After stopping off at Rudolph Island , the “Ladoga” began its return journey. The passengers were worn out from the mass of new impressions, from the sun which shone round the clock from the frequent fogs and endless crashing of ice against the stem and sides of the ship. At each stop there were less and less passengers who wished to go ashore on deserted islands, and towards the end of the journey our friends and two or three other tireless explorers were the only ones to take advantage o a chance to climb the inhospitable cliffs.
One morning the captain said, “Well, this is the last time you’re going ashore. There’s no sense stopping the ship for six or seven people.”
That is why Volka talked the others going ashore into staying there as long as possible, in order to really have one good last look at the islands. They could do it in peace since Hottabych, who was usually in a rush to get back, was staying behind to play chess with the captain.
“Volka,” Zhenya said mysteriously when they dragged their feet aboard the “Ladoga” three hours later. “Come on down to the cabin! I want to show you something. Here, look at this,” he continued, after shutting the door tightly. He pulled a longish object from under his coat. “What d’you think it is? I found it on the opposite side of the island. Right near the water.”
Zhenya was holding a small copper vessel the size of a decanter. It was all green from age and brine.
“We should give it to the captain right away,” Volka said excitedly. “Some expedition probably put a letter inside and threw it into the water, hoping someone would come to the rescue.”
“That’s what I thought at first, too, but then I decided nothing would happen if we opened it first to have a look inside. It’s interesting, isn’t it?”
“It sure is.”
Zhenya turned pale from excitement. He quickly knocked off the tar-like substance that covered the mouth of the bottle. Under it was a heavy lead cap covered with a seal. Zhenya had great difficulty prying it loose.
“And now we’ll see what’s inside,” he said, turning it upside-down over his berth.
Before he had time to finish the sentence, clouds of black smoke began pouring from the bottle, filling the entire cabin. It became dark and choky. Presently, the thick vapour condensed and became an unsightly old man with an angry face and a pair of eyes that burnt like coals. He fell to his knees and knocked his forehead on the floor so hard that the things hanging on the cabin wall swayed as if the ship was rolling.
“O Prophet of Allah, do not kill me!” he shouted.
“I’d like to ask you something,” a frightened but curious Volka interrupted his wailing. “If I’m not mistaken, you mean the former King Solomon, don’t you?”
“Yes, O miserable youth! Sulayman, the Son of David (may the days of the twain be prolonged on earth!).”
“I don’t know about who’s miserable,” Volka objected calmly, “but as far as your Sulayman is concerned — his days can in no way be prolonged. That’s out completely: he’s dead.”
“You lie, wretch, and will pay dearly for it!”
“There’s nothing to get mad about. That Eastern king die two thousand nine hundred and nineteen years ago. You ca look it up in the Encyclopaedia.”
“Who opened the bottle?” the old man asked in a business like way, having obviously accepted Volka’s information an not appearing to be too saddened by it.
“I did, but you really shouldn’t thank me,” Zhenya said modestly.
“There is no God but Allah!” the stranger exclaimed. “Rejoice, O undeserving brat.”
“Why should I rejoice? It’s you who’ve been freed from your prison, and you should be the one to rejoice. What’s there for me to rejoice about?”
“Rejoice, because you must die an ill death this very hour”
“That’s what I call real mean! After all, I freed you from the copper vessel. If not for me, who-knows how many thousands of years longer you’d have to lie around in smoke and soot.”
“Don’t tire me with idle chatter! Ask of me only what mode of death you choose and in what manner I shall slay you! Gr-r-r!
“I’ll thank you not to act so fierce! And anyway, what’s that all about?” Zhenya flared up.
“Know, O undeserving boy, that I am one of the Genies who disobeyed Sulayman, David’s Son (on the twain be peace!), whereupon Sulayman sent his minister, Asaf, son of Barakhiya, to seize me. And this Vizier brought me against my will and led me in bonds to Sulayman and he placed me standing before him. When Sulayman saw me, he sent for this bottle, shut me up therein and stoppered it over with lead.”
“Good for him!” Zhenya whispered to Volka.
“What are you whispering about?” the old man asked suspiciously.
“Nothing, nothing at all,” Zhenya answered hurriedly.
“Take care!” the old man warned. “I am not one to have tricks played upon me. To continue: he imprisoned me in the bottle and ordered his Genies to throw me into the ocean. There I abode a hundred years, during which time I said in my heart, ‘Whoso shall release me, him will I enrich for ever and ever.’ But the full century went by and, when no one set me free, I entered upon the second five score saying, ‘Whoso shall release me, for him I shall open the hoards of the Earth.’ Still, no one set me free, and thus four hundred years passed away. Then quoth I, ‘Whoso shall release me, for him will I fulfil three wishes.’ Yet ho one set me free. Thereupon I waxed wroth and said to myself, ‘Whoso shall release me from this time forth, him will I slay, and I will give him choice of what death he will die,’ and now, as you have released me, I give you full choice of death.”
