44529.fb2 SEX and the CITY - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 77

SEX and the CITY - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 77


You're lying on the bed with the Bone, like you're both twelve (lying on your stomach and hanging your legs over the side), and you say, "Tell me a story." He says, "The story I'm thinking about the most lately is my ex, ex-girlfriend."

It was the summer of 1986 and the Bone was fourteen. It was one of those summer days in Iowa when the sky is clear and the corn in the fields is so green. And the whole summer, when you drive around in the car with your friends, you see the corn grow.

The Bone and his family went to the state fair. The Bone was walking through the livestock exhibit with his friend when he saw her. She was brushing a baby heifer, and he grabbed his friend's arm and he said, "That's going to be my wife!"

He didn't see her again for a whole year. Then, one evening, he was at one of those youth dances that they have in small towns to keep the teens out of trouble, and she was there. He fooled around with her on Christmas Eve. "Then I got totally dumped," he says. "It really hurt in a weird way."

A year and a half later, when she decided she wanted him, he didn't give in. "Even though I wanted to be with her so bad," he says. "Then one day I gave in."

The Bone went out with her on and off for a few years. She's a computer programmer in Iowa City. But they still talk. Maybe he'll marry her someday? He grins, and when he does, his nose wrinkles at the top. "I might," he says. "I always think it's such a beautiful story in my head. It blows my mind away."

"The Bone is always saying that he could move back to Iowa and have kids and be a cop," Stanford says.

"It's adorable, as long as he doesn't really do it," you say, then feel cynical for having said it.