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Agile Software Development - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 28

The distinction between methodology and method is useful. Reading the phrases "a method for finding classes from use cases" or "different methods are suited for different problems," we understand that the author is discussing techniques and procedures, not establishing team rules and conventions. That frees the use of the word methodology for the larger issues of coordinating people's activities on a team.

Only a few companies bother to try to write it all down (usually just the large consulting houses and the military). A few have gone so far as to create an expert system that prints out the full methodology needed for a project based on project staffing, complexity, deadlines, and the like. None I have seen captures cultural assumptions or provides for variations among values or cultures.

Boil and condense the subject of methodology long enough and you get this one-sentence summary: “A methodology is the conventions that your group agrees to.”

"The conventions your group agrees to" is a social construction. It is also a construction that you can and should revisit from time to time.

Coordination is important. The same average people who produce average designs when working alone often produce good designs in collaboration. Conversely, all the smartest people together still won't produce group success without coordination, cooperation, and communication. Most of us have witnessed or heard of such groups. Team success hinges on cooperation, communication, and coordination.

Structural Terms

The first methodology structure I saw contained about seven elements. The one I now draw contains 13 (see Figure 4-1). The elements apply to any team endeavor, whether it is software development, rock climbing, or poetry writing. What you write for each box will vary, but the names of the elements won't.

Methodology Concepts

Figure 4-1. Elements of a methodology.

Roles. Who you employ, what you employ them for, what skills they are supposed to have. Equally importantly, it turns out, is the personality traits expected of the person. A project manager should be good with people, a user interface designer should have nature visual talents and some empathy for user behavior, an object-oriented program designer should have good abstraction faculties, and a mentor should be good at explaining things.

It is bad for the project when the individuals in the jobs don't have the traits needed for the job (for example, a project manager who can't make decisions or a mentor who does not like to communicate). Skills. The skills needed for the roles. The "personal prowess" of a person in a role is a product of his training and talent.

Programmers attend classes to learn object-oriented, Java programming and unit-testing skills.

User interface designers learn how to conduct usability examinations and do paper-based prototyping.

Managers learn interviewing, motivating, hiring, and critical-path task-management skills.

The best people draw heavily upon their natural talent, but in most cases adequate skills can be acquired through training and practice. Teams. The roles that work together under various circumstances.

There may be only one team on a small project. On a large project, there are likely to be multiple, overlapping teams, some aimed at harnessing specific technologies and some aimed at steering the project or the system's architecture. Techniques. The specific procedures people use to accomplish tasks. Some apply to a single person (writing a use case, managing by walking around, designing a class or test case), while others are aimed at groups of people (project retrospectives, group planning sessions). In general, I use the word technique if there is a prescriptive presentation of how to accomplish a task, using an understood body of knowledge.

Activities. How the people spend their days. Planning, programming, testing, and meeting are sample activities.

Some methodologies are work-product intensive, meaning that they focus on the work products that need to be produced. Others are activity-intensive, meaning that they focus on what the people should be doing during the day. Thus, where the Rational Unified Process is tool- and work-product intensive, Extreme Programming is activity intensive. It achieves its effectiveness, in part, by describing what the people should be doing with their day (pair programming, test-first development, refactoring, etc.).

Process. How activities fit together over time, often with pre- and post-conditions for the activities (for example, a design review is held two days after the material is sent out to participants and produces a list of recommendations for improvement). Process-intensive methodologies focus on the flow of work among the team members.

Process charts rarely convey the presence of loopback paths, where rework gets done. Thus, process charts are usually best viewed as workflow diagrams, describing who receives what from whom. Work products. What someone constructs. A work product may be disposable, as with CRC design cards, or it may be relatively permanent, as the usage manual or source code.

I find it useful to reserve deliverable to mean "a work product that gets passed across an organizational boundary." This allows us to apply the term deliverable at different scales: The deliverables that pass between two subteams are work products in terms of the larger project. The work products that pass between a project team and the team working on the next system are deliverables of the project and need to be handled more carefully.

