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Agile Software Development - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 41

Do development in three-week periods, or "iterations." Each iteration results in running, tested code of direct use to the customers. The compiled system is rolled out to its end users at the end of each release period, which may be every two to five iterations.

The unit of requirements gathering is the "user story," user-visible functionality that can be developed within one iteration. The customers write the stories for the iteration onto simple index cards. The customer(s) and programmers negotiate what will get done in the next iteration in the following way:

· The programmers estimate the time to complete each card.

· The customers prioritize, alter, and de-scope as needed so that the most valuable stories are most likely to get done in the allotted time period.

The programmers write the tasks for each story on flipcharts on the wall or a whiteboard, estimating the time they will need for each task. Over time, the customers and programmers can reprioritize or de-scope the tasks or stories.

Development on a story starts with the programmers discussing the story with the expert customer. Because this discussion is guaranteed to take place, the text written on the story card can be very brief, just enough to remind everyone of what the conversation is going to be about. The understanding of the requirements grow through those conversations and any pictures or documents the people decide they need.

Programmers work in pairs. They follow strict coding standards that they set up at the beginning of the project. They create unit tests for everything they write and make sure that those tests run at 100% every time they check in their code to the mandatory versioning and configuration-management system. They develop in tiny increments of 15 minutes to a few hours long, integrating their code several times a day. At the end of each of these integrations, they ensure that the entire code base passes all unit tests.

At any time, any two programmers sitting together may change any line of code in the system. In fact, they are supposed to. Any time the two find a section of code that appears hard to understand or overly complex, they are to revise it, constantly simplifying and improving it. At all times, they are to keep the overall design as simple as they can and the code as clear as they can. This constant refactoring is possible because of the extensive unit test suites in place. It is also possible because the programmers rotate pair assignments every day or so, and so knowledge of the changes in the code structure pass through the group through the shifting partnerships.

While the programmers are working, the customers are doing three things: They visit with the programmers to clarify ideas, they write system acceptance tests to be run during and at the end of the iteration, and they select stories to be built for the next iteration. They may be on the project full time or not, as they decide.

The team holds a stand-up meeting every day, in which they describe what they are working on, what is working well for them, and what they might need help with. The meeting is held standing up to keep it short. At the end of each iteration, they hold another meeting in which they review what they did well and what they want to work on next time. They post this list for all to see during the next iteration.

XP prizes four values: communication, simplicity, testing, and courage. The "courage" value is intended as courage to go ahead and make improvements to the system at any time.

One person on the team is designated the "coach" for the team. This person reviews with the team members their use of the key practices: use of pair programming and testing, pair rotation, keeping design simple, communicating, and so on.

Dissecting XP

An XP team makes great use of osmotic communication, face-to-face communication, convection currents of information flow, and information radiators on the wall.

The consistent availability of experts means that the delay from question to answer is short. The time and energy cost to discover a needed piece of information is low; the rate of information dispersion is high.

Feedback is rapid. The customers get quick feedback as to the implementation implications of their requirements requests during the planning session. They see running code within days and can adjust accordingly their views on what should really be programmed. The programmers get immediate correction on the code they enter, because another person sitting next to them is watching what they type and because there are unit tests for each function they write. When changing the design, they get rapid feedback from the extensive unit and acceptance tests. They get fairly rapid feedback on their process, about every few weeks, through the iteration cycles.

XP uses human strength of communication. Through pair work and rapid feedback, it compensates for the human tendency to make mistakes.

XP is a high-discipline methodology. It calls for tight adherence to strict coding and design standards, strong unit test suites that must pass at all times, good acceptance tests, constant working in pairs, vigilance in keeping the design simple, and aggressive refactoring.

These disciplines are protected through two mechanisms and are exposed in three places.

It turns out (much to the surprise of many) that most people like working in pairs. It provides pride-in-work, because they get more done in less time, with fewer errors, and usually end up with a better design than if they were working alone. They like this. As a result, they do it voluntarily. While in pairs, they help each other write tests and follow coding standards. Thus, pair programming helps hold unit-testing in place.

Having a coach helps keep the other disciplines in place. Reports from various groups indicate to me that even better than having a coach is having several very enthusiastic XP practitioners on the team. This is because the coach is an external force, while enthusiastic teammates create peer pressure—an internal, and hence more powerful, force.

The places where XP is still exposed with respect to being high-discipline are coding standards, acceptance tests, and aggressive refactoring. Of those, aggressive refactoring probably will remain the most difficult, because it requires consistency, energy, and courage, and no mechanisms in the methodology reinforce it.

