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Записки недопросветленного [поэзия] - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 5
Огненный Меч
I have been given flaming bladeTo pierce night and fight with shade,And it is glowing with that fireThe source of which is my desire.It has seen war, it knows of peace,It chopped heads, it burned grease,And it executed swift death,For some it's curse, for others bless.It has severed diseased limbs,It has exposed others’ sins,It was a torch for ones in dark,Cut out exit to those stuck.It settled disputes in the world,It used to touch the right heart's chord,Its clang alone can make heart brave,And it is lost for those who rave.It is engulfed in the flameAnd thus can make its wielder lame,It brings uncommon sort of fameWhich clears heart and grants no shame.Yes, I can feel its heat in hands ...This blade has traveled many landsAnd many battles it has seen,Those armed with it destined to win.It's a reflection of a Word,Which always touches rightist chordAnd purifies its victim's heart ...Eternal justice, friend and guard.