44529.fb2 SEX and the CITY - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 64

SEX and the CITY - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 64


Sunday night. Coerte Felske's book party at Ted Fields's house. Skipper hasn't been invited, which pisses him off. Nevertheless, he has arranged to go to the party by offering to drive Stanford Blatch, whom he knows vaguely and who is invited everywhere, to the party.

The party is outside. Skipper notices that a young woman named Margaret is paying a lot of attention to him. Margaret is short, with dark hair and large breasts, pretty—but not Skipper's type. Works in

public relations. Skipper and Margaret decide they have to go to the bathroom, which means walking along a torchlit path snaking behind some bushes to the porta-potties. They head for some hedges. They start kissing. And then something amazing happens.

"I just really want to do this," Margaret says, and she kneels down and unzips his pants. Skipper is astounded. The whole act takes less than two minutes.

"You're going to give me a ride home, aren't you?" Margaret says, nudging him.

"I can't," he says. "I promised I would give Stanford a ride home, and you live in the opposite direction."