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Embedded Linux Primer: A Practical, Real-World Approach - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 25

Appendix C. BusyBox Commands

BusyBox has many useful commands. Here is a list of the commands documented in a recent BusyBox snapshot.

addgroupAdds a group to the system
adduserAdds a user to the system
adjtimexReads and optionally sets system timebase parameters
arExtracts or lists files from an ar archive
arpingPings hosts by ARP requests/replies
ashThe ash shell (command interpreter)
awkPattern-scanning and processing language
basename Strips directory path and suffixes from files
bunzip2Uncompresses a file (or standard input if no input file specified)
bzcatUncompresses to stdout
calDisplays a calendar
catConcatenates file(s) and prints them to stdout
chgrpChanges the group membership of each file
chmodChanges file access permissions
chownChanges the owner and/or group of file(s)
chrootRuns the command with root directory set to new root
chvtChanges the foreground virtual terminal to /dev/ttyN
clearClears screen
cmpCompares files
cpCopies files
cpioExtracts or lists files from a cpio archive
crondBusyBox's version of cron daemon
crontabManages crontab control file
cutPrints selected fields from each input file to standard output
dateDisplays or sets the system time
dcTiny RPN calculator
ddCopies a file, converting and formatting according to options
deallocvtDeallocates unused virtual terminal /dev/ttyN
delgroupDeletes a group from the system
deluserDeletes a user from the system
devfsdObsolete daemon for managing devfs permissions and old device name symlinks
dfPrints the file system space used and space available
dirnameStrips a nondirectory suffix from a filename
dmesgPrints or controls the kernel ring buffer
dos2unixConverts a file from DOS format to UNIX format
dpkgUtility to install, remove, and manage Debian packages
dpkg-debPerforms actions on Debian packages (debs)
duSummarizes disk space used for each file and/or directory
dumpkmapPrints a binary keyboard-translation table to standard output
dumpleasesDisplays the DHCP leases granted by udhcpd
echoPrints the specified ARGs to stdout
envPrints the current environment or runs a program after setting
exprPrints the value of an expression to standard output
falseReturns an exit code of FALSE (1)
fbsetShows and modifies frame buffer settings
fdflushForces floppy disk drive to detect disk change
fdformatLow-level-formats a floppy disk
fdiskChanges partition table
findSearches for files in a directory hierarchy
foldWraps input lines in each file
freeDisplays the amount of free and used system memory
freeramdiskFrees all memory used by the specified ramdisk
fsckminixPerforms a consistency check for MINIX file systems
ftpgetRetrieves a remote file via FTP
ftpputStores a local file on a remote machine via FTP
getoptParses command options
gettyOpens a tty, prompts for a login name, and then invokes /bin/login
grepSearches for PATTERN in each file or standard input
gunzipUncompresses file (or standard input)
gzipCompresses file(s) with maximum compression
haltHalts the system
hdparmGets/sets hard disk parameters
headPrints first 10 lines of each file to standard output
hexdumpDumps files in user-specified binary, octal, hex, character, or decimal format
hostidPrints a unique 32-bit identifier for the machine
hostnameGets or sets the hostname
httpdListens for incoming http server requests
hwclockQueries and sets the hardware clock (RTC)
idPrints information for USERNAME or the current user
ifconfigConfigures a network interface
ifdownDeconfigures an interface
ifupConfigure an interface
inetdListenss for network connections and launches programs
initBusyBox version of init
insmodLoads the specified kernel modules into the kernel
installCopies files and sets attributes
ipTCP/IP configuration utility
ipaddrManipulates interface addresses
ipcalcCalculates IP network settings from an IP address
iplinkManipulates interface settings
iprouteDisplays/sets routing table entries
iptunnelBusyBox iptunnel utility
killSends a signal (default is SIGTERM) to the specified process(es)
killallSends a signal (default is SIGTERM) to the specified process(es)
klogdKernel logger
lashThe BusyBox LAme SHell (command interpreter)
lastShows a listing of the last users who logged into the system
lengthPrints the length of the specified STRING
lnCreates a link named LINK_NAME or DIRECTORY to the specified TARGET
loadfontLoads a console font from standard input
loadkmapLoads a binary keyboard-translation table from standard input
loggerWrites MESSAGE to the system log
loginBegins a new session on the system
lognamePrints the name of the current user
logreadShows the messages from syslogd
