43656.fb2 Black Beetles in Amber - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 34

Black Beetles in Amber - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 34


Behold! the days of miracle at lastReturn—if ever they were truly past:From sinful creditors' unholy greedThe church called Calvary at last is freed—So called for there the Savior's crucified,Roberts and Carmany on either side.The circling contribution-box no moreProvokes the nod and simulated snore;No more the Lottery, no more the Fair,Lure the reluctant dollar from its lair,Nor Ladies' Lunches at a bit a biteDestroy the health yet spare the appetite,While thrifty sisters o'er the cauldron stoopTo serve their God with zeal, their friends with soup,And all the brethren mendicate the earthWith viewless placards: "We've been so from birth!"Sure of his wage, the pastor now can lendHis whole attention to his latter end,Remarking with a martyr's prescient thrillThe Hemp maturing on the cheerless Hill.The holy brethren, lifting pious palms,Pour out their gratitude in prayer and psalms,Chant De Profundis, meaning "out of debt,"And dance like mad—or would if they were let.Deeply disguised (a deacon newly deadSupplied the means) Jack Satan holds his headAs high as any and as loudly singsHis jubilate till each rafter rings."Rejoice, ye ever faithful," bellows he,"The debt is lifted and the temple free!"Then says, aside, with gentle cachination:"I've got a mortgage on the congregation."