The other women showed up. Besides Camilla, who said that she was "basically single but working on" a young scion of a Park Avenue family, the women included Kitty, twenty-five, an aspiring
actress who was currently living with Hubert, a actor; Shiloh, seventeen, a model who had had a breakdown of some kind three months before and now rarely goes out; and Teesie, twenty-two, a model who had recently moved to New York and whose agency told her that she had to tell everyone she was nineteen.
The girls were all "friends," having met each other several times when they were out in the evenings, and they had even dated "some of the same scumbags," as Kitty put it.
"Let's talk about scumbags," someone said.
"Does anybody know this guy S.P.?" asked Kitty. She had long tumbledown brown hair, green eyes, a little-girl voice. "He's an old, white-haired guy with a face hke a pumpkin, and he's everywhere. Well. One time, I was at Bowery Bar, and he came up to me and he said, 'You're too young to realize that you want to sleep with me and by the time you're old enough to realize it, you'll be too old for me to want to sleep with you. " i
"Men always try to buy you," said Camilla. "Once, this guy said to me, 'Please come to St. Barts with me for a weekend. We don't have to sleep together, I promise. I just want to hold you. That's all. When he got back, he said, 'Why didn't you come with me? I told you we wouldn't sleep together. I said, 'Don't you realize that if I go away with a man, it means I want to sleep with him? "
"Someone at my old agency tried to sell me to some rich guy once," said Teesie. She had tiny features and a long swan neck. "This rich guy was friends with one of the bookers, and she promised him that he could 'have' me." Teesie looked outraged, then quickly motioned for the waiter. "Excuse me, but my glass has a spot on it."
Shiloh, perhaps feehng competitive, piped up: "I've had guys offer me plane tickets, I've had guys offer to fly me on their private jet. I just smile and never talk to them again."
Kitty leaned forward and said, "I had one guy offer me a breast job and an apartment. He said, T take care of my girls even after I break up with them. He was a tiny, bald, Aus-