“It’s no use!” Pete gasped. “Our only hope is that somebody working the metal shredder inside sees us in time.”
“I doubt that,” Jupe said. “A processing machine like this is usually run by a computer. It’s not a question of our not being metal. The car we’re in is! The selective scanner couldn’t possibly reject us until it was too late!”
“You’re not kidding,” a voice said.
They stared incredulously into the cold eyes of the hatchet-faced man!
“Get the door on the other side, Dobbsie,” Hatchet-Face said.
Surprisingly, his touch was gentle, although they felt the strength in his hands as he lifted them out. As they rolled on the ground, the car they had been riding in jerked forward.
Staring wide-eyed, they saw it disappear into the shed, to be lost in a cloud of steam. Heavy clanking sounds reverberated and the machine inside screamed.
Jupe turned with a tremendous sigh of relief to the two men. His expression changed suddenly.
Dobbsie was holding a long-bladed knife!
“Be reasonable!” Hatchet-Face said cajolingly. “We have to cut those ropes off you kids, don’t we?”
Jupe nodded dumbly. He looked at Bob and Pete. They returned his mystified glance.
The beady-eyed man bent and slashed deftly with his knife. In a moment they were free.
As they rubbed their arms and legs to regain circulation, the hatchet-faced man looked down coldly at them. “Looks as if we got here just in time,” he rasped. “What happened?”
“Somebody threw a blanket over us, tied us up, and threw us in a car,” said Jupe. “I don’t know if we were intended for the metal shredder, or not. We’re grateful to you for preventing us having to find out.”
“Any idea who did it?”
Jupe shook his head. “It happened too fast. We were rounding the corner of Jim Hall’s house — ” He stopped abruptly and glanced at the men. “How did you know we were trapped in the car?”
The hatchet-faced man sighed and looked over Jupe’s head at the other man. “We happened to be in the yard. Dobbsie here thought he saw a moving kicking bundle being thrown into a car at the far end. That’s a bit unusual, so we went to investigate. Whoever did it ran off before we could get over. Then the claw got you and dumped you on the conveyor track. We couldn’t get the crane operator’s attention or stop the belt moving. So we had to do it the hard way and drag you out ourselves.”
Pete shivered. “I can’t believe he would have done that to us. I just can’t believe it!”
“Who, kid?” asked the hatchet-faced man. “And what do you kids know that’s so dangerous somebody nearly had you killed because of it?”
Jupe lifted his head. “We’re conducting an investigation,” he said. “We have our suspicions but we’re not at liberty yet to divulge any names.”
The hatchet-faced man grinned. “Oh, you’re not, eh? Maybe we should have kept out of it and let you continue your investigations — ” he pointed to the throbbing shed “ — in there!”
Jupe cocked his head. “As a matter of fact,” he said, “both the actions of you and your friend have aroused our suspicions, too. But I don’t suppose you have anything to do with the diamond smuggling, or else you wouldn’t have rescued us.”
Hatchet-Face looked at Dobbsie. “What’d I tell you? The kid is wise to the operation!” He looked down and laughed at Jupe. “I suppose you can tell us where they are, too.”
“I suppose I can,” Jupe said slowly. “But I won’t.”
Hatchet-Face jerked his head at the other man. “Come on, Dobbsie. We’re wasting time. While we’re here yakking, they could be getting away.”
The beady-eyed man with the mashed nose came close to Jupe and raised a warning finger. “This is big time stuff, feller — not for kids. Watch yourselves!”
The menace in his powerful frame was unmistakable. He wheeled away to join his swift-moving companion, leaving The Three Investigators with a warning they could not afford to ignore!
Young Mike Hall looked surprised when he threw the door open. “Jupe! Hi, fellows! C’mon in. We didn’t expect you back today.”
“I know,” Jupe said as he entered the house. “Have Mr. Olsen — the man you called Dunlop — and another man been here?”
Mike shook his head. “No, why?”
Jupe frowned. He wondered where they were. “I suppose your Uncle Jim is out, isn’t he?”
Mike shook his head again. “What gave you that idea? He’s in the back room with George, resting. Wait a second. I’ll call him.”
As he walked off, Jupe looked at Bob and Pete.
“It beats me, too,” Pete said. “I was sure they were heading here.”
“Maybe they’re off looking for the cages,” Bob said.
A cheery voice interrupted. “What cages?”
“Your old cages, Mr. Hall,” Jupe said.
Jim Hall looked surprised. “What are you driving at?”
“You ought to know, Mr. Hall,” Jupe said. “You’re the one who bought back George’s old cage, along with the other three, from my Uncle Titus.”
Hall’s face looked blank. “I — what?”
“You bought back the cages, and took them away,” Bob put in. “The ones with the bars that hold the smuggled diamonds.”
Jim Hall looked from one boy to the other with a dumbfounded expression. “Okay,” he said.” Now you tell me. Maybe I’m not hearing so well today.”
Pete shuffled his feet and look uncomfortable. “But I guess you didn’t have anything to do with shanghaiing us and dropping us off at the metal shredder?”
Hall shook his head dumbly and turned to Mike. “What are your friends talking about?”
“I don’t know,” Mike said.
“You told us you had a problem,” Bob said. “It was a mystery and you wanted our help. Who was making George nervous? Or what? But it turns out the mystery is how your brother Cal ships you diamonds from Africa, along with some animals. Some of the cage bars with the diamonds in them got lost somehow and that’s why you had to buy the cages back from Jupe’s Uncle Titus earlier today.”
“You’re crazy!” Mike burst in. “I’ve been with Jim every minute since early this morning. He hasn’t stepped out of Jungle Land once today!”
Jupe looked up at Jim Hall. “You didn’t?”
Hall shook his head.