“Tell me you’re free tonight.”
“Uh… what? Who is this?” But Miranda knew who it was. She would have recognized the voice even if she hadn’t recognized the number (which she’d memorized back in ninth grade).
“I’m bored,” Kane said, affecting a little kid voice. “Come play with me?”
Her chest tightened, and a warm glow spread through her cheeks. Not a date, she reminded herself. But the caution had little effect. He wanted to see her; that had to mean something.
“It’s kind of short notice,” she pointed out, toying with him. “A true lady wouldn’t accept an offer made in such haste.”
“Well then, it’s a good thing you’re not-”
“Don’t even say it,” she warned. This whole banter thing was so much easier when he wasn’t there to see the crimson flush rising in her cheeks. She could put her hand over the mouthpiece whenever she needed to mask her giggles and gasps. It was easy to sound cool and unconcerned.
He laughed-a rich, warm sound made all the sexier by the knowledge that she’d caused it.
“There’s this thing, kind of a pre-party, and it’ll probably be lame, but I thought I’d check it out,” he explained.
“Pre-party? So I’m not good enough to take to the actual party?” She sounded sarcastic, but couldn’t help but fear it was true.
“Insecurity doesn’t suit you, my dear. The actual party’s tomorrow night-this is just a little warm-up.”
“Why not?” She tried not to sound too eager.
“Cool. You think you can give me a ride? I figure, in case I get wasted…”
Well, that solved the mystery. He just needed a designated driver; it’s not that he thought he’d have fun with her, it’s that he knew she could be trusted not to have any fun. She pressed her palm against the mouthpiece and sighed. It didn’t matter why he had called. She would go, anyway, just as she would spend the next half hour tormenting herself about what to wear, even though she’d already convinced herself that he didn’t want anything from her beyond the occasional ride and no-strings-attached hookup. There was always a chance, and even an eternal pessimist like Miranda couldn’t help but cling to that.
Adam brought her to The Whole Enchilada, her favorite restaurant-as Kaia had often pointed out, there was no good food in Grace, but the local Mexican food came the closest. Harper hadn’t wanted to admit that she was addicted to their guacamole (”could be fresher,” according to Kaia) and loved their burritos (”overstuffed”), but both girls agreed that the stale chips and crappy salsa-half as spicy and twice as watery as you’d want-were worth suffering through for the oversize frozen margaritas. They were frothy and sweet, with a double shot of tequila-and served by waiters who could be counted on not to card.
Tonight, Harper sipped a Coke.
She hadn’t said much after hello, nor had she bothered to listen as Adam babbled on about his latest basketball game or some lame joke the guys had pulled on their coach. She’d ordered a chicken enchilada, but when it appeared in front of her, she couldn’t even imagine eating it. She nibbled at the edges, crunched down on a couple chips, and drank a lot of water. It was a waste of a meal, but then, Adam was paying-so who cared?
“You know, my grandfather died when I was a kid,” he said abruptly.
She froze, a forkful of rice halfway to her mouth. She’d been expecting him to bring up Kaia, and she’d readied herself to shoot him down. But she didn’t have a contingency plan for this.
“He was the only grandparent I had,” Adam continued. “My dad’s parents, they kind of… disappeared, or something. Before I was born. And my mom’s mom died when she was a kid. But my grandfather was around for a while, and when he died, you know, it was really sudden. It sucked.”
Harper felt like she was supposed to say something. “Yeah.”
“I didn’t, uh, I didn’t really get it, at first. I was just a kid. I kept asking my mom why we didn’t go over to see him anymore, and then she’d just start freaking out and crying. So then after a while, I just stopped asking.” He gave her a weird look, half determined and half scared. Harper wondered what he expected now: Did he think that just mentioning someone dying was going to make her cry, and then he’d have to mop up the mess? “I know it’s not the same, or anything…”
“No,” she agreed.
“The worst part was that I was all alone with it, you know? So I just thought, maybe…”
She gave him a faint “Where are you going with this?” smile. She wasn’t going to make it easier on him.
Adam squirmed in his seat. Touchy-feely stuff wasn’t really his style. “You can talk to me. About how you’re feeling. About… anything.”
He wanted to know how she was feeling.
She felt numb.
She felt hollow, like a black hole at her center had sucked away her insides, only no one could tell because the outer shell was still intact.
She felt angry all the time, at Adam, at her parents, at the world, at herself. And she didn’t know why.
Her thoughts were jumpy and sluggish at the same time, skipping from subject to subject only because by the time she got to the middle of a thought, she forgot where she’d started or where she was going. So she felt lost.
