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Agile Software Development - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 29

She said it was when a team lead told her that a section of the application was "ready" for her.

I asked her what "ready" meant, whether it meant that the screen design was complete.

She said it only meant that the screen design was relatively stable. The team lead was, in essence, making the following promise:

"We estimate that the changes that we are still going to make are relatively small compared to the work the tech writer will be doing, and the rework the writer will do will be relatively small compared to the overall work. So this would be a good time to get the writing started."

That assertion is full of social promises. It is a promise, given by a trained person, that in his judgement the tradeoffs are balanced and that this is a good time to start.

A declaration ("It's ready!") is often the form of milestone that moves code from development to test, alpha delivery, beta delivery, and even deployment.

Declarations are interesting to me as a researcher, because I have not seen them described in process-centric methodologies, which focus on process entry and exit criteria. They are easier to discuss when we consider software development as a cooperative game. In a cooperative game, the project team's web of interrelationships, and the promises holding them together, are more apparent.

The role-deliverable-milestone chart is a quick way to view the methodology in brief and has an advantage over process diagrams in that it shows the parallelism involved in the project quite clearly. It also allows the team to see the key stages of completion the artifacts go through. This helps them manage their actions according to the intermediate states of the artifacts, as recommended in some modern methodologies (Highsmith 1999).

Figure 4-2. The three dimensions of scope.


The scope of a methodology consists of the range of roles and activities that it attempts to cover (Figure 4-2).

The earliest object-oriented methodologies presented the designer as having the key role and discussed the techniques, deliverables, and standards for the design activity of that role. These methodologies were considered inadequate in two ways:

· They were not as broad as needed. A real project involves more roles than just the OO designer, and each role involves more activities, more deliverables, and more techniques than these books presented.

· They were too constricting. Designers need more than one design technique in their toolbox.

Groups with a long history of continuous experience, such as the U.S. Department of Defense, Andersen Consulting, James Martin and Associates, IBM, and Ernst & Young already had methodologies covering the standard life-cycle of a project, even starting from the point of project sales and project setup. Their methodologies cover every person needed on the project, from staff assistant through sales staff, designer, project manager, and tester.

The point is that both are "methodologies." The scope of their concerns is different.

The scope of a methodology can be characterized along three axes: lifecycle coverage, role coverage, and activity coverage (Figure 4-3).

· Life-cycle coverage indicates when in the life cycle of the project the methodology comes into play, and when it ends.

· Role coverage refers to which roles fall into the domain of discussion.

· Activity coverage defines which activities of those roles fall into the domain of discussion. The methodology may take into account filling out time sheets (a natural inclusion as part of the project manager's project monitoring and scheduling assignment) and may omit vacation requests (because it is part of basic business operations).

Figure 4-3. Scope of Extreme Programming.

Clarifying a methodology's intended scope helps take some of the heat out of methodology arguments. Often, two seemingly incompatible methodologies target different parts of the life cycle or different roles. Discussions about their differences go nowhere until their respective scope intentions are clarified.

In this light, we see that the early OO methodologies had a relatively small scope. They addressed typically only one role, the domain designer or modeler. For that role, only the actual domain modeling activity is represented, and only during the analysis and design stages. Within that very narrow scope, they covered one or a few techniques and outlined one or a few deliverables with standards. No wonder experienced designers felt they were inadequate for overall development.

The scope diagram helps us see where methodology fragments combine well. An example is the natural fit of Constantine and Lockwood's user interface design recommendations (Constantine 1999) with methodologies that omit discussion of UI design activities (leaving that aspect to authors who know more about the subject).

Figure 4-4. Scope of Constantine & Lockwood's Design for Use methodology fragment.

Without having these scoping axes at hand, people would ask Larry Constantine, "How does your methodology relate to the other Agile Methodologies on the market?" In a talk at Software Development 2001, Larry Constantine said he didn't know he was designing a methodology, he was just discussing good ways to design user interfaces.

Having the methodology scope diagram in view, we easily see how they fit. XP's scope of concerns is shown in Figure 4-3. Note that it lacks discussion of user interface design. The scope of concerns for Design for Use is shown in Figure 4-4. We see, from these figures, that the two fit together. The same applies for Design for Use and Crystal Clear.

