Skipper is playing tennis when he hears his cellular phone ringing. "Hi, honey," Margaret says. "Just wondering what you're doing." "I'm in the middle of a tennis game," Skipper says. "Wanna come over after? I'd love to cook you dinner over
"Uh, I can't."
"What do you mean, you can't?"
"I mean, I don't know what I'm doing yet. I told some other people I would go over to their house for dinner." "So we'll go together."
Skipper lowers his voice. "I don't think I can do that. It's kind of business, you know what I mean?" "My little mogul," Margaret says.
Robert Morriskin finally arrives by seaplane. Stanford is a little pissed he didn't come the day before, so he sends the chauffeur in the old Ford station wagon to pick him up instead of the Mercedes.
Mr. Marvelous returns from the beach. Sabrina called. He calls her back immediately but gets her machine.