43656.fb2 Black Beetles in Amber - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 147

Black Beetles in Amber - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 147


It was a bruised and battered chapThe victim of some dire mishap,Who sat upon a rock and spentHis breath in this ungay lament:"Some wars—I've frequent heard of such—Has beat the everlastin' Dutch!But never fight was fit by manTo equal this which has beganIn our (I'm in it, if you please)Academy of Sciences.For there is various gents belongTo it which go persistent wrong,And loving the debates' delightCalls one another names at sight.Their disposition, too, accordsWith fighting like they all was lords!Sech impulses should be withstood:'Tis scientific to be good."'Twas one of them, one night last week,Rose up his figure for to speak:'Please, Mr. Chair, I'm holding hereA resolution which, I fear,Some ancient fossils that has bustTheir cases and shook off their dustTo sit as Members here will findUnpleasant, not to say unkind.'And then he read it every word,And silence fell on all which heard.That resolution, wild and strange,Proposed a fundamental change,Which was that idiots no moreCould join us as they had before!"No sooner was he seated thanThe members rose up, to a man.Each chap was primed with a replyAnd tried to snatch the Chairman's eye.They stomped and shook their fists in air,And, O, what words was uttered there!"The Chair was silent, but at lastHe hove up his proportions vastAnd stilled them tumults with a lookBy which the undauntedest was shook.He smiled sarcastical and said:'If Argus was the Chair, insteadOf me, he'd lack enough of eyesEach orator to recognize!And since, denied a hearing, youMight maybe undertake to doEach other harm before you cease,I've took some steps to keep the peace:I've ordered out—alas, alas,That Science e'er to such a passShould come!—I've ordered out—the gas!'"O if a tongue or pen of fireWas mine I could not tell entireWhat the ensuin' actions was.When swollered up in darkness' jawsWe fit and fit and fit and fit,And everything we felt we hit!We gouged, we scratched and we pulled hair,And O, what words was uttered there!And when at last the day dawn cameThree hundred Scientists was lame;Two hundred others couldn't stand,They'd been so careless handled, andOne thousand at the very leastWas spread upon the floor deceased!'Twere easy to exaggerate,But lies is things I mortal hate."Such, friends, is the disaster sadWhich has befel the Cal. Acad.And now the question is of moreImportance than it was before:Shall vacancies among us beTo idiots threw open free?"