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Embedded Linux Primer: A Practical, Real-World Approach - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 27

Appendix E. Open Source Resources

Source Repositories and Developer Information

Several locations on the Web focus on Linux development. Here is a list of the most important websites for the various architectures and projects:

Primary kernel source tree


Primary kernel GIT repository


PowerPC-related development and mailing lists


MIPS-related developments


ARM-related Linux development


Primary home for a huge collection of open-source projects


Mailing Lists

Hundreds, if not thousands, of mailing lists cater to every aspect of Linux and open-source development. Here are a few to consider. Make sure you familiarize yourself with mailing list etiquette before posting to these lists.

Most of these lists maintain archives that are searchable. This is the first place that you should consult. In a great majority of the cases, your question has already been asked and answered. Start your reading here, for advice on how to best use the public mail lists:

The Linux Kernel Mailing List FAQ


List server serving various Linux kernel-related mail lists


Linux Kernel Mailingvery high volume, kernel development only


Linux News and Developments

Many news sites are worth browsing occasionally. Some of the more popular are ­listed here.



PowerPC News and other information


General Linux News and Developments


Open Source Insight and Discussion

The following public website contains useful information and education focusing on legal issues around open source.


Appendix F. Sample BDI-2000 Configuration File

; bdiGDB configuration file for the UEI PPC 5200 Board

; Revision 1.0

; Revision 1.1  (Added serial port setup)

; -----------------------------------------------------------

; 4 MB Flash (Am29DL323)

; 128 MB Micron DDR DRAM



; init core register

WREG    MSR        0x00003002  ;MSR  : FP,ME,RI

WM32    0x80000000 0x00008000  ;MBAR : internal registers at 0x80000000

                 ; Default after RESET, MBAR sits at 0x80000000

                 ; because it's POR value is 0x0000_8000 (!)

WSPR    311         0x80000000        ; MBAR : save internal register offset

                                      ; SPR311 is the MBAR in G2_LE

WSPR    279         0x80000000        ;SPRG7: save internal memory offsetReg: 279

; Init CDM (Clock Distribution Module)

;  Hardware Reset config {

;     ppc_pll_cfg[0..4] = 01000b

:     XLB:Core -> 1:3

:     Core:f(VCO) -> 1:2

:     XLB:f(VCO) -> 1:6


;     xlb_clk_sel = 0 -> XLB_CLK=f(sys) / 4 = 132 MHz


;     sys_pll_cfg_1 = 0 -> NOP

;     sys_pll_cfg_0 = 0 -> f(sys) = 16x SYS_XTAL_IN = 528 MHz

;  }


;  CDM Configuration Register

WM32    0x8000020c  0x01000101

           ; enable DDR Mode

           ; ipb_clk_sel = 1 -> XLB_CLK / 2 (ipb_clk = 66 MHz)

           ; pci_clk_sel = 01 -> IPB_CLK/2

; CS0 Flash

WM32    0x80000004  0x0000ff00  ;CS0 start = 0xff000000 - Flash memory is on


WM32    0x80000008  0x0000ffff  ;CS0 stop  = 0xffffffff

; IPBI Register and Wait State Enable

WM32    0x80000054  0x00050001 ;CSE: enable CS0, disable CSBOOT,

                               ;Wait state enable\

                               ; CS2 also enabled

WM32    0x80000300  0x00045d30 ;BOOT ctrl

              ; bits 0-7: WaitP  (try 0xff)

              ; bits 8-15: WaitX  (try 0xff)

              ; bit 16: Multiplex or non-mux'ed (0x0 = non-muxed)

              ; bit 17: reserved (Reset value = 0x1, keep it)

              ; bit 18: Ack Active (0x0)

              ; bit 19: CE (Enable) 0x1

              ; bits 20-21: Address Size (0x11 = 25/6 bits)

              ; bits 22:23: Data size field (0x01 = 16-bits)

              ; bits 24:25: Bank bits (0x00)

              ; bits 26-27: WaitType (0x11)

              ; bits 28: Write Swap (0x0 = no swap)

              ; bits 29: Read Swap (0x0 = no swap)

              ; bit 30: Write Only (0x0 = read enable)

              ; bit 31: Read Only (0x0 = write enable)

