Black Beetles in Amber - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 135
The Chinaman's Assailant was allowed to walk quietly away, although the street was filled with pedestrians.
NewspaperWhy should he not have been allowedTo thread with peaceful feet the crowd Which filled that Christian street?The Decalogue he had observed,From Faith in Jesus had not swerved,And scorning pious platitudes,He saw in the Beatitudes A lamp to guide his feet.He knew that Jonah downed the whaleAnd made no bones of it. The tale That Ananias toldHe swore was true. He had no doubtThat Daniel laid the lions out.In short, he had all holiness,All meekness and all lowliness, And was with saints enrolled.'Tis true, some slight excess of zealSincerely to promote the weal Of this most Christian stateHad moved him rudely to divideThe queue that was a pagan's pride,And in addition certifyThe Faith by making fur to fly From pelt as well as pate?But, Heavenly Father, thou dost knowThat in this town these actions go For nothing worth a name.Nay, every editorial ass,To prove they never come to passWill damn his soul eternally,Although in his own journal he May read the printed shame.From bloody hands the reins of pow'rFall slack; the high-decisive hour Strikes not for liars' ears.Remove, O Father, the disgraceThat stains our California's face,And consecrate to human goodThe strength of her young womanhood And all her golden years!