40455.fb2 Wedding Season - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 47

Wedding Season - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 47


‘Has everyone got a drink?' called Sarah from her kitchen. 'I'm bringing plates for the cake.'

‘Oh do come on,' chivvied Elsa. 'We want to see these photos!'

‘We promise not to get chocolate on them,' added Bron.

Sarah appeared carrying a loaded tray. 'OK, I'm here now.' She found space for the tray and Bron caught the champagne bottle that threatened to tip over as she did so.

‘I thought we might need an extra bottle,' Sarah explained, seeing the surprised expressions of her companions. She raised her glass, saying, 'Cheers!' then picked up a large photograph album from where it had been propped against a chair and placed it on the table in front of them.

‘It's been ages since we've all been together. In fact, not since the wedding,' said Bron having taken a large sip of champagne. 'Ooh, lovely fizz.'

‘The fizz is left over from Carrie's wedding. She had a case sent to me,' said Sarah.

‘Oh, she was lovely!' said Elsa, forgetting how long it had taken her star client to choose her fabrics, her design and the number of bridesmaids.

‘She was,' agreed Sarah.

‘But it must have been shattering for you, Sarah,' said Bron, 'with Lily's wedding on the same day.’

Sarah sighed. 'It was. I thought I'd sleep for ever afterwards.’

Elsa and Bron exchanged looks.

‘Well,' said Elsa, fortified with more Pol Roger. 'You went to a very nice hotel for a few days. Are you saying you just slept?’

Sarah went pink. Although she and Hugo had been a couple for nearly a month now, she was still a bit embarrassed about how dreamy-eyed she was about it. 'Well, we did go for a few walks and things.’

It had been bliss. After Carrie's wedding, Hugo had put Sarah in his car and carried her off to a hotel he knew in a tiny fishing village on the Cornish coast. He'd taken her to buy clothes the afternoon they arrived. Her shopping choices had been limited: jeans, fishermen's smocks, stripy Breton tops, Guernseys and deck shoes – and a huge waterproof coat that they nicknamed The Tent, which now lived in Hugo's car. They had walked, eaten huge meals and slept but most importantly, they had made love. Sarah had never been so happy. Even tying up the odds and ends after Carrie's wedding, which had taken a bit of doing, made that break away from the world worthwhile. A gentle push from Elsa brought her back to the present and she opened the album.

‘Goodness,' said Bron, after a few pages. 'If the gossip columnists got hold of these – although they are lovely – it would be terrible!'

‘Well, Celeb would be a bit annoyed,' said Sarah. 'Look at you, Elsa.’

The picture was of Elsa, kneeling by the train of Carrie's dress, doing something to the hem. Carrie was turning back and smiling down, while Elsa looked up at her. One of the little bridesmaids was making a face in the background. It perfectly captured the pre-wedding scene.

‘You should definitely have a copy for Laurence,' she said. 'You look gorgeous!'

‘Well, I might,' said Elsa evasively.

‘So, how's it going with you two? Are you living together yet?' prodded Bron.

‘Just because you and James have shacked up together -quite early on in the relationship, if I may say so,' said Elsa, 'it doesn't mean that everyone has to. Laurence and I are still living in our separate homes.' Then she looked mischievous. 'We are looking for somewhere though. And he's job hunting. He's had to spend so much time away. And for him it's more a matter of choosing where to go rather than waiting to get offers.' Elsa was very proud of Laurence, but she hoped it didn't show too much. It didn't do to brag about these things.

‘Oh that's brilliant,' said Bron. 'You'll love living together. Me and James decided there was no point in not sharing a roof when we shared everything else. I know I didn't live on my own very long, but I gave it a go.' Although neither of the other two were looking critical, she felt obliged to explain. 'He's so straightforward to live with. Really easy-going, and he makes me laugh.' She sighed deeply. 'We're so happy.'

‘So it'll be babies next?' suggested Sarah.

‘Well, maybe,' agreed Bron. 'Financially things will be tight, but neither of us wants to wait too long to start a family.'

‘Ah!' said Elsa. 'Can I be an honorary aunt?'

‘Until your own babies come along, of course,' said Bron generously. 'What about you and Hugo, Sarah?’

Sarah jumped. 'Oh we're not going to have babies just yet. Although we have talked about it,' she added with a smile.

‘Before that – what about getting married?' said Elsa.

Sarah laughed, dreamily. 'Well, he's such a nag. He does ask me to marry him every day we're together, so I dare say I'll give in eventually.’

Bron and Elsa were delighted and clinked their glasses together in a sort of alcoholic high five. 'Don't worry, we'll help you organise it.’

Sarah scowled at them as sternly as she could, given the fact that she was obviously very much in love.

‘What about moving in together?' Bron took pity on her friend. 'That would be a start.'

‘Well, location wise it's tricky. Hugo's got a lovely cottage in the country and a flat in town. I love them both but I'd like to stay around here.'

