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The Mystery of the Headless Horse - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 27

“It’s no use, First,” Bob wailed.

“We might as well try to move the whole ridge,” Pete added.

They crawled back out of the hole and sat glumly on the floor of the cave.

“There’s no reason to panic,” Jupiter said calmly. “Even if we can’t get out right away, our families will be looking for us by tomorrow morning, and Pico can tell them about Condor Castle. We couldn’t hear words, but we heard the voices out there okay, so we’ll hear searchers and they’ll hear us.”

“Well,” Bob said ruefully, “I guess our folks are kind of used to emergencies by now.”

Pete groaned. “You mean we’re going to stay here all night?”

“If we must,” Jupiter said cheerfully. “It’s not a bad cave. We’re nice and dry, and there’s plenty of air in here. As a matter of fact, I noticed the good air when we first came in. Since the entrance was buried a long time, there must be holes or cracks in the rock to let in air. In fact, there might be some other way out. I suggest we start looking for one right now.”

“I agree with Jupiter,” Diego said. “And if we keep moving, we’ll stay warmer.”

While Bob shone his torch slowly all around, Jupiter, Diego and, Pete studied the walls and ceiling of the small outer cave. They found no other way out.

“But the wall over here to the left of the blocked entrance seems to be dirt,” Jupiter said, “and it’s kind of damp. We might be able to dig our way out of here.”

“If we had the right tools, which we don’t,” Pete pointed out. “Besides, the wall curves inwards over there. No telling how thick it is.”

Jupiter nodded. “I suggest we go back into the large cave first, and see if we can find an alternative exit.”

“We searched all over in there, First,” Bob objected.

“True, but let’s try again. Anyway, I want to take another look at those words Don Sebastián wrote.”

He led them back through the narrow passage into the cave with the skeletons. The skulls leered ominously at the boys, seeming to mock them. With Bob holding the flashlight again, the boys worked slowly all around the walls of the larger cave. There were definite currents of air from somewhere but no exits.

“I guess it’s stay and wait for help,” Bob said, “or dig back in the small cave.”

“Some choice!” Pete moaned. “I don’t want to stay, and I don’t feel like digging.”

“If we’re going to stay all night,” Jupiter said, “I suggest we put our minds to work on our puzzle. Ashes… Dust… Rain… Ocean.”

“It’s still gibberish to me,” Pete said flatly.

“Unintelligible perhaps,” Jupiter declared, “but I’m certain it’s not gibberish. Let’s take another look at the words.”

In the small cul-de-sac, they squatted and looked again at the four Spanish words. Jupiter studied them thoughtfully.

“Diego was right about the four words not being evenly spaced,” the stocky leader said. “ ‘Ashes’ stands alone, and so does ‘Dust’, but ‘Rain’ and ‘Ocean’ are closer together. There could even be a mark between them, sort of like a dash, as if Don Sebastián wanted them to be read together. So the message might really read: ’Ashes… Dust… Rain-Ocean.’ Now what does that tell us, fellows?”

“Nothing,” Pete said promptly.

Diego said, “The rain and ocean are both water?”

“Yes.” Jupiter nodded. “That’s one thing they are.”

“Maybe that rain and ocean are really the same thing?” Bob suggested. “I mean, we know that rain really comes from water vapour rising from the ocean. It turns to water again in the sky, and falls as rain to make rivers and things.”

“All right,” Jupiter agreed. “The rain comes from the ocean, and then goes back to the ocean. How does that connect to dust or ashes?”

“Dust could come from ashes,” Diego said. “But I guess it doesn’t have to.”

“Ashes don’t come from dust,” Pete pointed out. “No way.”

“No,” Jupiter said slowly. “Keep on thinking, fellows. There must be some connection, some common clue, in the four words. What single message could they all have given to José?”

None of the other boys said anything.

“Well,” the stocky leader said at last, “keep trying, and meanwhile we’ll go back to the small cave and see if we can dig our way out.”

“We can use those old rifles for digging,” Pete said.

Bob looked into his saddlebag of tools. “Not much of use in here, but we could hack at the dirt with my screwdriver.”

Back in the outer cave, the boys examined the softened dirt to the left of the blocked entrance. It was damp and sticky.

“It’s been raining a whole week,” Pete pointed out, “and this dirt is just damp. There must be a lot of it between us and the outside. Well,” he added with a grin, “let’s find out!”

Using the old gun barrels, the screwdriver, and some small, flat rocks they found, the boys started to dig. At first the adobe soil was stiff and lumpy and tended to stick. Then, as the boys dug deeper, the soil got wetter. Every time they dug a foot, the heavy clay oozed back, and they had to dig faster to make any headway. And every few feet they struck rocks and boulders that had to be dug out before they could move on.

They sweated in the cave, and their faces and clothes became smeared with the heavy adobe soil. As the hours passed they grew tired and hungry. Finally they were too exhausted to keep digging. They fell asleep and didn’t wake up till dawn — dawn by their watches. In the cave it was still night. The batteries in Bob’s torch were giving out, and there wasn’t much light to see by. All four boys went back to work even harder.

It was seven-thirty when Pete cried out.

“I see light!” he yelled.

Frantically, with renewed vigour, they all plunged into the narrow hole they had made and dug like mad. The opening, and the welcome light, grew larger, and then they were through! Babbling happily, they crawled out one by one and stood in the rain on the open slope of the high ridge.

“Wow!” Pete cried, “listen to the noise!”

The violent roar of the flooded creek seemed to shake the whole countryside. Diego pointed towards the dam.

“Half the dam’s collapsed!” he cried, “and — ”

“The whole mound’s gone now!” Bob saw.

“Look!” Jupiter exclaimed, pointing down into the arroyo.

Below them, the arroyo that went down to the hacienda a mile away wasn’t an arroyo any more. It was a deep, raging creek. The mass of water sweeping over the broken dam had washed out the mound that separated the creek from the arroyo. Now the torrent of water flowed down towards the sea not in one creek but in two!

“Gosh, the water must be running right past your hacienda now,” Bob said to Diego.

On the steep slope of the ridge, Jupiter’s eyes suddenly gleamed.

“Fellows!” he said, almost in wonder. “That’s the answer!”

20The Sword of Cortés