«Maybe it's important.»
«It's only Allin, again.»
They sat there and the phone rang nine times and they didn't answer. Finally, it quieted. They finished dinner. Out in the kitchen, the window curtains gently moved in the small breeze from a slightly opened window.
The phone rang again.
«I can't let it ring,» he said, and answered it. «Oh, hello, Allin.»
«Herb! It's here! It got here!»
«You're too near the phone, back up a little.»
«I stood in the open door and waited for it. I saw it coming down the highway, shaking all the trees, one by one, until it shook the trees just outside the house and it dived down toward the door and I slammed the door in its face!»
Thompson didn't say anything. He couldn't think of anything to say, his wife was watching him in the hail door.
«How interesting,» he said, at last.
«It's all around the house, Herb. I can't get out now, I can't do anything. But I fooled it, I let it think it had me, and just as it came down to get me I slammed and locked the door! I was ready for it, I've been getting ready for weeks.»
«Have you, now; tell me about it, Allin, old man.» Herb Thompson played it jovially into the phone, while his wife looked on and his neck began to sweat.
«It began six weeks ago….»
«Oh, yes? Well, well.»
«… I thought I had it licked. I thought it had given up following and trying to get me. But it was just waiting. Six weeks ago I heard the wind laughing and whispering around the corners of my house, out here. Just for an hour or so, not very long, not very loud. Then it went away.»
Thompson nodded into the phone. «Glad to hear it, glad to hear it.» His wife stared at him.
«It came back, the next night. It slammed the shutters and kicked sparks out of the chimney. It came back five nights in a row, a little stronger each time. When I opened the front door, it came in at me and tried to pull me out, but it wasn't strong enough. Tonight it _is_.»
«Glad to hear you're feeling better,» said Thompson.
«I'm not better, what's wrong with you? Is your wife listening to us?»
«Oh, I see. I know I sound like a fool.»
«Not at all. Go on.»
Thompson's wife went back into the kitchen. He relaxed. He sat down on a little chair near the phone. «Go on, Allin, get it out of you, you'll sleep better.»
«It's all around the house now, like a great big vacuum machine nuzzling at all the gables. It's knocking the trees around.»
«That's funny, there's no wind _here_, Allin.»
«Of course not, it doesn't care about you, only about me.»
«I guess that's one way to explain it.»
«It's a killer, Herb, the biggest damnedest prehistoric killer that ever hunted prey. A big sniffling hound, trying to smell me out, find me. It pushes its big cold nose up to the house, taking air, and when it finds me in the parlor it drives its pressure there, and when I'm in the kitchen it goes there. It's trying to get in the windows, now, but I had them reinforced and I put new hinges on the doors, and bolts. It's a strong house. They built them strong in the old days. I've got all the lights in the house on, now. The house is all lighted up, bright. The wind followed me from room to room, looking through all the windows, when I switched them on. Oh!»
«What's wrong?»
«It just snatched off the front screen door!»
«I wish you'd come over here and spend the night, Allin.»
«I can't! God, I can't leave the house. I can't do anything. I know this wind. Lord, it's big and it's clever. I tried to light a cigarette a moment ago, and a little draft sucked the match out. The wind likes to play games, it likes to taunt me, it's taking its time with me; it's got all night. And now! God, right now, one of my old travel books, on the library table, I wish you could see it. A little breeze from God knows what small hole in the house, the little breeze is- blowing the pages one by one. I wish you could see it. There's my introduction. Do you remember the introduction to my book on Tibet, Herb?»
«_This book is dedicated to those who lost the game of elements, written by one who has seen, but who has always escaped_.»
«Yes, I remember.»
«The lights have gone out!»
The phone crackled.
«The power lines just went down. Are you there, Herb?»
«I still hear you.»
«The wind doesn't like all that light in my house, it tore the power lines down. The telephone will probably go next. Oh, it's a real party, me and the wind, I tell you! Just a second.»
«Allin?» A silence. Herb leaned against the mouthpiece. His wife glanced in from the kitchen. Herb Thompson waited. «Allin?»
«I'm back,» said the voice on the phone. «There was a draft from the door and I shoved some wadding under it to keep it from blowing on my feet. I'm glad you didn't come out after all, Herb, I wouldn't want you in this mess. There! It just broke one of the living-room windows and a regular gale is in the house, knocking pictures off the wall! Do you hear it?»
Herb Thompson listened. There was a wild sirening on the phone and a whistling and banging. Allin shouted over it. «Do you hear it?»
Herb Thompson swallowed drily. «I hear it.»
«It wants me alive, Herb. It doesn't dare knock the house down in one fell blow. That'd kill me. It wants me alive, so it can pull me apart, finger by finger. It wants what's inside me. My mind, my brain. It wants my life-power, my psychic force, my ego. It wants intellect.»
«My wife's calling me, Allin. I have to go wipe the dishes.»
«It's a big cloud of vapors, winds from all over the world. The same wind that ripped the Celebes a year ago, the same pampero that killed in Argentina, the typhoon that fed on Hawaii, the hurricane that knocked the coast of Africa early this year. It's part of all those storms I escaped. It followed me from the Himalayas because it didn't want me to know what I know about the Valley of the Winds where it gathers and plans its destruction. Something, a long time ago, gave it a start in the direction of life. I know its feeding grounds, I know where it is born and where parts of it expire. For that reason, it hates me; and my books that tell how to defeat it. It doesn't want me preaching any more. It wants to incorporate me into its huge body, to give it knowledge. It wants me on its own side!»
«I have to hang up, Allin, my wife-―»
«What?» A pause, the blowing of the wind in the phone, distantly. «What did you say?»