After Christ had betrayed his brother to the soldiers, he went by himself to pray. He hoped that the angel would come back to him, because he felt he had to talk about what he’d done and what might happen next; and he badly wanted to explain about the money.
He prayed, but he couldn’t sleep, so at first light he went to the high priest’s house, where he heard about the Galilean who had denied being one of Jesus’s followers, and who had wept at the cock-crow. Even in the middle of his tension and distress, Christ made a note of that.
But he was restless and agitated still, and joined the crowd that had gathered to see what the verdict on Jesus would be.
Presently a rumour began to spread: they were taking Jesus to the Roman governor. And soon afterwards the doors of the high priest’s house opened, and a troop of temple guards came out, bringing Jesus with them, his hands bound behind him. The guards had to protect him from the people, who only a few days ago had welcomed him with cheers and shouts of joy; now they were yelling at him, shaking their fists, and spitting.
Christ followed as they made their way to the governor’s palace. The governor at the time was Pontius Pilate, a brutal man much given to handing out cruel punishments. There was another prisoner awaiting sentence, a political terrorist and murderer called Barabbas, and it was almost certain that he was going to be crucified.
Christ remembered the ram caught in the thicket.
When the guards reached the governor’s palace, they dragged Jesus inside and flung him down at Pilate’s feet. Caiaphas had come to press the charges against Jesus, and Pilate listened while he spoke.
‘You will have seen, sir, the daubings on the walls – “King Jesus”. This is the man responsible. He has caused chaos in the temple, he has excited the mob, and we are conscious of the danger of civil disorder, so-’
‘You hear that?’ said Pilate to Jesus. ‘I’ve seen those filthy daubings. So that was you, was it? You claim to be the king of the Jews?’
‘You say that,’ said Jesus.
‘Did he speak to you in this insolent way?’ Pilate asked Caiaphas.
‘Constantly, sir.’
Pilate told the guards to set Jesus on his feet.
‘I’ll ask you again,’ he said, ‘and I expect some politeness this time. Do you claim to be the king of the Jews?’
Jesus said nothing.
Pilate knocked him down, and said, ‘You hear all these charges they lay against you? You think we’re going to put up with this kind of thing? You think we’re stupid, to allow agitators to go around causing trouble and urging the people to riot, or worse? We’re responsible for keeping the peace here, if you hadn’t noticed. And I will not put up with political disturbance from any direction. I’ll stamp that out at once, make no mistake. Well? What have you got to say, King Jesus?’
Again Jesus said nothing, so Pilate told the guards to beat him. By this time they could hear the shouts of the crowd outside, and both the priests and the Romans feared a riot.
‘What are they shouting about?’ demanded Pilate. ‘Do they want this man released?’
Now there was a custom that at the time of Passover, one prisoner of the people’s choice would be given his freedom; and some of the priests, in order to agitate the crowd and make sure Jesus didn’t escape with his life, had gone among the people urging them to plead for the life of Barabbas.
One of Pilate’s officers said, ‘Not this man, sir. They want you to free Barabbas.’
‘That murderer? Why?’
‘He is popular, sir. You would please them greatly by letting him go.’
Pilate went out on to his balcony and spoke to the crowd.
‘You want Barabbas?’ he said.
They all cried, ‘Yes! Barabbas!’
‘Very well, he can go free. Now clear the courtyard. Go about your business.
He came back into the room, and said, ‘That means there’s a spare cross. You hear that, Jesus?’
‘Sir,’ said Caiaphas, ‘if it would be possible to consider, for example, a sentence of exile-’
‘Take him away and crucify him,’ said Pilate. ‘Put a sign on the cross saying who he claims to be – the king of the Jews. That’ll teach you people to think about rebellion and rioting.’
‘Sir, could the sign read “He says he is king of the Jews?” Just in case, you know-’
‘I’ve said what I’ve said. Don’t push your luck, Caiaphas.’
‘No, of course not, sir. Thank you, sir.’
‘Take him away then. Flog him first, and then nail him up.’