41146.fb2 Записки недопросветленного [поэзия] - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 16

Записки недопросветленного [поэзия] - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 16

Поговори со мной

Speak with me when it is time -I will tell you what is prime,I will tell you what is right,I shall purify your sight. Speak with me when no one listensThough your courage truly glistens,Speak with me when no one hears -I will be eternal ears, I will be eternal eyes -Those of universal size,I may open many doorsAnd to show you where each goes, I may help you find the wayWhere you'll never be the prey,Where you won't be rubbish shelf …Where you will become yourself. Where your deeds are all the right,Where your conscience feels alright,Where your never know the fear,Where inspiration is so near... But speak with me, speak at long last,And please, get rid of this disgustAnd never fear what they think,I am your only and last link, I am your only and last chance,I am what's being called "six sense",I am the vision in the light,I am a sunray in the night. So speak with me with me when times are hardFor I am your eternal guardWho's granted vision to decideWhat's good and bad, what's light and night. So speak ! I'll tell you of your lifeWhether you should emerge or dive,But if your thoughts and deeds were foulThen I will speak myself - your soul...