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Agile Software Development - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 32

Although the Role-Deliverable-Milestone view is a convenient way to capture the work-product dependencies within a methodology, it evidently is also good for putting people to sleep: Methodology Chart as Sleeping Aid I once created the proverbial wall chart of the methodology for a large project, meticulously showing the several hundred interlocking parts of the group's methodology using the Role-Deliverable-Milestone view to condense the information.

Many people had been asking to see the entire methodology, so I printed the chart, several feet on each side, and put it on a large wall. It was interesting to watch people's eyes glaze over whenever I was pointing to the time line for another project role, such as the project managers or technical writers, and only come back into focus when I got to their own section. It turned out that most people really only wanted to see the section of the methodology that affected them and not what everyone in the organization was doing.

The pictorial view misses the practices, standards, and other forms of collaboration so important to the group. Those don't have a convenient graphical portrayal and must be listed textually.

The Methodology Text

In published form, a methodology is a text that describes the techniques, activities, meetings, quality measures, and standards of all the job roles involved. You can find examples in Object-Oriented Methods: Pragmatic Considerations (Martin 1996), and The OPEN Process Specification (Graham 1997). The Rational Unified Process has its own Web site with thousands of Web pages.

Methodology texts are large. At some level there is no escape from this size. Even a tiny methodology, with four roles, four work products per role, and three milestones per work product has 68 (4 + 16 + 48) interlocking parts to describe, leaving out any technique discussions. And even XP, which initially weighed in at only about 200 pages (Beck 1999), now approaches 1,000 pages when expanded to include additional guidance about each of its parts (Jeffries 2000, Beck 2000, Auer 2001, Newkirk 2001).

There are two reasons why most organizations don't issue a thousand-page text describing their methodology to each new employee:

· The first is what Jim Highsmith neatly captures with the distinction, "documentation versus understanding."

The real methodology resides in the minds of the staff and in their habits of action and conversation.

Documenting chunks of the methodology is not at all the same as providing understanding, and having understanding does not presuppose having documentation. Understanding is faster to gain, because it grows through the normal job experiences of new employees.

· The second is that the needs of the organization are always changing.

It is impractical, if not impossible, to keep the thousand-page text current with the needs of the project teams. As new technologies show up, the teams must invent new ways of working to handle them, and those cannot be written in advance. An organization needs ways to evolve new variants of the methodologies on the fly and to transfer the good habits of one team to the next team. You will learn how to do that as you proceed through this book.

Reducing Methodology Bulk

There are several ways to reduce the physical size of the methodology publication:

Provide examples of work products

Provide worked examples rather than templates. Take advantage of people's strengths in working with tangibles and examples, as discussed earlier.

Collect reasonably good examples of various work products: a project plan, a risk list, a use case, a class diagram, a test case, a function header, a code sample.

Place them online, with encouragement to copy and modify them. Instead of writing a standards document for the user interface, post a sample of a good screen for people to copy and work from. You may need to annotate the example showing which parts are important.

Doing these things will lower the work effort required to establish the standards and will lower the barrier to people using them.

One of the few books to show deliverables and their standards is Developing Object-Oriented Software (OOTC 1997), which was prepared for IBM by its Object-Oriented Technology Center in the late 1990s and was then made public.

Remove the technique guides

Rather than trying to teach the techniques by providing detailed descriptions of them within the methodology document, let the methodology simply name the recommended techniques in the methodology, along with any known books and courses that teach them.

Techniques-in-use involve tacit knowledge. Let people learn from experts, using apprenticeship-based learning, or let them learn from a hands-on course in which they can practice the technique in a learning environment.

Where possible, get people up to speed on the techniques before they arrive on the project, instead of teaching the technique as part of a project methodology on project time. The techniques will then become skills owned by people, who simply do their jobs in their natural ways.

Organize the text by role

It is possible to write a low-precision but descriptive paragraph about each role, work product, and milestone, linking the descriptions with the Role-Deliverable-Milestone chart. The sample role descriptions might look something like these:

Executive Sponsor. A person who acts in the capacity to support and monitor the progress of an approved project. Responsible for scoping, prioritizing, and funding at the project level. Cross-team Lead. A person who is responsible for the progress of multiple teams, for uniting the efforts of these teams, for establishing priorities across teams, and for allocating resources (people) across teams.

Team Lead. A person who is responsible for the direction and progress of one team. Developer. A technical person who develops the software product. This may include UI, business classes, infrastructure, or data. Writer. A person who publishes technical communication about various subjects through media such as manuals, white papers, shared drives, intranet, or Internet. Rollout. One or more persons who communicate and coordinate field technicians and customer representatives and who roll out the products. External Tester. One or more persons who perform QA-related test functions outside of the development groups.

Maintainer. A person who makes necessary changes to the product after it ships.

For the work products, you need to record who writes them, who reads them, and what they contain. A fuller version would contain a sample, noting the tolerances permitted and the milestones that apply. Here are a few simple descriptions:

Overall Project Plan

Writer: Cross-team Lead.

Readers: Executive Sponsor, Team Leads, newcomers.

Contains: Across all teams, what is planned to be in the next several releases, the cross-team dependencies between their contents, the planned timing of development.

Dependency Table

Writer: Team Lead.

Readers: Team Leads, Cross-team Leads. Contains: What this team needs from every other team, and the date each item is needed. May include a fallback plan in case the item is not delivered on time.

Team Status Sheet

Writer: Team Lead.

Readers: Cross-team Lead, Developers. Contains: The current state of the team: rolled up list of things being worked on, next milestone, what is holding up progress, and stability level for each.

For the review milestones, record what is being reviewed, who is to review it, and what the outcome is. For example:

Release Proposal Review

Reviewers: Application Team Lead, Cross-team Lead, and Executive Sponsor.

Purpose: Basically a scope review. Reviewing: Use case summary, use cases, actors, external system description, development plan. Outcome: Modifications to scope, priorities, dates, possibly corrections to actor list or external systems.

Application Design Review

Reviewers: Team Lead, related Cross-team Leads, Cross-Team Mentors, Business experts. Purpose: Check quality, correctness, and conformance of the application design. Reviewing: Use cases, actors, domain class diagram, screen flows, screen designs, class tables (if any), and interaction diagrams (if any). Outcome: Factual corrections to the domain model, to the screen details. Suggestions or requirements for improved UI or application design, based on either quality or conformance considerations.

With these short paragraphs in place, the methodology can be summarized by role (as the following two examples show). The written form of the methodology, summarized by role, is a checklist for each person that can be fit onto one sheet of paper and pinned up in the person’s workspace. That sheet of paper contains no surprises (after the first reading) but serves to remind team members of what they already know.

Here is a slightly abridged example for the programmers:

