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Agile Software Development - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 38

The common mistake is in thinking that somehow a process will impart discipline.

Jim's third distinction is, "Don't confuse formality with skill."

Insurance companies are in an unusual situation. We fills in forms, send them to the insurance back office, and receive insurance policies. This is quite amazing. Probably as a consequence of their living in this unusual realm, I have several times been asked by insurance companies to design use case and object-oriented design forms. Their goal, I was told on each occasion, was to make it fool-proof to construct high-quality use cases and OO designs.

Sadly, our world is not built that way. A good designer will read a set of use cases and create an OO design directly, one that improves as he reworks the design over time. No amount of form filling yet replaces this skill. Similarly, a good user interface designer creates much better programs than a mediocre interface designer can create..

Figure 4-22 shows a merging of Jim's and my thoughts on these issues.

Figure 4-22. Documentation is not understanding, process is not discipline, formality is not skill.

Jim distinguishes exploratory or adapting activities from optimizing activities. The former, he says, is exemplified by the search for new oil wells.

In searching for a new oil well, one cannot predict what is gong to happen. After the oil well is functioning, however, the task is to keep reducing costs in a predictable situation.

In software development, we become more like the optimizing oil company as we become more familiar with the problem to be solved, the team, and the technologies being used. We are more like the exploratory company, operating in an adaptive mode, when we don't know those things.

Light methodologies draw on understanding, discipline, and skill more than on documentation, process, and formality. They are therefore particularly well suited for exploratory situations. The typical heavy methodology, drawing on documentation, process, and formality, is designed for situations in which the team will not have to adapt to changing circumstances but can optimize its costs.

Of the projects I have seen, almost all fit the profile of exploratory situations. This may explain why I have only once seen a project succeed using an optimizing style of methodology. In that exceptional case, the company was still working in the same problem domain and was using the same basic technology, process, and architecture as it had done for several decades.

The characteristics of exploratory and optimizing situations run in opposition to each other. Optimizing projects try to reduce the dependency on tacit knowledge, personal skill, and discipline and therefore rely more on documentation, process, and formality. Exploratory projects, on the other hand, allow people to reduce their dependency on paperwork, processes, and formality by relying more on understanding, discipline, and skill. The two sets draw away from each other.

Jim and I hypothesize that any methodology design will live on the track shown in the figure, drawing either to one set or the other, but not both.

Principle 7. Efficiency is expendable in non-bottleneck activities.

Principle 7 provides guidance in applying concurrent development, and is a key principle in tailoring the Crystal methodologies for different teams in different situations. It is closely related to Elihu Goldratt's ideas as expressed in The Goal (Goldratt 1992) and The Theory of Constraints (Goldratt 1990).

To get a start on the principle, imagine a project with five requirements analysts, five Smalltalk programmers, five testers, and one relational database designer (DBA), all of them good at their jobs. Let us assume, for the sake of this example, that the group cannot hire more DBAs. Figure 4-23 shows the relevant part of the situation, the five programmers feeding work to the single DBA.

Figure 4-23. The five Smalltalk programmers feeding work to the one DBA.

The DBA clearly won't be able to keep up with the programmers. This has nothing to do with his skills, it is just that he is overloaded. In Goldratt's terms, the DBA's activity is the bottleneck activity. The speed of this DBA determines the speed of the project.

To make good progress, the team had better get things lined up pretty well for the DBA so that he has the best information possible to do his work. Every slowdown, every bit of rework he does, costs the project directly.

That is quite the opposite story from the Smalltalk programmers. They have a huge amount of excess capacity compared with the DBA.

Faced with this situation, the project manager can do one of two things:

· Send four of the programmers home so that the Smalltalk programmers and the DBA have matched capacities.

· Make use of the programmers' extra capacity. If he is mostly interested in saving money, then he sends four of the programmers home and lives with the fact that the project is going to progress at the speed of these two solo developers.

If he is interested in getting the project done as quickly as possible, he doesn't send the four Smalltalk programmers home. He takes advantage of their spare capacity.

He has them revise their designs several times, showing the results to users, before they hand over their designs to the DBA. This way, they get feedback that enables them to change their designs before, not after, the DBA goes through his own work.

He also has them start earlier in the requirements-gathering process, so that they can show intermediate results to the users sooner, again getting feedback earlier. He has them spend a bit more time drawing their designs so that the DBA can read them easily.

He does this knowing that he is causing them extra work. He is drawing on their spare capacity.

Figure 4-24 diagrams this second work strategy. In Figure 4-24, you see only one requirements person submitting information to one Smalltalk programmer, who is submitting work to the one DBA. The top two curves are used five times, for the five requirements writers and the five programmers.

Figure 4-24. Bottleneck station starts work higher on the completeness and stability curve than do non-bottleneck stations.

Notice in Figure 4-24 that the Smalltalker starts work as soon as the requirements person has something to hand him, but the DBA waits until the Smalltalker's work is almost complete and quite stable before starting.

Notice also that the DBA is completing work faster than the others. This is a reflection of the fact that the other groups are doing more rework, and hence reaching completeness and stability more slowly. This is necessary because four other groups are submitting work to the DBA. In a balanced situation, the DBA reaches completion five times as fast as the others.

People on a bottleneck activity need to work as efficiently as possible and cannot afford to do much rework. (I say "much rework" because there is always rework in software development; the goal is to reduce the amount of rework.)

Principle 7 has three consequences.

Consequence 1. Do whatever you can to speed up the work at the bottleneck activity.

That result is fairly obvious, except that people often don't do it.

Every project has a bottleneck activity. It moves during the project, but there is always one. In the above example, it is the DBA's work. There are four ways to improve a bottleneck activity. Principle 7 addresses the fourth.

1. Get better people doing that work.

2. Get more people to do that work.

3. Get better tools for the people doing that work.

4. Get the work that feeds that activity to a more complete and stable state before passing it along.

Consequence 2. People at the nonbottleneck activities can work inefficiently without affecting the overall speed of the project!

This is not obvious.

Of course, one way for people to work inefficiently is to take long smoking breaks, surf the Web, and spend time at the water cooler. Those are relatively uninteresting for the project and for designing methodologies.

More interesting is the idea of spending efficiency, trading it for stability.

The nonbottleneck people can spend some of their extra capacity by starting earlier, getting results earlier, doing more reword and doing it earlier, and doing other work that helps the person at the bottleneck activity.

Spending excess capacity for rework is significant for software development because rework is one of the things that causes software projects to take so much time. The users see the results and change their requests; the designers see their algorithm in action and change the design; the testers break the program, and the programmers change the code. In the case of the above example, all of these will cause the DBA rework.

Applying Principle 7 and the diagram of concurrent development (Figure 4-14) to the problem of the five Smalltalkers and one DBA, the project manager can decide that the Smalltalk programmers can work "inefficiently," meaning "doing more rework than they might otherwise," in exchange for making their work more stable earlier. This means that the DBA, to whom rework is expensive, will be given more stable information at the start.