She felt like crying every time she laughed, and she rarely felt much like laughing.
She felt heavy.
She felt unworthy
She felt like if someone touched her in the right way, she might disintegrate.
She could turn off the tears and paint on a smile whenever she needed to, which made her wonder if the tears weren’t real either. She felt like a fraud.
But she wasn’t about to tell him any of that.
“I feel fine,” she said coolly. She pushed her plate toward his side of the table. “Want to try some? I’m done.”
“I’ll be down in a minute!” she yelled, gulping down a couple Advil tablets. It was nice that her parents got to spend a romantic evening out on the town while she took care of the twins, she knew-and it wasn’t like she could have turned them down, given the fact that she had no other plans-but handling the twins’ hyperactive sugar craze was about the last thing she needed right now.
She picked up the envelope and pulled out the letter, even though she didn’t need to read it again. It was short, and she’d already memorized it.
No one got mail these days, so although it was probably still too early for college acceptances to arrive, she’d let herself get excited, anyway, just for a moment, when her mother had returned from the mailbox and tossed a letter toward her.
Her first reaction: It was thin. She was screwed.
But then she took a closer look and realized it wasn’t from a college at all. Her name and address were handwritten, as was the return address, a P.O. Box in Texas. She didn’t know anyone in Texas.
She was mystified, but some part of her-maybe the part that was always watching and worrying these days, waiting for something awful to happen-made her take the letter upstairs so she could open it in private. Her father was at the kitchen table pouring over bills, and her mother had already turned her attention toward the high-maintenance part of the family. When Beth slipped up to her room, no one even noticed.
She’d been up there ever since, coming out only briefly to say good-bye to her parents and receive the standard lecture about emergency contact numbers and keeping the boys away from sugar, fire, and electrical sockets. She’d nodded and pretended to listen, like playing the responsible and dutiful daughter hadn’t become more of an act than a reality, and then gone back to her room, figuring the twins could fend for themselves, at least until it was time to heat up some leftover pizza and watch SpongeBob.
The letter, more of a note, really, scrawled on a slip of hotel stationery, had come stapled to a familiar clipping from the Grace Herald.
Student-Teacher Scandal Rocks Haven High
Two phrases were highlighted in light green:
“We’re all grateful that they had the courage [to turn Payne in] and prevent this from happening again,”
district officials say they had no sign Powell was not what he seemed
The attached note was only a few lines long: Good to know I can always count on you… to keep your mouth shut. See you soon? JP.
“Beth!” There was a loud pounding at the door. “Come play with us,” Jeff begged-although their voices were as identical as their faces, she was sure it was him. He always took the lead.
“Yeah, or we’ll tell Mom!” And that would be Sam, who could always be counted on to tattle.
Beth folded the letter and the clipping and stuffed them back in the envelope, which she stuck in her top desk drawer, beneath a box of paper clips and old stationery. She shouldn’t throw it out-what she should do, in fact, was take it to the police and explain everything. But she knew she wouldn’t. What if no one believed her story? Or worse, what if everyone did? The way they would all look at her, unable to believe that good, reliable Beth had gotten herself involved in something so publicly tawdry…
And that was just the best-case scenario.
What if Powell came back to town? What if he realized she wouldn’t keep her mouth shut, and decided to shut it for her?
Or what if the police decided to check into her story and started digging into her life? If anyone started asking questions, if anyone found out about the box of pills, about what she had done-no. She couldn’t risk it. She would hold on to the letter, on the off chance that she found some secret store of courage somewhere within her.
But she wasn’t holding her breath.
“Okay,” she said wearily, opening the door. Jeff and Sam launched themselves at her, each grabbing hold of one of her legs. “What do you two brats want to do?”
“I’m not a brat,” Jeff complained, turning his head up and sticking out his lower lip.
“I am!” Sam shouted, and poked Jeff in the shoulder. “See? Brat! Brat! Brat! Brat!” Each time he yelled the word, he poked Jeff again. Jeff scrunched up his face, squinted, turned bright red, and then began to scream.
“Aaaaaaagh!” he shouted, hurling himself toward Sam with his fingers extended like claws. “I’ll get you!” But Sam, sensing that his brother was about to blow, had already taken off down the hall.
Beth sagged against the wall as the two chased each other through the house, hooting and growling. She gave herself two minutes, silently counting off the seconds in her head until she could justify it no longer, and then ran down the hallway, hoping to find a way to tame the wild beasts.
