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SEX and the CITY - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 60

12. Skipper and Mr. Marvelous Seek Hot Sex in Southampton Hedges

Maybe it's just the indisputable fact that most people really do look better with a tan. Or maybe it's proof that the sex drive is stronger than ambition, even for New Yorkers. In any case, there is something about the Hamptons that lends itself to meaningless sexual encounters, the kind of embarrassingly brief couplings that most people don't necessarily want to acknowledge in the morning.

Call it a combination of skin (the topless women on Media Beach), geography (it takes sooooo long to drive from Southampton to East Hampton, especially if it's four in the morning), and topography (all those high hedges where couples can hide).

But figuring out how to work all those elements to one's advantage, especially if you're a man, can take some finesse. And youth is not necessarily an advantage. You have to know the ropes and how to get out of them gracefully afterward. Otherwise, you'll end up with something, but it might not be what you expected.

Here's a cautionary tale about three hopeful bachelors in the Hamptons during Fourth of July weekend.

But first, meet our contestants.

Bachelor No. i: Skipper Johnson, twenty-five. Preppy. Entertainment law. Boy wonder. Plans to run one of the big studios someday, which he says will be in New York. Beach toys: small Mercedes, Brooks Brothers clothing ("I have a Brooks Brothers body"), and cellular phone, of which he makes constant use. Recently, friends complained that Skipper spent two hours in the

parking lot at the beach, on the phone, doing a deal. "It's such a waste of time going to the beach," Skipper says. "Besides, I don't like getting sandy." Is worried about his recent lack of sexual success. "Do women think I'm gay?" he asks, earnestly.

Bachelor No. 2: Mr. Marvelous, sixty-five, says he's sixty. Square jaw, silver hair, bright blue eyes, athletic—all parts work on demand. Married (and divorced) five times. Twelve kids—wives number two, three, and four all good friends. Buddies wonder what his secret is. Beach toys: none. But can talk about penthouse apartment on Park Avenue, house in Bedford, apartment in Palm Beach. Staying with friends for the weekend on Further Lane in East Hampton. Considering buying a place.

Bachelor No. 3: Stanford Blatch, thirty-seven. Screenwriter. The next Joe Eszterhas. Gay but prefers straight guys. Long, dark, curly hair; refuses to cut it or put it in a ponytail. Will probably get married and have kids someday. Stays in Grandmother's house on Halsey Neck Lane in Southampton; Grandma lives in Palm Beach. Beach toys: doesn't drive, so convinces family chauffeur to come out on weekends to drive him around. Best beach toy: has known everybody worth knowing since he was a child, so he doesn't have to prove it.