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Shapes of Clay - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 215


  What wrecked the Roman power? One says vice,  Another indolence, another dice.  Emascle says polygamy. "Not so,"  Says Impycu—"'twas luxury and show."  The parson, lifting up a brow of brass,  Swears superstition gave the coup de grâce,  Great Allison, the statesman-chap affirms  'Twas lack of coins (croaks Medico: "'T was worms")  And John P. Jones the swift suggestion collars,  Averring the no coins were silver dollars.  Thus, through the ages, each presuming quack  Turns the poor corpse upon its rotten back,  Holds a new "autopsy" and finds that death  Resulted partly from the want of breath,  But chiefly from some visitation sad  That points his argument or serves his fad.  They're all in error—never human mind  The cause of the disaster has divined.  What slew the Roman power? Well, provided  You'll keep the secret, I will tell you. I did.