An hour later, she’d gotten them tucked into a blanket on the couch, one on either side of her, both staring blissfully at SpongeBob and friends. It occurred to her that her parents had wanted her to do something constructive with them-the twins each had a thick workbook with “fun” activities about telling time and counting money. But that would require thinking, and none of the Manning children was up to that tonight. It was so much easier just to snuggle on the couch and relax in the flickering light of the TV. Beth tugged the blanket toward her neck and closed her eyes, trying to forget…
“Beth! Wake up!” Jeff shouted, shaking her shoulder. “You’re missing the best part.”
Her eyes popped open, just in time to see a dark figure creep across the screen, lurching toward a peacefully sleeping child. She must have fallen asleep, and the twins must have taken the opportunity to change the channel, unless this was a Very Special Episode, “SpongeBob Goes on a Killing Spree.”
Sam and Jeff burrowed into her sides, pressing her hands over their eyes but peeking out just enough to see what was happening. Beth knew she should change the channel, but she couldn’t find the remote, and she didn’t really want to get up…
The figure came closer to the sleeping boy, and the eerie music rose in the background.
Closer and closer, until-
“Aaaah!” the boys screamed in unison as a knife slashed down. Beth leaped off the couch and switched off the TV.
“Just a movie,” she said cheerfully.
But it was too late. That night, it was impossible to get them to sleep. They wouldn’t let her turn out the light, and kept asking if “He” was going to come and get them. Feeling guilty-as if she ever felt any other way, these days-Beth let them sleep in her bed, together, and promised to sit by their sides until they fell asleep.
Eventually, Sam closed his eyes and fell silent, but Jeff couldn’t stop whimpering.
“Shhh,” Beth said, putting a hand against his forehead. They always looked so small and sweet in their pajamas, tucked under the covers, impossibly innocent about the way anything worked. As if it were the bogeyman they really needed to be afraid of.
“I’m scared,” Jeff whispered.
“There’s nothing to be scared of,” Beth assured him. “I’ll protect you.”
“Aren’t you scared?” he asked, wide-eyed.
“No.” She leaned down and kissed his forehead, then kissed Sam, too, gently so that he wouldn’t wake up. “I told you, there’s nothing to be scared of.”
No wonder he couldn’t fall asleep; lamer words were never spoken.
Miranda wasn’t sure whether the house was abandoned or just a pigsty; it was hard to tell in the candlelight. About thirty people, mostly drunk or high, were scattered around the grounds-smoking in the backyard, making out in the bedrooms, experimenting with mixers in the kitchen. Miranda and Kane were sprawled out on a dusty couch in the living room. They’d snagged the best spot; most of the other couples were stuck lounging on the floor or leaning against each other in secluded corners. It wasn’t much like any party Miranda had ever been to; there was very little “partying” going on, as far as she could tell. There wasn’t even any music.
Not that she cared, not while Kane leaned against her, one hand cradling a beer and the other idly playing with her hair. Was he desperately wishing he could take her off somewhere private and have his way with her? Was he struggling with his fear of intimacy, wondering if his newly discovered love for her could overpower his nerves, and if he could convince her that he was serious about making things work?
Miranda doubted it, but it was a fun fantasy (courtesy, in part, of an afternoon with Dr. Phil). She could lean over and kiss him right now. But she wanted more than that, she reminded herself. She wasn’t that kind of girl. Her friendship didn’t come with benefits.
“Sorry this sucks,” Kane said, his voice slow and heavy the way it got when he was a little drunk. Miranda almost liked him better this way; the cold, sneering veneer fell away and, every once in a while, he was actually nice. She’d always told herself this was the real Kane-alcohol just let him come out and play. “I should have known better.”
“It’s fine,” she assured him. “I’m having fun.”
He snorted, almost spitting out his mouthful of beer. “Yeah, right. Tell me something,” he said, stretching out along the couch and lying down, his head in her lap. He looked up at her. “This okay?” She nodded, not trusting herself to speak. His hair fell back from his forehead, splaying out across her leg. It was so unbelievably smooth.
“Tell you what?” she asked, resisting the urge to stroke his forehead.
“I don’t know,” he said, slurring his words slightly. “Why you’re so sad.”
“I’m not sad,” she protested.
He nodded as well as he could with his head resting on her legs. “Are too. Sad Miranda.”
“I’m not sad right now,” she pointed out, leaning over him so he could see her grin.
He reached up and touched her lips. “Can’t fool me.”