“But it’s not at all logical to kill your saviour! It’s illogical and downright ungrateful,” Zhenya objected heatedly.
“Logic has nothing to do with it,” the Genie interrupted harshly. “Choose the death that most appeals to you and do not detain me, for I am terrible in my wrath!”
“May I ask you something?” Volka said, raising his hand.
But the Genie glared at him so frightfully, it made Volka’s knees tremble.
“Well then, will you at least permit me to ask a question?” Zhenya pleaded with such despair that the Genie relented.
“All right. But be brief.”
“You say that you spent several thousand years in this copper vessel, but it’s even too small to hold your hand. How should the whole of you fit in it?”
“What! Do you not believe that I was there?”
“I’ll never believe it until I see you inside with my own eyes.”
“Well then, look and be convinced,” the Genie roared. He shook and became a smoke which condensed and entered the jar little by little, while the boys clapped softly in excitement.
More than half the vapour had disappeared into the vessel. Zhenya, with bated breath, had the stopper ready to imprison the Genie once again, but the old man seemed to change his mind, for he filtered out again and assumed a human form.
“Oh, no you don’t!” he said, squinting slyly and shaking a hooked and dirty finger in front of Zhenya’s face, while the boy hurriedly slipped the stopper in his pocket. “You didn’t want to outsmart me, did you, O despicable brat? What a terrible memory I have! I nearly forgot that a thousand one hundred and forty-two years ago a fisherman fooled me in just the same manner. He asked me the very same question and I trustingly wished to prove that I had indeed been in the vessel. So I turned into smoke again and entered the jar, while the fisherman snatched up the leaden cap with the seal and stoppered therewith the mouth of it. Then he tossed it back into the sea. Oh no, you can’t play that trick on me twice!”
“Why, I had no intention of fooling you,” Zhenya lied in a shaky voice, feeling that now he was a goner for sure.
“Hurry and choose what manner of death you will die and detain me no longer, for I am weary of all this talk!”
“All right,” Zhenya said after thinking a bit. “But promise me that I’ll die in exactly the way I choose.”
“I swear!” the Genie promised solemnly and his eyes burnt with a devilish fire.
“Well, then,” Zhenya said and swallowed hard. “Well then… I want to die of old age.”
“Good for you!” Volka shouted.
The Genie turned purple from rage and cried, “But your old age is still very far off. You are still so young!”
“That’s all right,” Zhenya answered courageously, “I can wait.”
When Volka heard this, he laughed happily, but the Genie began to curse in Arabic as he dashed back and forth in the cabin, tossing aside everything in his way in helpless rage.
This went on for a good five minutes until he finally seemed to come to a decision. He laughed so fiendishly as to give the boys goose-pimples. Standing before Zhenya, he said maliciously:
“There is no denying it, you are cunning. But Omar Asaf ibn Hottab is more cunning than you, O despicable one.”
“Omar Asaf ibn Hottab?” the boys cried in unison. The Genie was trembling with wrath and bellowed:
“Silence! Or I’ll destroy you immediately! Yes, I am Omar Asaf ibn Hottab, and I am more cunning than this brat! I’ll fulfil his wish and he will surely die of old age. But,” he said, looking at the boys triumphantly, “his old age will come upon him before you count to a hundred!”
“Help!” Zhenya cried in his usual voice. “Help!” he groaned in a deep basso a few seconds later. “Help!” he squeaked in a trembling old man’s voice a few” moment’s later. “Help! I’m dying!”
Volka looked on horror-struck as Zhenya quickly turned into a youth, then into a grown man with a long black beard; then his beard turned to grey and he became middle-aged; and, finally, he became a bald, bony, scrawny old man. All would have been over in a few seconds if Omar Asaf, who was gleefully watching Zhenya’s quick deterioration, had not exclaimed:
“Oh, if my unfortunate brother were only here now! How happy he would be at my triumph!”
“Wait!” Volka shouted. “Tell me, was your brother’s name Hassan Abdurrakhman?”
“How did you discover that?” Omar Asaf asked in amazement. “Do not remind me of him, for my heart is rent at the memory of poor Hassan. Yes, I had a brother named so, but all the worse for you, for reopening my terrible wounds!”
“If I tell you your brother is alive and bring him to you, alive and healthy, will you spare Zhenya then?”
“Oh, if I could only see my dear Hassan! Oh, then your friend would remain alive until he aged naturally and that will not happen for many and many a year. But if you deceive me … I swear, neither of you will escape my rightful wrath!”
