To save a lot of time, right here at the start, let's be sure of our facts:
1. In this year, 2020, as the new Titanic prepares to set sail on its maiden voyage, nobody can doubt it is the finest, most luxurious cruise ship in all the world. It's unsinkable.
2. The original Titanic was built in Jimmy's home town of Belfast. It sank in the early hours of April 15, 1912.
3. Jimmy's great-grandfather helped build the first Titanic. Jimmy's great-grandfather was useless at building things — no wonder it sank.
4. Everyone said that Titanic was 'unsinkable' as well. 1,500 passengers and crew died when the Titanic went down. Moral of the story — don't listen to what people say. And learn to swim.
5. History is dead boring. If you really want to learn about the old Titanic, go rent the movie.
6. Can't think of a 6, but I'm sure something will come to me.
7. Nope, still nothing.