Miss Potrelli to you, fuzz-face.'
'Please briefly repeat your story of how the evening with Osterflood went,' said the inspector.
This guy and Frank came to my apartment and I gave them both a fuck. This guy served the drinks. Osterflood began