“Then wait a minute, just one minute!” Volka shouted.
A few moments later, he rushed into the lounge where Hottabych was engrossed in his game of chess with the captain.
“Dear Hottabych, hurry! Let’s run back to the cabin, there’s a great joy awaiting you there.”
“I can think of no greater joy than to check-mate my sweetest friend, the captain,” Hottabych replied solemnly, studying the board intently.
“Hottabych, we can’t spare a minute! I beg you, come below with me!”
“All right,” Hottabych replied and moved his castle. “Check! Run along, Volka. I’ll be with you as soon as I win, and, according to my calculations, this will be in about three more moves.”
“We’ll see about that yet,” the captain replied cheerfully. “Three moves indeed! Just you let me see…”
“Yes, yes, do see,” the old man chuckled. “You won’t think of anything anyway. I can wait. I’ll be only too happy to wait.”
“We’ve no time to wait!” Volka wailed in despair, and knocked all the figures off the board. “If you don’t come below with me this minute, both Zhenya and I will die a horrible death! Hurry! Run!”
“You’re behaving atrociously,” Hottabych grumbled, but followed Volka out nonetheless.
“That means it’s a draw!” the captain shouted happily, pleased to have escaped a completely hopeless situation.
“No, sir! What do you mean a draw?” Hottabych objected and was ready to turn back.
But Volka shouted angrily:
“Sure it’s a draw! It’s a typical draw!” and shoved the old man into their cabin, where Omar Asaf was about to fulfil his terrible threat.
“Who’s the old man?” Hottabych asked, seeing a decrepit old man moaning on the berth. Actually, but a few short moments ago, he had been a thirteen-year-old boy named Zhenya Bogorad. “And who’s that other old man?” he continued, noticing Omar Asaf. Suddenly he turned pale. Not trusting his eyes, he took several hesitant steps forward and whispered, “Salaam, sweet Omar!”
“Is that you, O my dear Hassan Abdurrakhman?” Omar Asaf cried.
The brothers fell into each other’s arms, for they had been separated for nearly three thousand years.
At first, Volka was so touched by this unusual meeting of brothers in the midst of the Arctic icebergs, and so happy for Hottabych’s sake, that he completely forgot about the unfortunate Zhenya. Soon a barely audible groan from the berth reminded him that urgent aid was needed.
“Help!” he cried and rushed to separate Hottab’s two sons. “A person’s dying and they…”
“Help, I’m dying! “the old man Zhenya croaked, as if to corroborate Volka’s words. Hottabych looked at him in surprise and asked:
“Who is this white-haired old man, and how does he come to be lying in our friend Zhenya’s bed?”
“But this is Zhenya,” Volka wailed. “Save him, Hottabych!”
“I beg your pardon, O dearest Hassan,” Omar Asaf said irritably to his newly-found brother. “I shall have to interrupt these pleasant moments of reunion in order to fulfil my promise.”
With these words he went over to the berth, touched Zhenya’s shoulder, and hissed:
“Ask forgiveness before it is too late.”
“Forgiveness? Of whom?” the old man Zhenya croaked.
“Of me, O despicable youth!”
“What for?”
“For trying to trick me.”
“You should ask my forgiveness,” Zhenya objected. “I saved you and you want to kill me for it. I won’t ask your forgiveness!”
“Be it as you wish,” Omar Asaf agreed maliciously. “I do not insist. But bear in mind that you shall die in a few seconds if you do not.”
“So what? Who cares?” Zhenya whispered proudly if weakly, though he certainly did care.
“Omar, my sweet!” Hottabych interrupted kindly but firmly. “Don’t cloud our long-awaited reunion by a dishonest act. You must immediately and unconditionally fulfil the promise given to my precious friend, Volka ibn Alyosha. And please bear in mind that the most noble Zhenya is a very good friend of mine to.”
Omar Asaf ground his teeth in helpless rage. Yet, he took hold of himself and muttered:
“Change, O insolent youth, and be as you were before!” “Now you’re talking,” Zhenya said.
Everyone present had the pleasure of witnessing a most unusual sight: a dying old man turned into a thirteen-year-old boy.
First, his withered, sunken cheeks became rosy; then, his bald head was covered with white hair which soon turned black, as did his heavy beard. Feeling stronger, Zhenya hopped off the berth and winked at his friends happily. Standing before them was a husky man of forty, who differed from other men of his age in that his beard kept on shrinking until it finally turned into a barely noticeable fringe of fluff which soon disappeared completely. The man was becoming smaller in height and narrower in the shoulders. Finally, he took on Zhenya Bogorad’s usual appearance.
Thus, Zhenya was now the only person in the world who could say. “Long ago. when I was still an old man,” the same as millions of old men say, “When I was still a young rascal.”