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Agile Software Development - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 37

· Adding a "small" amount of bureaucratic burden to a project adds a large cost.

· Some part of the methodology should address the quality of the output.

Principle 3. Larger teams need heavier methodologies.

With only four or six people on the team, it is practical to put them together in a room with printing whiteboards and allow the convection currents of information to bind the ongoing conversation in their cooperative game of invention and communication. After the team size exceeds 8 or 12 people, though, that strategy ceases to be so effective. As it reaches 30-40 people, the team will occupy a floor. At 80 or 100 people, the team will be spread out on multiple floors, in multiple buildings, or in multiple cities.

With each increase in size, it becomes harder for people to know what others are doing and how not to overlap, duplicate, or interfere with each other's work. As the team size increases, so does the need for some form of coordination and communication.

Figure 4-17 shows the effect of adding methodology to a large team. With very light methodologies, they work without coordination. As they start to coordinate their work, they become more effective (this is the left half of the curve). Eventually, for any size group, diminishing returns set in and they start to spend more time on the bureaucracy than on developing the system (the right half of the curve).

Principle 2 describes the left half of the curve: "Larger teams need heavier methodologies." The right half of the curve is described in Principle 3, "Excess methodology weight is costly."

Principle 4. Greater ceremony is appropriate for projects with greater criticality.

This principle addresses ceremony and tolerance, as discussed in the second section of this chapter. A Portfolio of Projects

In the IT department of the Central Bank of Norway, we worked on many kinds of projects.

One was to allow people to order dinners from the cafeteria when they worked late.

One was to provide SQL programming support for staff who were investigating financialinvestments.

A third was to track all the bank-to-bank transactions in the country. A fourth was to convert the entire NB system to be Year-2000 safe.

The cost of leaving a fault in the third and fourth systems was quite different from the cost of leaving a fault in the first two. I use the word criticality for this distinction. It was more critical to get the work correct in the latter two than in the former two projects.

Just as communications load affects the appropriate choice of methodology, so does criticality. I have chosen to divide criticality into four categories, according to the loss caused by a defect showing up in operation:

· Loss of comfort. The cafeteria produces lasagne instead of a pizza.

At the worst, the person eats from the vending machine.

· Loss of discretionary moneys. Invoicing systems typically fall into this category.

If a phone company sends out a billing mistake, the customer phones in and has the bill adjusted.

Many project managers would like to pretend that their project causes more damage than this, but in fact, most systems have good human backup procedures, and mistakes are generally fixed with a phone call. I was surprised to discover that the bank-to-bank transaction tracking system actually fit into this category. Although the numbers involved seemed large to me, they were the sorts of numbers that the banks dealt in all the time, and they had human backup mechanisms to repair computer mistakes.

· Loss of essential moneys.

Your company goes bankrupt because of certain errors in the program. At this level of criticality, it is no longer possible to patch up the mistake with a simple phone call.

Very few projects really operate at this level. I was recently surprised to discover two.

One was a system that offered financial transactions over the Web. Each transaction could be repaired by phone, but there were 50,000 subscribers, estimated to become 200,000 in the following year, and a growing set of services being offered. The call-in rate was going to increase by leaps and bounds. The time cost of repairing mistakes already fully consumed the time of one business expert who should have been working on other things and took up almost half of another business expert's time. This company decided that it simply could not keep working as though mistakes were easily repaired.

The second was a system to control a multiton, autonomous vehicle. Once again, the cost of a mistake was not something to be fixed with a phone call and some money. Rather, every mistake of the vehicle could cause very real, permanent, and painful damage. · Loss of life.

Software to control the movement of the rods in a nuclear reactor fall into this category, as do pacemakers, atomic power plant control, and the space shuttles. Typically, members of teams whose programs can kill people know they are working on such a project and are willing to take more care.

As the degree of potential damage increases, it is easy to justify greater development cost to protect against mistakes. In keeping with the second principle, adding methodology adds cost, but in this case, the cost is worth it. The cost goes into defect reduction rather than communications load.

Principle 4 addresses the amount of ceremony that should be used on a project. Recall that ceremony refers to the tightness of the controls used in development and the tolerance permitted. More ceremony means tighter controls and less tolerance.

Consider a team-building software for the neighborhood bowling league. The people write a few sentences for each use case, on scraps of paper or a word processor. They review the use cases by gathering a few people in a room and asking what they think.

Consider, in contrast, a different team-building software for a power plant. These people use a particular tool, fill in very particular fields in a common template, keep versions of each use case, and adhere to strong writing style conventions. They review, baseline, change control, and sign off the use cases at several stages in the life cycle.

The second set of use cases is more expensive to develop. The team works that way, though, expecting that fewer mistakes will be made. The team justifies being less tolerant of variation by the added safety of the final result.

Principle 5. Increasing feedback and communication reduce the need for intermediate deliverables.

Recall that a deliverable is a work product that crosses decision boundaries. An intermediate deliverable is one that is passed across decision boundaries within the team. These might include the detailed project plan, refined requirement documents, analysis and design documents, test plans, inter-team dependencies, risk lists, etc.

I refer to them also as "promissory notes," as in:

"I promise that the system will look like these requirements describe."

"I promise that this analysis model will work as the core for the system's design."

"I promise that this design will work well over time." There are two ways to reduce the need for promissory notes:

1. Deliver a working piece of the system quickly enough that the sponsor can tell whether the team understood the requirements properly. Delivering a working piece of the system quickly leads to these other benefits:

· The requirements writers will be able to tell whether the requirements they wrote are actually going to meet the user’s needs.

· The team needs fewer requirements reviews and can often simplify the requirements process in other ways.

· The designers can see the effects of their decisions early rather than after many other decisions have been built on top of a mistake.

· Test planning becomes much simpler. Sometimes another intermediate work product, the Test Plan, can be replaced by the running test cases.

2. Reduce the team size, putting everyone close enough together that they can simply tell each other what they are doing instead of writing internal documents to each other.

Note the word internal. The sponsors may still require written documentation of different sorts as part of the external communication needs.

Principle 6. Discipline, skills, and understanding counter process, formality, and documentation.

When Jim Highsmith says, "Don't confuse documentation with understanding," he means that much of the knowledge that binds the project is tacit knowledge, knowledge that people have inside them, not on paper anywhere.

The knowledge base of a project is immense, and much of that knowledge consists of knowing the team's rituals of negotiation, which person knows what information, who contributed heavily in the last release, what pieces of discussion went into certain design decisions, and so on. Even with the best documentation in the world, a new team cannot necessarily just pick up where the previous team left off. The new team will not start making progress until the team members build up their tacit knowledge base.

When referring to "documentation" for a project, be aware that the knowledge that becomes documentation is only a small part of what there is to know. People who specialize in technology transfer know this. As the one IBM Fellow put it, "The way to get effective technology transfer is not to transfer the technology itself but to transfer the heads that hold the technology!" ("Jumping Gaps across Time," on page ??? [insert cross ref])

Jim continues, "Process is not discipline." Discipline involves a person choosing to work in a way that requires consistency. Process involves a person following instructions. Of the two, discipline is the more powerful. A person who is choosing to act with consistency and care will have a far better effect on the project than a person who is just following instructions.