; CS2 Logic Registers

WM32    0x80000014  0x0000e00e

WM32    0x80000018  0x0000efff


;  LED1 - bits 0-7

;  LED2 - bits 8-15

;  LED3 - bits 16-23

;  LED4 - bits 24-31

;  off = 0x01

;  on  = 0x02

; mm 0xe00e2030 0x02020202 1 (all on)

; mm 0xe00e2030 0x01020102 1 (2 on, 2 off)

WM32    0x80000308  0x00045b30  ; CS2 Configuration Register

                                ; bits 0-7: WaitP  (try 0xff)

                                ; bits 8-15: WaitX  (try 0xff)

                                ; bit 16: Multiplex or non-mux'ed (0x0 =


                                ; bit 17: reserved (Reset value = 0x1, keep it)

                                ; bit 18: Ack Active (0x0)

                                ; bit 19: CE (Enable) 0x1

                                ; bits 20-21: Address Size (0x10 = 24 bits)

                                ; bits 22:23: Data size field (0x11 = 32-bits)

                                ; bits 24:25: Bank bits (0x00)

                                ; bits 26-27: WaitType (0x11)

                                ; bits 28: Write Swap (0x0 = no swap)

                                ; bits 29: Read Swap (0x0 = no swap)

                                ; bit 30: Write Only (0x0 = read enable)

                                ; bit 31: Read Only (0x0 = write enable)

WM32  0x80000318  0x01000000    ; Master LPC Enable


; init SDRAM controller


; For the UEI PPC 5200 Board,

;   Micron 46V32M16-75E (8 MEG x 16 x 4 banks)

;   64 MB per Chip, for a total of 128 MB

;   arranged as a single "space" (i.e 1 CS)

;   with the following configuration:

;      8 Mb x 16 x 4 banks

;      Refresh count 8K

;      Row addressing: 8K (A0..12) 13 bits

;      Column addressing: 1K (A0..9) 10 bits

;      Bank Addressing: 4 (BA0..1) 2 bits

;   Key Timing Parameters: (-75E)

;         Clockrate (CL=2) 133 MHz

;         DO Window 2.5 ns

;         Access Window: +/- 75 ns

;         DQS - DQ Skew: +0.5 ns

;         t(REFI): 7.8 us MAX


; Initialization Requirements (General Notes)

;  The memory Mode/Extended Mode registers must be

;  initialized during the system boot sequence. But before

;  writing to the controller Mode register, the mode_en and

;  cke bits in the Control register must be set to 1. After

;  memory initialization is complete, the Control register

;  mode_en bit should be cleared to prevent subsequent access

;  to the controller Mode register.

; SDRAM init sequence

;  1) Setup and enable chip selects

;  2) Setup config registers

;  3) Setup TAP Delay

; Setup and enable SDRAM CS

WM32    0x80000034  0x0000001a  ;SDRAM CS0, 128MB @ 0x00000000

WM32    0x80000038  0x08000000  ;SDRAM CS1, disabled @ 0x08000000

WM32    0x80000108  0x73722930 ;SDRAM Config 1 Samsung

                        ; Assume CL=2

                        ; bits 0-3: srd2rwp: in clocks (0x6)

                        ; bits 507: swt2rwp: in clocks -> Data sheet suggests

                        ;   0x3 for DDR (0x3)

                        ; bits 8-11: rd_latency -> for DDR 0x7

                        ; bits 13-15: act2rw -> 0x2

                        ; bit 16: reserved

                        ; bits 17-19: pre2act -> 0x02

                        ; bits 20-23: ref2act -> 0x09

                        ; bits 25-27: wr_latency -> for DDR 0x03

                        ; bits 28-31: Reserved

WM32    0x8000010c  0x46770000 ;SDRAM Config 2 Samsung

                         ; bits 0-3: brd2rp -> for DDR 0x4

                                ; bits 4-7: bwt2rwp -> for DDR 0x6

                                ; bits 8-11: brd2wt -> 0x6

                                ; bits 12-15: burst_length -> 0x07 (bl - 1)

                                ; bits 16-13: Reserved

; Setup initial Tap delay

WM32  0x80000204  0x18000000    ; Start in the end of the range (24 = 0x18)


WM32    0x80000104  0xf10f0f00 ;SDRAM Control (was 0xd14f0000)

                                ; bit 0: mode_en (1=write)

                                ; bit 1: cke (MEM_CLK_EN)

                                ; bit 2: ddr (DDR mode on)

                                ; bit 3: ref_en (Refresh enable)