She didn’t know how drunk he was; maybe he wouldn’t even remember this in the morning, which would be better. All she knew was that she was sad-and it had been a long time since anyone had noticed, or wanted to know why.
“It’s Harper,” she admitted, feeling a hint of relief now that she’d finally said it out loud, even to Kane, who would probably make a joke out of it as he did about everything else. “Everything I say is wrong, and she doesn’t want to talk to me, and it’s like we’re not even friends anymore.” The words came fast and furiously; she’d been afraid that if she said it out loud, she would make it real. But saying it out loud was better than saying it to herself, over and over again.
“She’s just… upset.”
“I’m upset!” Miranda exclaimed. She stopped herself and took a deep breath. It felt almost like she was talking to herself. “I want to be a good friend to her, but… I also, I just…” She put her hands over her face, humiliated to realize it was wet with tears. “I miss having a best friend,” she choked out.
“Hey,” he said in alarm, pushing himself up. His breath was sour and his eyes glassy, but she didn’t care. “Hey, don’t-” He wrapped his arms around her and she clung to him, for once not wondering what he was thinking or wishing she could kiss him. She just closed her eyes and tried to catch her breath. “She’ll be back,” he promised, and much as she wanted to believe him, she knew he was just saying it. Guys would say anything to get a girl to stop crying.
“I hate being alone,” she mumbled into his soggy collar.
He pushed her away, just far enough that he could see her face, and he held her in place so she couldn’t look away. “Stevens, you’re not,” he said firmly.
“I know,” she said, nibbling at the edge of her lip. “It’s just…”
“No. You’re not.”
She wanted him so much, suddenly, that she couldn’t breathe. His lips were half parted, and his eyes, usually so cold, now seemed like warm, inviting pools of deep brown. She bit down on the inside of her cheek, hoping the pain would make her ignore how good, how safe it felt to have his arms around her.
Maybe this was right after all; maybe it didn’t matter that he was drunk and horny and she was in love-maybe they could meet in the middle, just for tonight.
“I have to go,” she said, forcing the words out.
“Just for a minute. I just need… I need some air. I have to go outside,” she said, trying to convince herself as much as anything.
“Do you want me to…?”
“Stay.” She put a hand on his bicep and suppressed a shudder. “I’ll be right back. And… Kane?”
“Yeah, Stevens?”
Things weren’t going as well as he’d expected, although now that dinner was done-Harper’s meal nearly untouched, Adam’s plate scraped clean-and the bill paid, Adam had to admit that he didn’t know what he’d expected. His auction bid had been a spur-of-the-moment thing, but over the last few days he’d built it up in his head into his big last chance. It seemed that, despite his carefully chosen clothes-the light green button-down shirt that she loved and he hated, khakis that usually only left his closet when his mother forced him to go to church-this day was going to end the same as all the rest. Unless he did something.
“I thought we’d walk home,” he suggested, hoping to delay the inevitable.
Already halfway to his car, she turned and gave him a weird look. “You didn’t even have anything to drink. And, FYI, your car’s right here.”
“It’s such a nice night,” he pointed out, fully aware that it was a kind of girly thing to say.
Harper shrugged. “Yeah. Whatever.” Translation: You forced me into this, and I’m just counting the minutes until the night is over.
They walked along the side of the road in silence. The sidewalks were deserted; most of Grace’s nightlife was limited to the dive bars and greasy taverns lining the side streets, and their patrons wouldn’t be stumbling out for hours. Main Street-home of assorted failing small businesses and several gas stations-was shuttered and dark. They could have been alone in the world.
Harper shivered, and Adam wondered if she’d had the same thought, or if she was just cold. He didn’t ask, nor did he offer his jacket, knowing she’d turn it down.
It took him about ten minutes to work up his courage, then another five to figure out how to express what he needed to say-but when that proved to be a doomed effort, he just started talking. “I miss you, Grade,” he told her.
She didn’t even look at him. He stopped walking and grabbed her arm, forcing her to stop too. They stood in the shadows of Shopsin’s Shoes, which had closed months before and was now boarded up and empty. Harper tapped her foot and looked over his shoulder.
“I miss you,” he said again.
“I’m right here.”
“No you’re not,” he argued.
She crossed her arms and scowled, looking like a pouty child. “Can we go now?”
“I want you back.”
She rolled her eyes. “As a friend. Yeah. I know.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“What’s wrong with something more than that?” she challenged him.
“Harper, you know-” He stopped himself. He didn’t know how to put it into words, that feeling he got when he felt her getting too close, some strange mix of anger, fear, repulsion-and desire. It was all too much. “We already talked about this,” he said vaguely.
“I want to hear you say it,” she sneered. “I want to hear you say exactly what you think of me. Exactly what kind of person you think I am.”
“I don’t… I don’t know what you want from me.”
She took a step toward him, then another. And then suddenly, she was on top of him, her arms threaded through his and her fingers digging into the skin of his lower back, then scraping up his back toward his neck. “I want this” she hissed. She lifted her right leg, rubbing her thigh against him, and she sucked in his lips, nibbling, biting the edges and shoving her tongue into his mouth as her hands began tearing at his hair, squeezing his face and pressing it into hers. There was friction, heat, rubbing, pulling, kneading, sucking, moaning-and then silence as he pushed her away.
“What the hell are you doing?” he asked, his face hot and his breathing rapid. There was something so ugly about her naked need, and it pained him to realize that an angry, primal part of him wanted to grab her back and finish what she’d started.
“You think I’m a slut,” she spit out. Her eyes were wide and her face was unnaturally pale, while her voice was nearly an octave higher than usual, which sometimes happened when she got too angry.
“I don’t-”
“You do. A shallow slut that you can be just friends with”-her face contorted in pain at the words-”but why would a slut want to be friends with a guy like you if she can’t get something out of it?” She stepped toward him again, and before he could back away, she shoved him in the chest, hard. “All I want is sex, right? Right?” Another shove. “And if you can’t give it to me, what the hell good are you? Why wouldn’t I just go find it somewhere else?”
Maybe that’s where she was headed when she stalked away. Adam didn’t know, and he didn’t follow.
Miranda took a deep breath and stepped back into the house, ready to rejoin the party-or at least rejoin Kane. But her seat was taken. Kane lay in the same position as before, his head now in the lap of a curvy junior cheerleader who was running her fingers lightly up and down his face.
She didn’t want to get any closer. But she didn’t have much other option, unless she wanted to start up a conversation with the couple making out to her right, or the guy passed out on her left. Kane had a short attention span; maybe he’d just gotten bored while she-perhaps rudely-left him alone. It was possible the girl was just a diversion and he’d get rid of her as soon as he saw Miranda.
But he didn’t see Miranda. It would have been pretty much impossible for him, what with the 110-pound cheerleader now attached to his lips. Feeling sickened, Miranda sank back on one of the arms of the couch, trying to look away but compelled to keep glancing at them. Kane wasn’t doing much, just lying there, as the girl rubbed his face and started kissing down his neck.
“Hey,” he said suddenly, spotting Miranda now that his face was clear. The cheerleader didn’t even look up-she was too busy nuzzling his chest. Kane gave Miranda a lazy grin. “Party’s not so bad after all.”
Miranda couldn’t force her mouth into a smile, so she settled for a thin, wobbly line.
“So, are you-” But Kane broke off into a spasm of laughter as the cheerleader began tickling his sides. “I don’t think so,” he mock growled, and flipped her over on the couch so that he was on top, perfectly positioned for some tickling torture of his own.
It was like Miranda wasn’t there anymore.
She tried not to cry.
The room was dark, and nearly silent, but she felt like everyone was staring at her, wondering what that loser was doing. Maybe she looked like some kind of pervert, spying on Kane as he made out with his latest floozy. It’s not like she wanted to keep standing there. But she didn’t have anywhere else to go.
The minutes dragged by.
And as she stood there, her back unnaturally straight and her hands clenched into fists, her tears dried up. Screw him, she thought. Bringing her here, acting like he cared, then ditching her as soon as she left the room. Let him find his own ride home.
“I’m out of here,” she said softly, as if experimenting with the words. There was no response from the couple on the couch.
“Kane, I’m out of here,” she said, louder this time.
He flicked his gaze up toward her. “Cool. I can get a ride home from…”
“Kelli,” the junior giggled into his ear. “With an ‘i.’”
Of course. It was always with an i.
“Fine,” she snapped. He didn’t need her; she didn’t need him. Whatever. Screw him. Screw him. Screw him. “Screw you!” It popped out before she realized she was going to say it, and it felt good. She stood up and strode out of the “party,” stepping over two guys passed out on the floor and narrowly avoiding a collision with some jock who was lurching toward the door, his face a disconcerting shade of green.
The car was parked about half a block away, and she walked quickly, her thoughts keeping time with her footsteps. I don’t need him. I don’t want him. I don’t need him. I don’t want him.
“Hey, Stevens, what gives?”
