3. distraught - trouble in mind.
amah - home servant (in India, China).
tiffin - lunch (India, China).
5. topee - garment for upper part of lady's body.
10. curio - rare or unusual object.
disparagement - talk of discredit.
12. K.C. King's Council - Council to the Crown with precedence over other barristers.
16. wizened - shriveiled-looking.
dejection - low spirits.
touched up - improved with minor additions.
17. parsimonious - careful in use of money or resources.
obsequious - servile, fawning.
19. pusillanimous - lacking courage.
odds and ends - stray articles.
25. facetious - meant to be amusing.
40. red tape - excessive bureaucracy or formalities.
put on airs - pretend to be which one is not.
41. banter - playful teasing.
49. supercillious -contemptuous, haughty.
52. coon-can - card game.
54. bric-a-brac (Fr.) - trash, odds and ends.
56. come down to brass tacks - come into the heart of the matter.
61. be subpoenaed - be summoned to law-court.
pettifogging - quibbling or wrangling about petty points.
68. co-respondent - person committing adultery with respondent in divorce case.
80. make clean breast of smth to smb - tell smb the truth about smth.
81. soft (here) - attractive and interesting
have a leg to stand on - have every reason to.
83. entreaties - insisting requests.
84. make head or tail out of smth - clearly understand and realise smth.
85. C.M.G. - Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George.
87. Hobson's choice - option of taking what is offered or nothing.
104. crenellation - bevelling of wall at sides with windows for guns.
107. Eurasian clerk - local clerk of mixed European and Asian parentage.
111. badinage - playful ridicule.
115. lollop - move in ungainly bounds.
122. sampan - small boat used in Far East.
124. subterfuge - evasion to escape censure or defeat, etc.
125. convert - person converted to some religion.
126. emaciation - feebleness.
130. plaster of Paris - soft mixture of lime, sand, and water, which hardens by drying.
134. pestilence - fatal epidemic disease.
150. sagacious - approving.
152. loquacious - talkative.
157. succour - timely help in need.
162. causeway - raised road across low or wet ground.
168. consternation - amazement or dismay causing mental confusion.
169. rattan - palm with long thin many-jointed pliable stems.
180. fornication - act of voluntary sexual intercourse.
183. magnanimous - generous in feelings or conduct.
condone offence - forgive or overlook one's offence.
192. mundane - of this world, material, dull and routine.
193. communicate (here) - receive Holy Communion.
197. obtuseness - dull wit, slowness in understanding.
203. guttural - produced in throat or by back of tongue and palate.
204. postern - back or side entrance.
220. peremptoriness - command admitting no refusal.
223. wraith - ghost.
227. lapis lazuli - intense light-blue colour.
230. arpeggios - playing of notes of chord in rapid succession.
iridescent - rainbow-like changing colours.
231. habiliments - clothing, attire.
239. cheroot - cigar with both ends open.
240. bereavement - desolation.
261. acrid - bitterly pungent.
264. perspicacity - mental penetration or discernment.
267. batten - prosper at another's expense.