40274.fb2 To the People of Now [prose] - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 14

To the People of Now [prose] - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 14

The uttered "no" to their homeworld

-    Have you too noticed this planet in the given star system ?

-    Yes, and it looks rather curious one.

-    What has the analysis of its informational field shown ?

-    I am unable to receive this information. The field is either closed, or limited by sphere of propagation to an upper atmosphere.

-    And what’s the structure of its atmosphere ? How do you think, captain, could there be a life previously ?

-    Atmosphere analysis has shown prevalence of nitrogen. Devices have fixed approximately 80-percent nitrogen substance, 15-percent oxygen substance, 3-percent carbonic substance and other gases. Ozone layers, traditional for planetary systems of the given type, were practically not discovered. Atmosphere contains a significant amount of water mainly in the bottom layers. Is there is something else?

-    I suspect we should take a closer look at the planet. Closed informational field … strange … this is usually the case for absolutely lifeless worlds, whose time continuum of the future exists no more.

-    Yes, captain, I agree. We definitely need to explore this world on its surface.

-    Then we are entering top layers of its atmosphere.

- The height over a planet surface is approximately 30 stargrates. The massive water surfaces, reaching in depth 10 stargrates, are being observed.

- And the field ?

- Still closed, unable to get the information currently.

- Are there sites of a surface of the dense matter, suitable for landing?

- I am trying. Something resounds with psychowaves and deforms them. It's necessary to search for a surface suitable for landing by a rough method.

- All right, let’s descend.

- We are almost near firm surface.

- Good, let’s go down. Let the spaceship balance in this atmosphere meanwhile.

- Should I transfer the ship into graventropic state ?

- Yes. Let’s move out.

* * *

I slowly descended from “deck” of our ship and was shrouded in graventropic field. Then slowly, levitating over a surface, began to descend.

Amusing world. Water, water, water. Everywhere you look around – there is practically only water.

I have stretched my hand forward – thus strengthening field impulses. A push - and the handful of a matter of a land has come off it and has slowly swum up to me. Water and sand. Sand … there is lot of sand here. The oceanic bottom contains considerable amount of sand too. How many similar non-water sites have remained here ?

And a field … the closed informational psychofield. I have only encountered this once - but that star system was completely lifeless as though cursed to non-life, but here … other planets of star system contained it, but this one …

- Curiously. Have you learnt the age of formation of dense bodies of other planets in this system?

- Yes, their fields were accessible. The age of this planet is close to their age.

- And yet it looks like as though life has left this world.

- Exactly. I do not observe typical signs of presence of organic life for these systems. One endless lifeless sea.

- What’s with the field ?

- I cannot breach alone. We can try to unite impulses of our psychofields.

- Let’s give it a try. We need to try to read information of time continuum on the past and recent events, which have changed, if it truly was so, shape of the planet.

- Let’s work then.

* * *

And we worked. Our fields resounded, trying to breach, pierce, force the way through a planet's field, without having broken its structure simultaneously.

And over and over again – with each new vibration, with each new attempt we entered into its layers deeply and deeply, and surprising, truly stunning pictures of this world’s past revealed before us.

We saw green biosphere of a planet and organic life, which had filled it from one edge to another.

We saw volcanoes eruptions and formation and movement of continents. We saw some strange creatures moving on four legs and battling with each other. We saw inhabitants of the bottom layers of atmosphere … when we attempted to name them, a psychoword "bird" had flashed in our consciousnesses.

We saw how some of creatures have finally changed their way of movement from four to two legs. We observed, how these beings then united in groups, how they battled with those who was still moving on four – how they defeated and ate them, how perished from them …

Images floated, formed and were imprinted on the edges of our consciousnesses. … replaced one another as in a kaleidoscope.

We saw how biped ones began to use biological life surrounding them for the invention of tools – a wood, then metal … how their separate groups, being formed in different parts of a planet, gradually extended, how they expanded the biological area of existence … how used created tools against the four-footed … animals ? – and how they used these weapons against each other. We observed, how parts of these groups changed – how more stronger and more accurate psychofield was formed around their representatives, how these representatives started to supervise over others and gained the ability to read a small share of the information of a time continuum.

Their groups grew and extended - have then started to form ci … ci … cities. We saw, how these groups became more and more independent from … animals - and some of them even began to use animals for improvement of their own life, how cities grew and how psychofields of these beings worked, vibrating in a resonance with an informational continuum and new and … inventions … came to life … how wars were started … how alliances were made, how one … civilization … replaced another.

