At exactly five a.m., and still dark, the barracks door was smashed open and Mohican strode in screaming: 'Out of your pits, you lazy bunch of good-for-nothing losers!'
He also had a small air horn in his hand, which he blasted three times. This is a contraption which sounds loud outside; inside it was deafening. But it certainly had an effect — everyone was instantly awake. What it didn't create was any kind of order — they sprang from their beds and began to run about like headless chickens, panic stricken, disorientated, convinced they were under some kind of attack. In short: uproar.
The horn blasted again, but this time, with the sleep driven from them, they were more inclined to notice Mohican standing calmly in their midst. He dominated everything. Beside him, even the biggest and strongest of them felt small and weak.
'All right, you have ten minutes to get showered, into your uniforms and eat breakfast! Today, ladies and gentlemen, you become United States Marines!'
He strode out, leaving them all stunned — for about three seconds. Then there was a mad scramble to get dressed and out and fed. That is, apart from Jimmy. And Rain Man.
Jimmy said (but not to Rain Man) — 'Do you think you can order breakfast in bed?'
Rain Man said (but not to Jimmy) — 'I'll have my eggs sunny-side up, wholemeal toast and a glass of milk fresh from a fat cow.'
The rest of them were now bolting out of the door. Jimmy lay back on his bed. Rain Man lay back on his.
'United States Marines,' said Jimmy (although not to Rain Man). 'I'm not even American.'
'I wonder if they do room service?' Rain Man asked (although not of Jimmy).
They had been well fed on arrival at Fort Hope, in what Mohican called the mess hall. Then they'd been shown to this barracks hut, which had been enticingly warm; the long rows of bunk beds were fresh and comfortable and smelled of new pine. He had told them to get a good night's sleep because they'd be up quite early for some light training. It was all very welcoming, like arriving at a summer camp (except, obviously, it was cold and damp outside). Jimmy had fallen asleep at once, his immediate doubts assuaged. Now, with bright sunshine steaming through the open door, feeling refreshed and revitalised, Jimmy stretched and yawned and turned over for another sleep.
He had been lying there for perhaps ten minutes, and was just slipping into a nice hazy dream state, when his feet were grabbed and he was dragged off the bed. The back of his head hit the floor with a loud thump; he let out a shout, but neither one of the young soldiers who'd taken hold of him paid any attention. He was pulled across the floor, down four steps — banging his head again on each one — then thrown down into the mud. He was wearing only his boxer shorts, which had seen better days. He heard two groans of pain — one was his own, and the other came from Rain Man, lying in a heap beside him.
Dazed and hurting, Jimmy blinked up. Mohican was standing over them. The rest of the troop was now spilling out of the mess hall and milling nervously outside the barracks.
'I gave you an order!' Mohican screamed, his face flushed with anger.
'I thought it was like . . . a request. . .' Jimmy mumbled.
Mohican's lips curled up in disgust. He drew his black army boot back to kick him. Jimmy tensed as he swung it forward — and then stopped it just short of impact. He lowered his foot, snarled down at Jimmy and turned to address the anxious onlookers.
'This is your first day at Fort Hope. I want you to remember where you are! The name is HOPE! H — O — P — E! The world as you know it is no more! The only H — O — P — E for any of us is to stick together, to learn discipline, to train hard so that we can serve the President and rebuild this great country of ours! Behaviour like this will not be tolerated! You are all now part of a team! If one member of that team disobeys orders, then the whole team gets punished! That means no lunch today for any of you!' A moan rolled through the troop. Mohican returned his attention to Jimmy and Rain Man. 'Get up and get changed! The mess hall is now closed!'
Mohican strode away.
Jimmy and Rain Man climbed somewhat painfully to their feet, well aware that they were being scrutinised with obvious contempt by their comrades.
'Do you think,' Rain Man said quietly (although not to Jimmy) 'that that means there's no room service?'
Mohican's concept of 'light training' was light years away from everyone else's. Of course, in every group there are going to be natural athletes — jocks — but even they were in a state of shock. It was torture. They started with running around the perimeter of the fort, four laps, all under the gaze (and guns) of the guards in the watchtowers. Then there were press-ups and squats and step exercises. After an hour of this the gates were opened and they were marched out to the woods, where they were forced to run up and down the steep hill they'd painfully ascended the night before. Worst of all, when they got back to base, they had to sit and watch while hundreds of soldiers queued up and ate lunch in the mess hall.