There are some high-ceremony (low-tolerance) standards. The policy standards include the use of iterations. Design and programming are done in tiny increments of hours or a few days. Planning and development cycles are two to four weeks, releases one to four months. The testing policy standard is that all unit tests run at 100% for all checked-in code. A policy standard states that the team is to be colocated, with a strong recommendation toward the "caves and commons" seating (Auer 2001).

XP includes within its definition a selection of techniques that the people need to learn: the planning game, the daily stand-up meeting, refactoring, and test-first development.

XP is designed for small, colocated teams aiming to get quality and productivity as high as possible. It does this through the use of rich, short, informal communication paths with emphasis on skill, discipline, and understanding at the personal level, minimizing all intermediate work products.

Adjusting XP

Two traits of XP are controversial: absence of documentation and the restriction to small teams.

Absence of Documentation

We can explore the documentation issue in terms of the cooperative game. XP targets success at the primary goal: delivering software.

It targets succeeding at the secondary goal, setting up for the next game, solely through the tacit knowledge built up within the project team.

The knowledge that binds the group and the design is tacit knowledge: the sum of knowledge of all the people on the team. The tacit knowledge is communicated through osmotic communication, rotation in the pair programming, clear, simple code, and extensive unit tests. People joining the team gain this tacit knowledge by pair programming with experienced people in rotation.

While the attention to tacit knowledge is good, sometimes the sponsors want other deliverables besides the system in operation. They may want usage manuals or paperwork describing the system's design. Even if the customers don't need these things, the organization's executives are likely to want to protect themselves against the eventual disappearance of the team's tacit knowledge.

Although it is not likely that everyone will quit at one time, it is likely that the organization will reduce staff size after the main development period of the project. At that point the tacit knowledge starts to be in jeopardy: If several people leave in quick succession, the new people will not have had enough time to absorb the project details adequately. At that point, the project has neither documents nor tacit knowledge.

XP actually contains a mechanism to deal with this situation: the planning game. It just happens that XP projects to date have not made use of the planning game for this purpose.

In the planning game, the sponsors can write story cards that call for creating documentation instead of new program features. During the planning game, the developers estimate the time it will take to generate the documentation, and the customers prioritize those ones against the stories specifying new features.

Using the planning game in this way, the sponsors can properly play the two competing subgames: that of delivering software quickly and that of protecting the group's knowledge.

The above discussion is hypothetical. I have not seen it used. The reason may be, and this is the hazard to the scheme, that the people who are requesting new functionality have great allegiance to the current project and little or no allegiance to future, possible projects. In other words, they don't have a "duration of accountability" that permits them to adequately balance the priority of new functionality against documentation. Resolving this problem will probably remain difficult.

An XP team might consider less common and less expensive ways to document the system design, such as video documentation (as described in Chapter 3).

Restriction to Small Team

Many people exclaim: "XP doesn't scale!"

At this point, you should review, if you don't recall it, the graphs of problem size versus team size in the last section.

A well-structured, 10-programmer team using XP properly may be able to solve a larger problem than a 30-person team using a larger methodology. In fact, on the first official XP project, an 8-person XP team delivered in one year what the previous, 26-person team had failed to deliver in the previous year. So be aware of what the statement "XP doesn't scale" really means. XP scales quite well in problem size (up to its limit); at the same time, it does not scale in staff size.

XP, as written, has been demonstrated on projects with up to 12 programmers and four on-site customers. It may have trouble with larger teams due to its reliance on tacit knowledge. It is difficult to build extensive tacit knowledge without good osmotic communication, and that is hard to do with more people than conveniently fit in a room. A larger project team trying XP will have to adjust the teaming structures, interfaces, and use of documentation to accommodate the greater coordination needs of the larger group and the thinner communication lines.

I leave it as an exercise to the inventive practitioner to experiment with these modifications to XP.

Why Methodology at All?

At this point it is appropriate to review the reasons for spending so much energy on methodologies at all, because they are the cause of so much argument and frustration the world over.

A methodology addresses "how we work around here." As such, it can serve several uses:

1. Introducing new people to the process

"Hi, how do we work around here?" is a natural question for new team members to ask. It is helpful to have something available so they can learn their place in the organization. Methodology in a Drawer

On my first hardware design project, my team leader told me,

"We draw the gates and ICs on these D-sized sheets of paper, name at the bottom left. We use only symmetric clocks, triggering on the rising edge. We put our drawings in the drafting department's cabinet, second drawer from the top. Let me know before you do that, though, and we'll schedule a design review..."