Our "princess," CC, really wants to know why the Sichuan girl Little Fang was able to steal Nick away from her. CC asks me to check out Little Fang's daily life and then compare it with her own.
After hanging out with Little Fang for a month, I turn my notes in to CC, "She: Shiseido makeup, Toshiba laptop, platform shoes, Sony mobile phone, drinks green bubble tea, favorite show is Tokyo Love Stories. You: Estée Lauder makeup, IBM think pad, Nike tennis shoes, Nokia cell phone, drinks martinis, favorite show is Ally McBeal."
"Your conclusion?" CC asks me.
"She's a ha rizu, a fan of Japanese culture, but you're a ha meizu, a fan of Western culture."
"But how can she win the heart of an Englishman by being a fan of Japanese culture?" CC is puzzled. "Is it because both countries are islands? I grew up on the islands of Hong Kong and England."
"Let's find out." I say.
Since I'm involved in the Foreign Correspondent Club of Beijing, I arrange for Little Fang to discuss her favorite Japanese soap opera, Tokyo Love Stories, at the FCC for our members who are journalists and China-watchers. I invite CC, Beibei, Lulu, Lily, and Mimi to come.
Little Fang starts her speech. "I understand most of the members in the club are Westerners or Chinese who studied in the West. I think Chinese women are already feminists. Western influence can make us undesirable. Perhaps that explains why some of you in your thirties are still single. Your problem is that you are too strong as women. Women are meant to be water, not stone."
It's the first time CC has met Little Fang since the incident with Nick. CC wants to be friendly, but after hearing Little Fang's comments, she is upset, murmuring, "How dare she attack us! That lowlife stole my man!" CC is not the only one who is offended. No one wants to be reminded that she is still single.
Little Fang continues. "Men like gentle women, so we should learn from Japanese women. That's why I recommend that you watch Tokyo Love Stories."
"Women like us only watch Ally McBeal and Sex and the City," an audience member comments.
"American stuff is too shallow, especially Hollywood," Little Fang says.
"Neither Ally McBeal nor Sex and the City represent the Hollywood – style. They are the New York – style, which is much more sophisticated than Hollywood." I can't help but defend my two favorite shows.
"What is the sophisticated New York – style?" Little Fang asks.
"Hilarious, funny, wise, and psychological." Lily speaks for me.
"I think on American TV shows, couples go to bed far too quickly and too easily. It's quite carnal," Little Fang says.
"It's called sexy." CC retorts.
Little Fang rebuffs her. "It's sexual, but not sexy. Japanese soap operas normally don't have bed scenes. They focus on feelings and sensitivities. Women who can delay their sexual urges and who care more about love than sex are the ultimate winners."
"Those Japanese love stories are simply about mind games. The girls are all prudes. They try to be cute at first. After they get the men they want, they dump them. In their TV series, somebody either has to die or become handicapped. The ending is always sad. It's so sadistic!" Beibei speaks out. She is on CC's side and won't let Little Fang's points go unchallenged. Although Beibei hasn't studied abroad, she is a made-in-China feminist.
Little Fang defends her beloved Japanese shows ardently. "They are textbooks on how to deal with men. You learn how to be soft on the outside and firm inside, how to disguise your feelings, how to make men notice you, how to turn the passive situation around. Our Chinese mothers haven't taught us these tricks, so we have to learn it somewhere else!"
"Do these tricks really work?" another female audience member asks doubtfully, adding, "Men aren't stupid."
Little Fang says, "Yes. It is an art to know when to say no, when to say yes, when you should wait for men, when you should make the m wait for you."
"We have no interest in becoming manipulative prudes! We'd rather watch Sarah Jessica Parker!" says CC, thinking that Little Fang must have used these tricks on Nick.
"Sex and the City and Ally McBeal cant teach you anything about men. Even worse, they teach you to be bitches that men hate!" Little Fang snaps back.
Everybody is stunned.
So far, Lulu has been quiet. I say, "Lulu, you aren't as westernized as CC, Lily, Mimi, and me. Nor are you a Chinese-made feminist like Beibei. Do you prefer American TV series or Japanese ones?"
"I watch Korean soap operas," Lulu says.
"What is so good about Korean ones? All the actresses have had plastic surgery!" Little Fang shakes her head.
"I've seen several. They are all about rich kids falling in love with poor kids: the cliche Cinderella plot." CC doesn't approve of Korean soap operas either.
Lulu says, "I can dream of being a Chinese Cinderella when I watch the Korean ones."
HA RIZU: Fan of Japanese culture.
HA MEIZU: Fan of American culture.