Jupiter grinned. “Well, sir, I couldn’t say.”
“No, it will remain Khan’s secret, I expect,” the famous director said. “One point, my young friends. How did the loss of the carnival pony ride fit into the affair?”
“It was just a real accident after all,” Bob explained.
“The piece that didn’t fit, of course,” Mr. Hitchcock nodded. “So that ends your adventure with the carnival?”
“Well, almost,” Jupiter said.
Pete blurted out, “Jupe’s going to be a clown for a couple of days! Mr. Carson is letting him take Gabbo’s place for the rest of the performances in Rocky Beach.”
“Bravo, Jupiter!” Mr. Hitchcock cried. “Perhaps I shall come to see you perform.”
With that, the boys trooped out of the famous director’s office. Left alone, Mr. Hitchcock smiled at the thought of Jupiter as a clown and wondered what the boys would come up with next.