Jimmy and Rain Man could feel eyes burning into their backs as they sat alone. They spoke, but not to each other.
'I didn't sign up for this,' said Rain Man. 'In fact, I didn't sign up at all.'
'I have no interest in becoming a Marine,' said Jimmy. 'I wonder who you complain to?'
'They can't just not feed us,' said Rain Man.
'They can't treat us like dogs,' said Jimmy. He was angry and hungry. 'Who does Mohican think he is? Big bloody bully.'
'I'll bet the President doesn't know what he's like,' said Rain Man. 'I bet he'd sort him out.'
'That's it,' said Jimmy, getting to his feet. 'I've had enough of this crap, I'm taking it to the top.'
He pushed his way out of the mess hall and began to march away across the yard.
'Give 'em hell,' Rain Man called out, while remaining exactly where he was.
Jimmy was seething. And when he was like that he didn't always wait for his brain to get into gear before he sprang into action. He'd sometimes been like this on the Titanic, where, mostly, he'd gotten away with it. One thing about being the boss of something, the way Jimmy felt he was boss of the Times, is that you get used to giving orders, not taking them. Now he was being ordered about like he was a little kid and he wasn't going to take it any more. He was Jimmy Armstrong, editor of the Titanic Times, and he had a lot to offer that didn't involve press-ups and running around in circles. Or rectangles.
He didn't know exactly where the President was, but he headed for the group of larger buildings and hoped it would become obvious once he got there. But they all looked pretty much the same — all set in a pentagon shape around a central yard. A kid who looked about four years younger than Jimmy but in full army uniform and with a pistol in a holster on his belt, was just hurrying across the yard.
'Hey, kid,' said Jimmy, 'where's the President?'
'In the White House.'
'No you idiot — where's our President?'
'In our White House, you idiot.'
The boy soldier pointed, and true enough, there was a wooden hut, slightly larger than the others, painted with a bright white gloss.
'All right, smart arse,' Jimmy snapped back, already marching towards it.
There were two armed guards outside, standing on either side of the door and at the top of a short flight of steps. As Jimmy hurried up and then tried to go between them, they quickly closed ranks.
'What the hell do you want?' one asked.
'I'm here to see the President.'
'You have an appointment?'
'No — but he'll see me.'
'How'd you know that, then?'
'I just — just tell him Jimmy Armstrong wants to see him right now.' Even as he said it, Jimmy realised how stupid it sounded. But it was already out. He added a belated, 'Please.'
The guards smirked at each other. One bowed his head a little. 'Wait here, please.'
He went inside. The other guard continued to smirk at him. Jimmy wiped his boots on the steps, trying to remove at least some of the thickly-caked mud on them. A few moments later the first guard reappeared. 'This way, sir,' he said meekly, holding the door open and waving his arm in an exaggerated fashion to indicate that he should enter. Jimmy was fast running out of the steam that had propelled him here. Nevertheless, there was no turning back. He took a deep breath and stepped into the White House.
There was a nice, bright, outer office, with half a dozen young women sitting at computer terminals. One stood up and indicated for him to follow. She led him to a door at the end of a short corridor with another guard standing outside it. He frisked Jimmy for weapons, nodded at the young woman and she tapped lightly on the door.
'Mr President — Private Armstrong to see you, sir.'
It was the first time he'd been called that, and it caused him to swallow.
The young woman opened the door and motioned him in.
The President's office could not have been more different than the reception area. Just like it had been on the train, curtains were firmly closed over the windows, and the reading light on the desk was barely sufficient to dispel the resultant gloom. This time the President was facing him, sitting behind a desk with his hands clasped on top of it.
He looked at Jimmy, without smiling. 'Private Armstrong?'
Jimmy thought he had better get it all out before his nerve deserted him completely.
Right. Here goes.
'Mr President — I'm sorry to trouble you . . . but . . . look — the thing is, I never intended to be part of any . . . you know, army. That's not what I'm about . . . I'm more sort of . . . you know — freewheeling . . . a bit of a free spirit — do you know what I mean?'
What on earth are you talking about? Shut up now!
But he couldn't stop himself.
