"But you don't really want to do it with a girl you care about," said Tad.
"The best is when you do it with a girl who's a great friend and a player," said Ian.
"And that's the reason why men want to have a threesome with you," Tad said to Chloe. "You're a great friend."
Chloe glared.
And then, pretty much out of the blue, Ian made an announcement. "I've been in more situations when it's two guys and one girl." He quickly added: "And I haven't participated
There was a moment of stunned silence. I wasn't quite sure that I'd heard correctly.
"It's the easiest way to do it," Ian shrugged. "It's sport. You don't care for that girl; otherwise, you wouldn't let your buddy have sex with her. It's not like she means anything to you."
"And it's a lot cheaper," Sam, the investment banker, piped in.
I thought of a few female friends of mine who had confessed to me the occasional fantasy of being with two men. I decided to tell them it's best to leave it a fantasy.
Chloe was still skeptical. "I've never had two men try to do that," she said. "Besides, men are so fucking competitive with each other, you'd think they wouldn't be able to deal with it."
"I wouldn't want to have sex with a woman after another man had been with her," said Peter.
Tad disagreed. "If it's my best friend, anything goes."
"Totally," Ian said.
"I could care who goes first, or what happens," Tad said.
"It's a conspiracy between the two guys," said Ian. "It's a one-on— one thing with your buddy. You're wondering with your buddy if you're going to be able to pull it off. And when you pull it off you're like—yeah!"
Jim was shaking his head violently. "I disagree."
"Jim, how can you say you disagree?" Ian asked.
"Yeah," Tad said. "You did it once with Ian."
"It's the idea of it that I don't like," Jim said.
Ian pointed at Jim. "But he was pushing me up to the girl," Ian said.