43656.fb2 Black Beetles in Amber - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 64

Black Beetles in Amber - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 64


"O venerable patriot, I prayStand not here coatless; at the break of day  We'll know the grand result—and even nowThe eastern sky is faintly touched with gray."It ill befits thine age's hoary crown—This rude environment of rogue and clown,  Who, as the lying bulletins appear,With drunken cries incarnadine the town."But if with noble zeal you stay to noteThe outcome of your patriotic vote  For Blaine, or Cleveland, and your native land,Take—and God bless you!—take my overcoat.""Done, pard—and mighty white of you. And now  guess the country'll keep the trail somehow.  I aint allowed to vote, the Warden said,But whacked my coat up on old Stanislow."