                                ; bits 4-6: Reserved

                                ; bit 7: hi_addr (XLA[4:7] as row/col

                                ;   must be set to '1' 'cuz we need 13 RA bits

                                ;   for the Micron chip above

                                ; bit 8: reserved

                                ; bit 9: drive_rule - 0x0

                                ; bit 10-15: ref_interval, see UM 0x0f

                                ; bits 16-19: reserved

                                ; bits 20-23: dgs_oe[3:0] (not sure)

                                ;  but I think this is req'd for DDR 0xf

                                ; bits 24-28: Resv'd

                                ; bit 29: 1 = soft refresh

                                ; bit 30 1 = soft_precharge

                                ; bit 31: reserved

WM32    0x80000104  0xf10f0f02 ;SDRAM Control: precharge all

WM32    0x80000104  0xf10f0f04 ;SDRAM Control: refresh

WM32    0x80000104  0xf10f0f04 ;SDRAM Control: refresh

WM32    0x80000100  0x018d0000  ; SDRAM Mode Samsung

                            ; bits 0-1: MEM_MBA - selects std or extended MODE reg 0x0

                            ; bits 2-13: MEM_MA (see DDR DRAM Data sheet)

                            ; bits 2-7: Operating Mode -> 0x0 = normal

                            ; bits 8-10: CAS Latency (CL) -> Set to CL=2  for DDR (0x2)

                            ; bit 11: Burst Type: Sequential for PMC5200 -> 0x0

                            ; bits 12-14: Set to 8 for MPC5200 -> 0x3

                            ; bit 15: cmd = 1 for MODE REG WRITE

WM32    0x80000104  0x710f0f00 ;SDRAM Control: Lock Mode Register (was 0x514f0000)

; *********** Initialize the serial port ***********

; Pin Configuration

WM32   0x80000b00   0x00008004  ; UART1

; Reset PSC

WM8    0x80002008   0X10        ; Reset - Select MR1

WM16   0x80002004   0           ; Clock Select Register - 0 enables both Rx &

Tx Clocks

WM32   0x80002040   0           ; SICR - UART Mode

WM8    0x80002000   0x13        ; Write MR1 (default after reset)

                                ; 8-bit, no parity

WM8    0x80002000   0x07        ; Write MR2 (after MR1) (one stop bit)

WM8    0x80002018   0x0         ; Counter/Timer Upper Reg (115.2KB)

WM8    0x8000201c   0x12        ; Counter/Timer Lower Reg (divider = 18)

; Reset and enable serial port Rx/Tx

WM8    0x80002008   0x20

WM8    0x80002008   0x30

WM8    0x80002008   0x05


; define maximal transfer size

TSZ4    0x80000000  0x80003FFF  ;internal registers


; define the valid memory map

MMAP    0x00000000  0x07FFFFFF  ;Memory range for SDRAM

MMAP    0xFF000000  0xFFFFFFFF  ;ROM space

MMAP    0xE00E0000  0xE00EFFFF  ; PowerPC Logic

MMAP    0x80000000  0x8fffffff  ; Default MBAR

MMAP    0xC0000000  0XCFFFFFFF  ; Linux Kernal


CPUTYPE     5200       ;the CPU type

JTAGCLOCK   0          ;use 16 MHz JTAG clock

WORKSPACE   0x80008000  ;workspace for fast download

WAKEUP      1000       ;give reset time to complete


MEMDELAY    2000       ;additional memory access delay

BOOTADDR    0xfff00100



POWERUP     1000

WAKEUP      500

MMU         XLAT

PTBASE      0x000000f0




LOAD        MANUAL      ;load code MANUAL or AUTO after reset

PROMPT      uei>


CHIPTYPE    AM29BX16       ;Flash type (AM29F | AM29BX8 | AM29BX16 | I28BX8 | I28BX16)

CHIPSIZE    0x00400000   ;The size of one flash chip in bytes

BUSWIDTH    16          ;The width of the flash memory bus in bits (8 | 16 | 32)

WORKSPACE   0x80008000   ;workspace in internal SRAM

FILE        u-boot.bin

FORMAT      BIN 0xFFF00000

ERASE       0xFFF00000   ;erase a sector of flash

ERASE       0xFFF10000   ;erase a sector of flash

ERASE       0xFFF20000   ;erase a sector of flash

ERASE       0xFFF30000   ;erase a sector of flash

ERASE       0xFFF40000   ;erase a sector of flash


FILE        $reg5200.def