"Well... you see, I've left my ten-shilling note in my other jacket."
"I'm very sorry and all that."
"That's awful!" exclaimed Jennings. "We've already had three cakes, two doughnuts and two bottles of lemonade, and we haven't got a penny to pay for it! Why do all these things always happen to us?"
"What shall we do?" asked Darbishire.
"Let's explain it to Mrs Lumly and ask to pay later," said Venables.
"No, she may not believe us," Jennings decided and turned to Venables. "You'll have to run to school faster than x miles an hour, Ven, and get that ten-shilling note from your other pocket. Darbi and I will sit here and eat these doughnuts as if nothing had happened."
"But it will take Venables twenty minutes to walk to school and come back," Darbishire looked at his watch. "It's one minute to four."
"You mustn't walk, Ven. Please, run quickly," said Jennings.
Venables did not say a word but stood up from the table and ran out of the room.
"Eat, Jennings, we mustn't let Mrs Lumly suspect anything."
"I wonder if Venables will come back with the money before we have finished the cakes and doughnuts , on the plate," said Jennings. "If he doesn't come we shall have to ask for more, because..." He stopped because the kitchen door opened and Mrs Lumly came into the sitting-room.
"I think I saw one of you in my garden," she said.
"Yes, it's our friend. He's gone out... for a little walk. He'll be back soon," Jennings explained.
Mrs Lumly looked at the now empty plate.
"Do you want some more doughnuts?" she asked.
"Well... yes... I think we'll have some more," said Jennings.
"All right, boys," said Mrs Lumly, and went to the kitchen, "But I don't want any more doughnuts," said Darbishire.
"I don't want them either, but what could I do?" said Jennings angrily.
When Venables was going to school from Linbury, Mr Wilkins was gathering Form Three for the detention class. He wanted to begin the lesson at a quarter past four sharp, or better some minutes earlier. "Margaret's letter doesn't say what time she is coming," he thought, "but I think she will arrive at about five o'clock."
Form Three also wanted to begin and finish the lesson as soon as possible.
They sat down at their desks. When Mr Wilkins came into the classroom he was surprised to see that three boys were absent.
"Why aren't all the boys present, when I'm in a hurry," he said.
"They've gone to the village," said Temple. "But they wanted to come back by a quarter past four."
"Well, I'm not going to wait for them all afternoon," Mr Wilkins said angrily. "Open your textbooks at page fourteen and read the example it gives." And Mr Wilkins went out of the classroom.
In the corridor he looked out of the window. He hoped to see the three boys coming from the village. No, they were not coming. But Mr Carter was. He was walking along the corridor, and Mr Wilkins had to stop him.
"You see, Carter," said Mr Wilkins, "my sister is coming this afternoon, and I want to finish this lesson before she arrives. If she comes before I'm free, will you please, take her to my room? She has not been here before, and she doesn't know where my room is."
"Certainly," answered Mr Carter. "I will look after your class if she arrives early."
"No, no. I think I'll finish the lesson at five o'clock... if only I can begin it. You see, three boys are absent from the lesson..."
Mr Wilkins stopped because he saw Venables who at that moment appeared in the corridor. He was running along the corridor to Matron's room to take his ten-shilling note.
"Here is one of them. He is in time." And Mr Wilkins called loudly: "Come along, Venables! Hurry up, boy! I'm waiting for you."
Venables' face was red, sweat dropped from his face, he was out of breath,- he could not speak.
"I'm glad you are hurrying to my lesson, Venables," said Mr Wilkins with a smile. "Run to the classroom and get your books and exercise-books out of your desk. I'm going to start now."
In a minute Venables found himself at his desk, and Mr Wilkins began to explain what x's and y's meant. But Mr Wilkins was not very happy when he saw Venables put up his hand.
"What's the matter, Venables?" asked Mr Wilkins. . . :
"Please, sir, I can't come into class yet, sir," said Venables.
"What do you mean - you can't come in? You are here."
"I have to go to the village, sir."
"No, you don't have to go to the village again, Venables."
"But, sir, I must. I've left Jennings and Darbishire there," explained Venables.
"Well, I have something to tell them when they come," said Mr Wilkins.
"May I go and fetch them, sir? They'll never come back without me."
"I... I... Are you trying to be funny, boy? , They know their way back, don't they?"
"But, sir, you must listen, sir. You see what happened was..."
"Be quiet, Venables! I don't want to hear another word."
Mr Wilkins looked at Venables angrily. "I know all your tricks," he thought. "One of you wants to go and fetch the other two; and all the three of you want to miss half the detention class."
"But, sir! You don't understand. Listen to me, please!"
"Be quiet, boy!" shouted Mr Wilkins. "Do as I tell you, or it will be worse for all three of you!"