And then race of images became truly unimaginable.

Cities grew and disappeared, houses rose and fell, the new areas called “states” were born and absorbed … bipedal creatures soon filled all space of a planet suitable enough for life.

And then a sharp flash in consciousness - a field’s push – and biped beings kill each other in earlier unprecedented scales. New push – it seems, that the very field of the planet groans – and new, new, endless wars take place.

Creatures fill all new areas and start to destroy other organic life in places of their dwelling. The planet’s field groans and fluctuates, reflecting with pain flashes in our consciousnesses.

New flash - and sky is filled with iron artificial birds. New pushes of a psychofield of a planet – and new wars and new pain occurs.

Bright beautiful flashes of consciousnesses - and elementary space vessels try to overcome planet’s gravitational field. Now they escape the forces of gravity – and travel to planet’s orbit.

New and new modifications of them are being created - and the orbit is being filled with them. Now these spaceships land on the planet’s satellite. Now they start travelling to other planets of this star system …

And wars come again … And the biosphere of the planet is being destroyed and psychofield of their world is being deformed yet again …

We see how experiments will structural material of cells of living organisms are being performed … and we desire to shout “Stop it !”, for we already know the interstellar civilizations which have destroyed themselves during similar experiments - but we cannot … what we can do – is just to observe. To observe, how biological organisms of a planet … animals … are being deformed, to observe how their bodies - since very birth transformed beyond recognition - gradually lose reason rudiments in a course of new experiments … how their biofields are being deformed - as though are curved inside – and a death sign, already familiar to us, is distinctly shown.

“Stop at last !”, - we urge to shout … and we cannot.

We can only observe how the increasing technological development leads this planetary civilization to natural parasitism on the scale of its biosphere. We observe, how bailout atmospheric layers of gases are being destroyed … how a share of radiation of a star of their system, touching the planet, gradually increases … how, as if being proud of their inventions, they build sort of protective domes around areas of their dwelling, how their … geneticists … create some sort of virus, capable, as they say it, to change their fabric and to rescue them from disastrous radiation of a star on infection … how mass infection gives unexpected side-effects … how the appearance of these beings changes – and how their psychofields are changed in a similar manner, being curved inside with already so familiar death sign …

And the strongest vibrations of an informational field of a planet come again - as though it tries to spit out this information, this knowledge of former events forever … and yet again as though something stomps our fields, which have almost merged with planet’s field now … And once again - pictures and images, replacing each other …

Mutated beings begin to perish from the impact of atmospheric gases and star radiation. As if having gone mad, they try to use own psychofields, discovered by their scientists, for the destruction of their own kin - and then the small group of beings, almost not afflicted, makes the decision on the further change of their kind and its adaptation for life in the water environment. We observe, how massive generators are being created, designed to change structure of planet’s gases and cause thawing of glaciers to create an eternal world of water. We observe, how these generators are put in action …

It’s late. It’s too late. Genetic modification of their kin for the adaptation to in-ocean’s life becomes impossible. The infected half-mad beings destroy this supervising elite to plunge themselves into the ocean – now forever.

Now masses of these beings march into the newborn oceans – in ranks, as if still not understanding, that they come to face certain death, as though called by someone – and disappear in its waves. Disappear once and forever.


And then star radiation finishes the rest.

* * *

Pain, pain, pain. Waves of pain, our consciousness is being stomped and crashed … a sharp push - and the planet’s field throws us out from itself, those unexpected newcomers who have woken it. And then the images instantly fade off.

Now I am still standing on this small islet among boundless ocean of a planet together with my father, still not able to come to my senses after what I have seen. The father, however, comes to his senses earlier than me.

- And that is how their history has ended. Now we have learnt everything that wanted about this world. We will deliver this information to the Intergalactic Council. But now it’s time for us to leave … a field became unstable after our intrusion.

- But … but why … what for? Why … why they have chosen such way … what for... Why have they destroyed planetary life along with their own ? Why … why not psychosynthesis, why not searches in themselves, why only outside … why fine tuning of world under their and only their needs?

- Too many questions, son, - and not enough answers.

The father has looked to me in eyes - and a vibration of his thought, strong and accurate, has touched me.

- They simply … they simply uttered “no” to their homeworld. – Let’s go now. There is no place for us in the dead worlds.