‘So you're house hunting?' Elsa asked.

‘Well, Hugo is. He keeps turning up with estate agent's details of completely unsuitable mansions.'

‘Why are they unsuitable?' said Bron. 'What's wrong with them?'

‘Too expensive. Just because he can afford to live in a small stately home, I can't.' She became aware of the other two's questioning glances. 'I want to pay my share.'

‘Could he afford to buy the small stately home without help from you?' asked Elsa.

Sarah nodded, ruefully. 'He's loaded. If I'd known..

‘Well, thank goodness you didn't,' said Elsa. 'It took you long enough to realise he was in love with you – and you with him – without anything else coming between you! Let him buy the stately home and don't worry about it. Don't you think, Bron?'

‘Absolutely. Don't let your pride come between you and your happiness any longer.' She grinned. 'I didn't.'

‘But Hugo, of all people!' Sarah was struggling to be the old, efficient person she had been just a few weeks before.

‘But Hugo's lovely,' said Bron and Elsa in chorus.

‘I know, but the cynical old me tells me he's a Hugh Grant lookalike and I should know better.' She gave up the struggle. 'I don't though. I'm just so in love.'

‘That's sweet,' said Elsa. 'And I don't know why you shouldn't be in love just because you're a wedding planner.' She paused. 'How's Lily?'

‘Oh, very well. Her mother-in-law is now thrilled she's about to be a granny. She's all over Lily like a rash, buying equipment, telling Lily to put her feet up. Now they're married she's a changed woman. And they're a lovely couple.’

She turned another page of the album. 'Oh my goodness!' She nudged Bron who gave a little scream.

‘It's the broken window and the glass all over my bed. When did Hugo have time to photograph that?'

‘He was everywhere – ubiquitous I think the word is,' said Elsa. 'Oh, and there's the caravan.' She glanced at Bron. 'It looks really romantic, with all that ivy on it.'

‘I'm surprised James didn't strip it all off for the floral arrangements,' Bron said. 'He must have missed it.'

‘So how did you get him to make a move?' asked Elsa, not remotely interested in the ivy.

Bron looked embarrassed and then said playfully, 'Well – you know. I was so tired and after the fiasco with my bed and the broken glass I had nowhere to sleep except the caravan, so I went there. James was already asleep and the rest is history.'

‘Not history I've heard,' said Elsa firmly. 'How do we get from "James was already asleep" to "the rest is history"? He's asleep. He can't be pouncing on you if he's unconscious.'

‘OK, I admit it. It was me.' Bron was laughing and blushing at the same time. 'I lay down beside him – really just wanting a nap. But then when I woke up, he looked so gorgeous I just… undid a couple of buttons.' She sighed. 'He caught me at it. And if the rest isn't history, you can make it up!’

Everyone laughed and Sarah refilled their glasses. 'So, Elsa, tell us all the details about you and Laurence,' she said.

‘I thought I had,' said Elsa, looking up at them from under her fringe. 'He's just lovely. My parents think he's perfect, which actually is a bit irritating, because whenever we go over for lunch he and Dad disappear into the bowels of the Morgan, leaving me and Mum with the washing-up.'

‘Oh, I've so got that T-shirt,' said Bron with feeling.

Elsa grinned. 'But it's all right because Mum likes to be able to tell me how lucky I am for a few uninterrupted hours. Oh, and I've got a lovely new project – costumes for a very posh school's Midsummer Night's Dream.'

Oh wow! But does that mean you won't have time for another wedding dress?' said Sarah. 'I'm meeting a new client next week.'

‘Oh no, I can fit in a bride. The costumes aren't too fiddly, and I've got a couple of mums lined up to help.'

‘I was hoping you'd say that. What a relief.' Sarah turned to Bron. 'And I'll be recommending my top hairdresser of course. I can't possibly do it all without my full team.' And she pointed to a picture of the three of them, arms linked, smiling happily at the camera.

‘And what about the photographer?' Elsa teased.

‘And the gardener?' threw in Bron before picking up the bottle and draining it into the three glasses.

They continued looking through the rest of the photographs, each chipping in with an appropriate comment every now and again.

On the last page, Sarah closed the album and reached for the second bottle of champagne, peeling off the foil in one expert move.

‘I can't believe how much our lives have changed since Ashlyn's wedding. Sarah, for example,' said Bron, whilst her friend was distracted, 'has had a complete personality transplant since then.'

‘No I haven't!' Sarah protested as she filled their glasses once more.

‘Yes you have,' said Elsa. 'A couple of months ago you'd be making us all drink water.’

Sarah laughed. 'Well, "to everything there is a season," or whatever the expression is. And this is the champagne season.' She raised her glass to join the others.

‘Or even the wedding season,' said Elsa, 'or is that going too far?'

‘Definitely too far,' said Sarah, 'but let's go there anyway!’