losetupAssociates LOOPDEVICE with file
lsLists directory contents
lsmodLists the currently loaded kernel modules
makedevsCreates a range of block or character special files
md5sumPrints or checks MD5 checksums
mesgmesg controls write access to your terminal
mkdirCreates directory entries
mkfifoCreates a named pipe (identical to mknod name p)
mkfsminixMakes a MINIX file system
mknodCreates a special file (block, character, or pipe)
mkswapPrepares a disk partition to be used as a swap partition
mktempCreates a temporary file with its name based on TEMPLATE
modprobeUsed for high-level module loading and unloading
moreFilter for viewing files one screenful at a time
mountMounts a file system
mtControls magnetic tape drive operation
mvRenames and/or moves files
nameifRenames a network interface while in the down state
ncNetcat opens a pipe to IP:port
netstatNetstat displays Linux networking information
nslookupQueries the nameserver for the IP address of the given host
odDumps files in octal and other formats
openvtStarts a command on a new virtual terminal
passwdChanges a user password
patchBusyBox implementation of patch
pidofGets PID of named process
pingSends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
ping6Sends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
pivot_rootChanges the root file system
poweroffHalts the system and requests that the kernel shut off the power
printfFormats and prints arguments according to user format
psReports process status
pwdPrints the full filename of the current working directory
rdateGets and possibly sets the system date and time from a remote HOST
readlinkDisplays the value of a symbolic link
realpathReturns the absolute pathnames of a given argument
rebootReboots the system
reniceChanges priority of running processes in allowed priorities range
resetResets the screen
rmRemoves (unlink) file(s)
rmdirRemoves directory(ies), if they are empty
rmmodUnloads the specified kernel modules from the kernel
routeEdits the kernel's routing tables
rpmManipulates RPM packages
rpm2cpioOutputs a cpio archive of the rpm file
run-partsRuns a bunch of scripts in a directory
rxReceives a file using the xmodem protocol
sedBusybox Stream Editor implementation
seqPrints a range of numbers to standard output
setkeycodesSets entries into the kernel's scancode-to-keycode map
sha1sumPrints or checks SHA1 checksums
sleepDelay for specified amount of time
sortSorts lines of text in the specified files
start-stop-daemonProgram to start and stop services
stringsDisplays printable strings in a binary file
sttyDisplays and modifies terminal settings
suChanges user ID or become root
suloginSingle user login
swapoffDisables virtual memory page swapping
swaponEnables virtual memory page swapping
syncWrites all buffered file system blocks to disk
sysctlConfigures kernel parameters at runtime
syslogdLinux system and kernel-logging utility
tailPrints last 10 lines of each file to standard output
tarCreates, extracts, or lists files from a tar file
teeCopies standard input to each file and also to standard output
telnetBusyBox Telnet client implementation
telnetdBusyBox Telnet server implementation
testChecks file types and compares values, returning an exit
tftpTransfers a file using TFTP protocol
timeMeasures time used by a program
topProvides a view of processor activity in real time
touchUpdates the last-modified date on the given FILE[s]
trTranslates, squeezes, and/or deletes characters
tracerouteTraces the route IP packets follow
trueReturns an exit code of trUE (0)
ttyPrints the filename of the terminal connected to standard input
udhcpcBusyBox DHCP client implementation
udhcpdBusyBox DHCP server implementation
umountUnmount file systems
unamePrints certain system information
uncompressUncompresses Z file(s)
uniqDiscards all but one of successive identical lines from INPUT
unix2dosConverts file from UNIX format to DOS format
unzipExtracts files from ZIP archives
uptimeDisplays the time since the last boot
usleepPauses for n microseconds
uudecodeUudecodes a file that is uuencoded
uuencodeUuencodes a file
vconfigLets you create and remove virtual Ethernet devices
viBusyBox vi editor
vlockLocks a virtual terminal and requires a password to unlock it
watchExecutes a program periodically
watchdogPeriodically writes to a specified watchdog device
wcPrints line, word, and byte counts for each file
wgetRetrieves files via HTTP or FTP
whichLocates a command on the current path
whoPrints the current usernames and related information
whoamiPrints the username associated with the current effective user ID
xargsExecutes a command on every item given by standard input
yesRepeatedly outputs a line with all specified STRING(s), or y
zcatUncompresses to stdout