51883.fb2 A Handbook for instruction in Good Citizenship Through Woodcraft. - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 3

A Handbook for instruction in Good Citizenship Through Woodcraft. - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 3


N.B.— Sentences in italics throughout the book are addressed to Scoutmasters (instructors).

By the term “scouting” is meant the work and attributes of backwoodsmen, explorers, and frontiersmen.

In giving the elements of these to boys we supply a system of games and practices which meets their desires and instincts, and is at the same time educative.

From the boys’ point of view Scouting puts them into fraternity-gangs which is their natural organization, whether for games, mischief, or loafing; it gives them a smart dress and equipment; it appeals to their imagination and romance; and it engages them in an active, open-air life.

From the parents’ point of view it gives physical health and developnzent; it teaches energy, resourcefulness, and handicrafts; it puts into the lad discipline, pluck, chivalry, amid patriotism; in a word, it develops “character”, which is more essential than anything else to a lad for taking his way of life.

The principle on which Scouting works is that the boy’s ideas are studied, and he is encouraged to educate himself instead of being instructed.

The principle is in accord with that of the most up-to-date educationalists. The training is progressive and adapted to the changing psychology of the growing boy.

The Wolf Cubs, encouraged to develop themselves as individuals, mentally and physically. The Boy Scouts, developing character and sense of service.

The Rover Scouts, for practice of the Scout Ideals of Service in their citizenship.

From the national point of view our aim is solely to make the rising generation into good citizens.

We do not interfere with the boy’s religion, of whatever form it may be, though we encourage him to practise whichever he professes.

Our training divides itself under four heads:—

1. Individual character training in resourcefulness, observation, self-reliance to gain the Scout’s Badge.

2. Handicrafts or hobbies which may help a boy to make his way in life, for which we give “Proficiency” badges.

3. Physical Health, by encouraging the boy to take plenty of exercise and to look after his body.

4. Service for the State, such as fire brigade, ambulance, missioner, life-saving, or other collective public duty by the troop.

Scouting appeals to boys of every class, and can be carried out in towns just as well as in the country.

When a Scoutmaster has not sufficient knowledge in any one subject he can generally get a friend who is an expert to come and give his troop the required instructions.

Funds must be earned by the Scouts themselves, by their work, not by begging. Various ways of making money are given in this book.

A Wolf Cub Pack, Scout Troop, and Rover Crew form what is called a Group under a Group Committee which co-ordinates the work of all branches.

Wolf Cubs.— The training of the Wolf Cubs is founded on the romance of the jungle, and is kept as dissimilar as possible from that of the Scouts in order that, on the one hand, the Scouts shall not feel that they are playing a “kid’s game”, while the Cubs, on their part, will look forward to the new atmosphere and novel activities they will come in for when they attain the age and qualifications for “going up” into the Scout Troop.

The details of the organization and training of Wolf Cubs will be found in “The Wolf Cub’s Handbook” and “Tenderpad to Second Star”

Rover Scouts.— Rover Scouts are Scouts over 17 and in exceptional cases younger. They are organized in Rover Crews in their Group.

The object of their institution is to complete the sequence of the Wolf Cub, Scout, and Rover. The training of the Cubs and Scouts is largely a preparation for rendering Service which is consummated in practice by the Rover. Such Service in many cases takes the form of helping in the administration and training of the group. Thus the progressive cycle becomes complete from Cub to Scoutmaster. In this way the Scoutmaster, while retaining the young man under good influence at the critical time of his life, gains valuable help for himself in his work, and, in such cases as are fit for it he turns out further recruits for the ranks of the Scoutmasters, while for the nation he supplies young men trained and qualified for making good useful citizens.

The details of organization and training of Rovers are to be found in the Headquarters hand- booklet, “Plan for Rover Scouts”, while the spirit and moral ideas are given in “Rovering to Success”

Girl Guides.— The Girl Guides’ Association is a sister organization for girls on precisely similar lines and principles, though differing of course in detail.

The Scout programme is applicable to other existing boy organization and has had particularly good results in schools for Deaf Mutes, the Blind, the Handicapped, Boys’ Training Schools and the Churches.