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Agile Software Development - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 34

"I'm afraid that would not be practical: The different technologies, cultures, and project priorities call for different ways of working."

"Right, got that. Now, please do tell us what our common methodology will be." "...!!?" This request is so widespread that I spend most of the next chapter on methodology tailoring.

The need for localized methodologies may be clear to you by now, but it will not be clear to your new colleague who gets handed the assignment to design the corporation's common methodology. Intolerant

Novice methodology designers have this notion that they have the answer for software development and that everyone really ought to work that way.

Software development is a fluid activity. It requires that people notice small discrepancies wherever they lie and that they communicate and resolve the discrepancies in whatever way is most practical. Different people thrive on different ways of working.

A methodology is, in fact, a straightjacket. It is exactly the set of conventions and policies the people agree to use: It is the size and shape of straightjacket they choose for themselves.

Given the varying characteristics of different people, though, that straightjacket should not be made any tighter than it absolutely needs to be.

Techniques are one particular section of the methodology that usually can be made tolerant. Many techniques work quite well, and different ones suit different people at different times.

The subject of how much tolerance belongs in the methodology should be a conscious topic of discussion in the design of your methodology.


We have developed, over the years, an assumption that a heavier methodology, with closer tracking and more artifacts, will somehow be "safer" for the project than a lighter methodology with fewer artifacts.

The opposite is actually the case, as the principles in this section should make clear. However, that initial assumption persists, and it manifests itself in most methodology designs.

The heavier-is-safer assumption probably comes from the fear that project managers experience when they can't look at the code and detect the state of the project with their own eyes. Fear grows with the distance from the code. So they quite naturally request more reports summarizing various states of affairs and more coordination points. The alternative is to ... trust people. This can be a truly horrifying thought during a project under intense pressure. Being a Smalltalk programmer, I felt this fear firsthand when I had to coordinate a COBOL programming project.

Fear or no fear, adding weight to the methodology is not likely to improve the team's chance of delivering. If anything, it makes the team less likely to deliver, because people will spend more time filling in reports than making progress. Slower development often translates to loss of a market window, decreased morale, and greater likelihood of losing the project altogether.

Part of the art of project management is learning when and how to trust people and when not to trust them. Part of the art of methodology design is to learn what constraints add more burden than safety. Some of these constraints are explored in this chapter.


Without exception, every methodology I have ever seen has been unnecessarily embellished with rules, practices, and ideas that are not strictly necessary. They may not even belong in the methodology. This even applies to the methodologies I have designed. It is so insidious that I have posted on the wall in front of me, in large print: "Embellishment is the pitfall of the methodologist." Embellishing a Methodology

I detected this tendency in myself while designing my first methodology. I asked a programmer colleague, a very practical person freshly returned from a live project, to double-check, edit, and trim my design. He indeed found the embellishments I was worried about. However, he then added one chapter to the methodology, calling for the production of contract-based design and deliverables he had just read about. I phoned him. "Surely you don't mean to say you used these on your last project?" I asked.

He replied, "Well, no, not on that project. But it's a really good idea and I think we ought to do it."

From this experience, I learned that the words "ought to" and "should" indicate embellishment. If someone says that people "should" do something, it probably means that they have never done it yet, they have successfully delivered software without it, and there probably is no chance of getting people to use it in the future.

Here is a sample story about that.

Discovering "Should"

Tester: "And then the developers have a meeting with the testers in which they describe the basic design."

Me: "Really, do they do that?"

Tester: "What do you mean? Of course they do."

Me: "Oh, yeah. They really do that, do they?"

Tester: "They've got to, or else the testers can't do their job!"

Me: "Right. Um ... In that case, there was such a meeting, and I can interview those people to find out what happened in the meeting. Can you tell me the date of such a meeting, and who was in the room?"

Tester: "Well, we were going to have it. I mean, you really should have that meeting, it's really valuable ..."

We didn't have to go much farther than that. Of course, no such meeting had taken place. Further, it was doubtful that we could enforce such a meeting in that company at that time, however useful it might have been.

There is another side to this embellishment business. Typically, the process owner has a distorted view of how developers really work. In my interviews, I rarely ever find a team of people who works the way the process owner says they work. This is so pervasive that I have had to mark as unreliable any interview in which I only got to speak with the manager or process designer.

The following is a sample, and typical, conversation from one of my interviews. At the time, I was looking for successful implementations of Object Modeling Technique (OMT). The person who was both process and team lead told me that he had a successful OMT project for me to review. I flew to California to interview this team, and the process and team lead told me that the team had a successful project for me to review. Uncovering Process Shortcuts

Me: "These are samples of the work products?... This is a state diagram?"

Leader: "Well, it's not really one. It's more of a flow diagram. I have to teach them how to make state diagrams properly."

Me: "But these are actual samples of the work products produced. Did you use an iterative and incremental process?"

Developer nods.

Leader: "We used a modification of Boehm's spiral model."

Me: "OK. And did the requirements or the design change in the second iteration?"

Developer: "Of course."

Me: "OK. ... How did you manage to update all these diagrams in the second iteration?" Developer: "Oh, we didn't. We just changed the code..."

Extreme Programming stands in contrast to the usual, deliverable-based methodologies. XP is based around activities. The rigor of the methodology resides in people carrying out their activities properly.

Not being aware of the difference between deliverable-based and activity-based methodologies, I was unsure how to investigate my first XP project. After all, the team has no drawings to keep up to date, so obviously there would be no out-of-date work products to discover!

An activity-based methodology relies on activities in action. XP relies on programming in pairs, writing unit tests, refactoring, and the like.

When I visit a project that claims to be an XP project, I usually find pair programming working well (or else they wouldn't declare it an XP project). Then, while they are pair programming, the people are more likely to write unit tests, and so I usually see some amount of test-writing going on.

The most common deviation from XP is that the people do not refactor their code often, which results in the code base becoming cluttered in ways that properly developed XP code shouldn't.

In general, though, XP has so few rules to follow that most of the areas of embellishment have been removed. XP is a special case of a methodology, and I'll analyze it separately at the end of the chapter.

Personally, I tend to embellish around design reviews and testing. I can't seem to resist sneaking an extra review or an extra testing activity through the "should" door ("Of course they should do that testing!" I hear you cry. Shouldn't they?!).

The way to catch embellishment is to have the directly affected people review the proposal. Watch their faces closely to discover what they know they won't do but are afraid to say they won’t do.


Most methodologies are untried. Many are simply proposals created from nothing. This is the fullblown "should" in action: "Well, this really looks like it should work."