The boys looked at each other in dismay.
“Well, here we go again,” Pete said.
“This mountain is nothing but tunnels,” Bob sounded discouraged. “How will we ever trace the sound?”
But Jupiter was not really looking at the new cavern or the many tunnel exits. He was listening.
“Have either of you heard the moaning since we came in?” Jupe asked.
Bob and Pete looked at each other.
“Gosh, no,” Bob said.
“Not since we were outside!” Pete agreed.
“I didn’t hear it all the time I was crawling,” Bob added.
Jupiter nodded thoughtfully. “As soon as we enter, the moaning stops. A most suspicious circumstance. Not once, which could be an accident, but twice now.”
Pete was puzzled. “You think maybe we do something when we come in? I mean, maybe we change something without knowing we change it?”
“That’s one possibility,” Jupiter acknowledged.
“Another explanation might be that someone sees us,” said Bob. “But how could anyone have seen us on that beach in the dark?”
Jupiter shook his head. “I admit I’m at a loss to explain it myself. Perhaps it is just — ”
They all heard the sound at the same moment. A faint and distant jingling of bells, and the clip-clop, clip-clop of a horse’s hoofs.
“A horse!” Bob exclaimed.
Jupiter turned his head and listened intently. The sound seemed to come from the wall of the cavern.
“It’s… inside the mountain!” Jupiter said.
Bob protested. “It can’t be, Jupe. It has to be from another part of the cave.”
Jupiter shook his head. “If my sense of direction is correct, the other part of the cave is to our left,” he said. “We are facing the side of the mountain — and no tunnels go in that direction!”
“Maybe we better get out,” Pete suggested.
“I think,” Jupiter said hurriedly, “Pete is right. Let’s go!”
The boys pushed pell-mell against each other in their scramble for the narrow exit. Pete reached the small tunnel first and began to crawl through. Jupiter and Bob followed right behind.
They tumbled out into water up to their knees, and floundered across the flat rocks till they sprawled at last on the white sand of the beach. They lay there panting.
“Where did that noise come from?” Bob finally broke the silence.
“I don’t know,” Jupiter admitted reluctantly. “But I think we’ve done enough exploring for one night. Let’s start back.”
Bob and Pete were only too glad to follow the First Investigator back up the narrow trail. They had nearly reached the iron gate at the top of the cliff when Jupiter suddenly stopped. In the darkness Pete almost ran into him.
“What are you doing, Jupe!”
Jupiter didn’t reply. He was staring up at the twin peaks of Devil Mountain.
“What is it?” Bob asked in a whisper.
“I just had an idea,” Jupiter answered slowly. “And I also thought I saw something move up there on the mountain where — ”
The sound of jingling carried across the night along with the clip-clop, clip-clop, clip-clop of a horse’s hoofs.
“Oh no!” Bob groaned.
“Is that what we heard inside the cave?” whispered Pete.
“I think so,” Jupiter said. “The sound must have filtered down through some crevice in the rock of the mountain. Sound carries very clearly that way. It would have seemed as if it was inside the mountain itself.”
The boys crouched down in the thick bushes near the gate as the hoof beats came closer. Then a great black horse appeared on the steep slopes of Devil Mountain. It came down the mountain at a trot and passed within a few feet from where the boys crouched in the bushes.
“There’s no rider!” Bob whispered.
“Should we try to catch it?” asked Pete.
“No, I don’t think so,” Jupiter replied. “Let’s wait.”
The boys crouched silently under cover of the bushes. Suddenly Pete stiffened, and pointed towards the slope. A man was coming down the mountain at a fast walk. As he passed their hiding place, they had a clear view of him in the moonlight. He was a tall, dark man with a long nose, a ragged scar on his right cheek, and a black patch over his right eye!
“Did you see that eye patch?” hissed Pete.
“And the scar,” Bob added.
“I was more interested in his suit,” Jupiter whispered. “It was definitely a business suit, and unless I am mistaken I think he had a pistol under his coat!”
“Can’t we go now, Jupe?” said Pete nervously.
“Yes, I think we’d better,” Jupiter agreed. “This has been a most interesting night.”
Pete and Bob needed no urging. As they hurried along the road to where they had left their bikes, they kept looking behind them anxiously. But they saw nothing else. While they were riding past the end of Moaning Valley, however, a long wail echoed through the night.
“Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh — ooooooooooooooo — ooooo — ooo!”
The boys began to pedal furiously in the direction of the ranch house.
Pete woke up in bright sunlight. Confused, he looked around the unfamiliar room. Where was he? Then a horse whinnied somewhere outside, a cow lowed, and Pete remembered that he was in the upstairs bedroom of The Crooked-Y. He leaned over the edge of his top bunk to see what Jupiter was up to. Jupiter was not there.