Tuesday, Fourth of July. The cellular phone: It's Margaret. "Hi, honey. Everybody's going back early, and I don't want to. When are you going back? Can I get a ride?"
"I'm not going back until tomorrow morning," Skipper says.
"Oh. Well, I could go back tomorrow morning. I'll call my office."
"Sure," says Skipper, unhappily.
"Don't you just love the end of the weekend when everyone's left and you're still out here? Let's go to dinner."
"I don't think I can. I promised some friends …"
"No problem," Margaret says lightly. "We'll definitely see each other next weekend. We can plan it in the car tomorrow morning."
Tuesday, early evening. Mr. Marvelous turns his Mercedes into the road where he last saw Audrey. He gets out, opens the trunk, and after a certain amount of struggle, puts on a pair of rollerblades. He takes a couple of turns up and down the road. Then he leans against the side of his car and waits.