She whirled around at the touch of his hand on her shoulder and shrugged him off. “Where’s your friend?” she sneered.
“Are you mad?” His eyes were wide and innocent, but it was hard to tell whether he was playing oblivious for effect or whether the alcohol really had numbed his brain enough to make it true.
She was totally sober, but apparently her judgment control had forgotten that. “Why would I be mad?” she yelled. “You drag me to this pit and then you ditch me for some…You’re such an asshole!”
“Uh…” He looked dazed, as if she’d hit him in the head. Then a slow grin spread across his face. “Jealous, Stevens? Did you think that we…”
She told herself not to blush, but she could feel the heat rise in her cheeks. “No! No.”
“Then what?”
Her righteous anger faded away, because, of course, she was jealous. She was also certain that she had every right to be mad, jealous or not-but she couldn’t quite figure out why, not with Kane standing so close and the corners of his eyes crinkling up so hotly. “It was just rude,” she complained, hating herself for not being able to hate him. She turned away and kept walking toward her car, ignoring the footsteps that followed behind her.
“What are you doing?” she asked finally as she opened the car door and he stood by the passenger’s side, waiting for it to be unlocked.
“What’s it look like?”
“Go back to the party,” she said, suddenly too tired to fight, with him or with herself.
“I’m going home with you,” he said stubbornly. “You’re still mad.”
“Kane, I’m not mad.” She sighed. “Just go back to the party. You’re allowed to do whatever you want.”
“I want to go home with you,” he said. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded… unless…”
“Forget it, buddy.”
“Let s go,” he said, getting into the car and snapping on his seat belt.
Miranda shook her head. “I think I can handle the ten-minute drive on my own. Go back to the party.”
“Stevens, when are you going to learn? I am the party.” He leaned across the bucket seats and laid a hand on her thigh. “If you want, we can have a little party of our own…”
She took his hand away, but before she could drop it back to his side, he squeezed and they paused like that, their hands joined in midair. All she could hear was their breathing, hers rapid and fluttery, his labored and heavy. She pressed her lips together and dropped his hand. “Okay, party boy, let s get you home.”
She started the ignition, and he flicked a lock of her hair over her shoulder, forcing her to turn toward him again and face his crooked, knowing smirk. “Have it your way, Stevens. But you don’t know what you’re missing.”
Let’s see, she thought wryly, that would be: pain, lust, heartbreak, torture.
Although, come to think of it, her personal inventory already had plenty of those items in stock. So she wasn’t missing a thing.
It didn’t seem real and it didn’t make sense, but it was happening. Harper pressed herself against the wall. She wanted to look away-she wanted to run away-but her feet were stuck to the floor. She couldn’t move, and when she tried to speak, nothing came out.
There was no light in the room, but somehow, she could see everything clearly.
Adam on his back, in his boxers. Kaia straddling him, her head tossed back, her black hair splashed out behind her.
Stop! Harper shouted, and even though her lips didn’t move, she could hear the word echoing through the room. Kaia and Adam didn’t notice.
“Are you ready?” Kaia whispered. She kissed his chin. She kissed his neck. She licked his nipples, one by one. Adam moaned.
So did Harper.
“I’ve been waiting for you,” Adam said, unlatching her lacy black bra and letting it drop to the floor.
Kaia made a noise that sounded like a purr. “I know.” She slipped her fingers under Adam’s head and jerked it toward hers, giving him a long, sloppy kiss. Then she turned and looked directly at Harper. “He doesn’t want you,” she sneered, giving Harper a cruel smile. “He wants me. They all do.”
Shut up! Harper screamed silently. It felt like her throat was choked with cotton. She tried to close her eyes, but they wouldn’t shut.
Kaia shimmied down Adam’s body until she reached the waistband of his boxers. She slipped her thumb between his skin and the cotton and began, ever so slowly, to pull them off.
“I hate you!” Harper shrieked, finding her voice. The words exploded from her lungs and filled the room, which seemed to shake with the noise. Adam half sat up and looked across the room at Harper, shaking his head sadly. Kaia touched his chin to stop the motion, then kissed him again. “I hate you!” Harper shouted again, feeling the power of her wrath course through her body.
And then she woke up.
Drenched, shivering beneath her covers, tears streaking her face.
Harper turned over on her stomach, burrowing her face into the pillow. “I’m sorry!” she gasped, fighting for breath. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” She murmured the words over and over again until her breathing slowed and she stopped shaking. But that night, she didn’t fall back asleep.