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Записки недопросветленного [поэзия] - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 17


What does one strife for, if not success ?Constantly pressured, each day in stress ?What do I care ? Listen or not -Poem's successful, still being hot. For politician it's measured in voices,And for musician it's all in the noises. For the reporter - it's in sensations,And for astronomer - in observations. As for the priest - it's measured in souls,And for each medic it's counted in bowels. For common mystic it's in divinations.What of the killer ? In annihilations. For simple writer it's in the novels,For complex digger it's in the shovels. For undertaker this one's in corpse,For the oculist this one's in orbs. It's in new places for endless strollersAnd for all merchants all in the dollars. And for the army it's in the wars ...Now do you see where successful one goes ? And for the planet it's in the us.Want be successful ? See where this goes ? Or will prefer not to race for success,Driving as madman, always in stress ?Spirit success now is being so rare ...Poem's successful ... what do I care ?