'The thing is, I thought I was coming to your new . . . city . . . and I want to contribute and all, except . . . not really like this. I'm no soldier, I'm a newspaper man . . . you probably don't think I'm old enough — but I've been editing a daily newspaper on the Titanic for ages so I thought I could do something similar here — you know, start a newspaper? It's important that a record's kept . . . I mean, you're like the President of the United States — this is history — one day people will want to know how you started to rebuild . . .'
The President held his hand up to stop him.
Jimmy chewed on a lip.
'What do you mean, the Titanic?'
Jimmy hesitated. He hadn't previously mentioned his old home. Now it had just slipped out. 'Yes — the Titanic ... I was on it, for a while.'
'The new Titanic? The one they launched just a few months ago?'
'Yeah . . .'
'She's in full working order, captain and crew?'
'Yes, sir.'
'Where is she now?'
'I don't know, sir, she sailed off and left me behind — by mistake, obviously . . .'
'This was off where, Tucker's Hole?'
'Yes . . . yes — we've been working our way up the coast, but that's not really the point. What I'm saying is I want to work for you, but in a different way, I want to write about what you're doing here and . . . and . . . and if you don't want me to do that . . . well, that's OK . . . But I can handle a camera, you'll want a photographic record for the history books as well . . . and . . . and . . . you know . . . if you don't want that either, then maybe I can just . . . you know, go on my way . . . Mr President. I'm no use to you as a soldier. But before I go, I really think you need to know about that guy out there, you know, the one who's training us, the one with the Mohican. He's just a compete sadist — some of us haven't eaten all day, he's working us into the ground. One or two of us are pretty fit, but some of the young ones, you'd think he was trying to kill them the way he's working them. He's a bully, sir. Anyone who wanted to help you out with this great . . . plan . . . well, they're going to be put right off by this — this arse . . .'
For the second time the President raised his hand. 'I think I've heard enough, son.'
'So, you'll . . . you'll do something about him? I know in the grand scheme of things it's not that important but maybe just a quiet word or . . .'
The President smiled. 'Oh, it's important enough, Private. In fact I'm going to have my son look into it straight away. That OK with you, Kyle?'
For a moment Jimmy didn't get that there had been someone else in the room all along. He had walked straight to within a metre or so of the President's desk without realising that there were chairs against the wall behind him.
'Yes, sir, Mr President . . . Father.'
Kyle stepped forward, into the light.
Jimmy saw a rather familiar haircut.
'Private Armstrong,' Mohican snarled, 'you have a problem with the way you're being trained?' Jimmy swallowed. 'You just want to breeze out of here, go on your merry way, leave the rest of us to rebuild this country?'
'Well I—'
'You shut your god-damn mouth!'
Jimmy jumped at the venom of it.
Mohican was suddenly right in his face, jabbing a finger this close to his eyes.
'One thing I hate more than punk kids who can't follow orders,' Mohican spat, 'is punk kids who go crying to Daddy every time someone shouts at them. You're a pathetic little worm, Armstrong, that's what you are, and I'll tell you this — you're going nowherel By the time I'm through with you you'll walk and talk and kill like a Marine . . . or you'll be buried out there in the graveyard we reserve for cowards like you. Now you get back to that rabble I'm trying to turn into soldiers and you tell them they're getting no dinner tonight either!'
Throughout this verbal assault the President had said nothing. But he had nodded with approval.
The size of Jimmy's mistake was beyond colossal. And he didn't have a clue what to do about it. If Mohican didn't kill him, the rest of his troop would as soon as they found out about the food.
Jimmy sighed, saluted, then turned to go.
'One moment, Private,' said the President.
Perhaps, perhaps a ray of hope . . .
Jimmy faced the President again. 'Sir?'
'Private, I want a full run-down of the Titanic's defences, weapons, how many men at arms there are on board.'
'Uh . . . Yes, sir — but why?'
The President nodded at his son. 'Kyle — if a ship's in United States territorial waters and we're going through a national emergency, then we're perfectly within our rights to seize it, aren't we?'
'Yes, Father.'
'Excellent. There's your answer, Private Armstrong. Your arrival at Fort Hope is indeed fortuitous — not only do we gain a soldier, but he brings us the mighty Titanic as well. Well done, son!'