Conceptual Terms

To discuss the design of a methodology, we need different terms: methodology size, ceremony, and weight, problem size, project size, system criticality, precision, accuracy, relevance, tolerance, visibility, scale, and stability.

Methodology Size The number of control elements in the methodology. Each deliverable, standard, activity, quality measure, and technique description is an element of control. Some projects and authors will wish for smaller methodologies; some will wish for larger.

Ceremony The amount of precision and the tightness of tolerance in the methodology. Greater ceremony corresponds to tighter controls (Booch 1995). One team may write use cases on napkins and review them over lunch. Another team may prefer to fill in a three-page template and hold half-day reviews. Both groups write and review use cases, the former using low ceremony, the latter using high ceremony.

The amount of ceremony in a methodology depends on how life critical the system will be and on the fears and wishes of the methodology author, as we will see. Methodology Weight The product of size and ceremony, the number of control elements multiplied by the ceremony involved in each. This is a conceptual product (because numbers are not attached to size and ceremony), but it is still useful.

Problem Size The number of elements in the problem and their inherent cross-complexity.

There is no absolute measure of problem size, because a person with different knowledge is likely to see a simplifying pattern that reduces the size of the problem. Some problems are clearly different enough from others that relative magnitudes can be discussed (launching a space shuttle is a bigger problem than printing a company's invoices).

The difficulty in deciding the problem size is that there will often be controversy over how many people are needed to deliver the product and what the corresponding methodology weight is.

Project Size The number of people whose efforts need to be coordinated: staff size. Depending on the situation, you may be coordinating only programmers or an entire department with many roles.

Many people use the phrase "project size" ambiguously, shifting the meaning from staff size to problem size even within a sentence. This causes much confusion, particularly because a small, sharp team often outperforms a large, average team.

The relationship between problem, staff, and methodology size are discussed in the next section.

System Criticality The damage from undetected defects. I currently classify criticality simply as one of loss of comfort, loss of discretionary money, loss of irreplaceable money, or loss of life. Other classifications are possible.

Precision How much you care to say about a particular topic. Pi to one decimal place of precision is 3.1, to four decimal places is 3.1416. Source code contains more precision than a class diagram; assembler code contains more than its high-level source code. Some methodologies call for more precision earlier than others, according to the methodology author's wishes.

Accuracy How correct you are when you speak about a topic. To say "Pi to one decimal place is 3.3" would be inaccurate. The final object model needs to be more accurate than the initial one. The final GUI description is more accurate than the low-fidelity prototypes. Methodologies cover the growth of accuracy as well as precision.

Relevance Whether or not to speak about a topic. User interface prototypes do not discuss the domain model. Infrastructure design is not relevant to collecting user functional requirements. Methodologies discuss different areas of relevance.

Tolerance How much variation is permitted.

The team standards may require revision dates to be put into the program code—or not. The tolerance statement may say that a date must be found, either put in by hand or added by some automated tool. A methodology may specify line breaks and indentation, leave those to peoples' discretion, or state acceptable bounds. An example in a decision standard is stating that a working release must be available every 3 months, plus or minus one month.

Visibility How easily an outsider can tell if the methodology is being followed. Process initiatives such as ISO9001 focus on visibility issues. Because achieving visibility creates overhead (cost in time, money, or both), agile methodologies as a group lower the emphasis on such visibility. As with ceremony, different amounts of visibility are appropriate for different situations. Scale How many items are rolled together to be presented as a single item. Booch's former "class categories" provided for a scaled view of a set of classes. The UML "package" allows for scaled views of use cases, classes, or hardware boxes. Project plans, requirements, and designs can all be presented at different scales.

Scale interacts somewhat with precision. The printer or monitor's dot density limits the amount of detail that can be put onto one screen or page. However, even if it could all be put onto one page, some people would not want to see all that detail. They want to see a rolled-up or high-level version.

Stability How likely it is to change. I use only three stability levels: wildly fluctuating, as when a team is just getting started; varying, as when some development activity is in mid-stride; and relatively stable, as just before a requirements / design / code review or product shipment.