Work products are described in generic terms such as "source code" and "domain object model." Rules about the notation to be used for each work product get described in the work product standards. Examples of source-code standards include Java, Visual Basic, and executable visual models. Examples of class diagram standards could be UML or OML. Milestones. Events marking progress or completion. Some milestones are simply assertions that a task has been performed, and some involve the publication of documents or code.

A milestone has two key characteristics: It occurs in an instant of time, and it is either fully met or not met (it is not partially met). A document is either published or not, the code is delivered or not, the meeting was held or not. Standards. The conventions the team adopts for particular tools, work products, and decision policies.

A coding standard might declare this: "Every function has the following header comment..."

A language standard might be this: "We'll be using fully portable Java."

A drawing standard for class diagrams might be this: "Only show public methods of persistent functions."

A tool standard might be this: "We'll use Microsoft Project, Together/J, JUnit, ..."

A project-management standard might be this: "Use milestones of two days to two weeks and incremental deliveries every two to three months."

Quality. Quality may refer to the activities or the work products.

In XP, the quality of the team's program is evaluated by examining the source code work product: "All checked-in code must pass unit tests at 100% at all times."

The XP team also evaluates the quality of their activities: Do they hold a stand-up meeting every day? How often do the programmers shift programming partners? How available are the customers for questions? In some cases, quality is given a numerical value; in other cases, a fuzzy value ("I wasn't happy with the team morale on the last iteration."). Team Values. The rest of the methodology elements are governed by the team's value system. An aggressive team working on quick-to-market values will work very differently than a group that values families and goes home at a regular time every night.

As Jim Highsmith likes to point out, a group whose mission is to explore and locate new oil fields will operate on different values and produce different rules than a group whose mission is to squeeze every barrel out of a known oil field at the least possible cost.

Types of Methodologies

Rechtin (1997) categorizes methodologies themselves as being either normative, rational, participative, or heuristic.

Normative methodologies are based on solutions or sequences of steps known to work for the discipline. Electrical and other building codes in house wiring are examples. In software development, one would include state diagram verification in this category.

Rational methodologies (no connection with the company) are based on method and technique. They would be used for system analysis and engineering disciplines.

Participative methodologies are stakeholder based and capture aspects of customer involvement.

Heuristic methodologies are based on lessons learned. Rechtin cites their use in the aerospace business (space and aircraft design).

As a body of knowledge grows, sections of the methodology move from heuristic to normative and become codified as standard solutions for standard problems. In computer programming, searching algorithms have reached that point. The decision about whether to put people in common or private offices has not.

Most of software development is still in the stage where heuristic methodologies are appropriate.


Milestones are markers for where interesting things happen in the project. At each milestone, one or more people in some named roles must get together to affect the course of a work product.

Three kinds of milestones are used on projects, each with its particular characteristics. They are

· Reviews

· Publications

· Declarations

In a review, several people examine a work product. With respect to reviews, we care about the following questions: Who is doing the reviewing? What are they reviewing? Who created that item? What is the outcome of the review? Few reviews cause a project to halt; most end with a list of suggestions that are supposed to be incorporated.

A publication occurs whenever a work product is distributed or posted for open viewing. Sending out meeting minutes, checking source code into a configuration-management system, and deploying software to users' workstations are different forms of publication. With respect to publications, we care about the following: What is being published? Who publishes it? Who receives it? What causes it to be published?

The declaration milestone is a verbal notice from one person to another, or to multiple people, that a milestone was reached. There is no object measure for a declaration; it is simply an announcement or a promise. Declarations are interesting because they construct a web of promises inside the team's social structure. This form of milestone came as a surprise to me, when I first detected it. Discovering Declarations

The first declaration milestone I detected was made during a discussion with the manager of the technical writers on a 100-person project. I asked how she knew when to assign a person to start writing the on-line help text (its birth event).