Syntax | Description | Status affected |
ADDLW k | The contents of the W register are added to an 8-bit number and the result put in the W reg. | C, DC, Z |
ADDWF f,d | Add the contents of the W and f registers. If d=0 the result goes to W. If d=1 the result goes to the f register | C, DC, Z |
ANDLW k | The contents of the W register are ANDed with an 8-bit number and the result put in the W reg. | Z |
ANDWF f,d | AND w with reg f. If d=0 the result goes to W. If d=1 the result goes to the f register | Z |
BCF f,b | Bit b in reg f is cleared | |
BSF f,b | Bit b in reg f is set | |
BTFSS f,b | If bit b in reg f=0, the next instruction in executed. If it is 1 the next instr. is replaced with a NOP | 1 or 2 cycles |
BTFSC f,b | If bit b in reg f=1, the next instruction in executed. If it is 0 the next instr. is replaced with a NOP | 1 or 2 cycles |
CALL k | Call subroutine. Return address (PC+1) is pushed onto stack. The 11-bit immediate address is loaded into PC bits 1:0 The upper bits of the PC are loaded from PCLATH 4:3. | 2 cycle |
CLRF | f Register f is cleared and Z flag is set. | Z |
CLRW | Register W is cleared and Z flag is set. | Z |
CLRWDT | Resets watchdog timer and watchdog prescaler | TO, PD |
COMF f,d | Contents of ‘f’ are complemented (0→1, 1→0) If d=0 the result goes to W. If d=1 the result goes to f | Z |
DECF f,d | Contents of ‘f’ reduced by 1. If d=0 the result goes to W. If d = 1 the result goes to f | Z |
DECFSZ f,d | Contents of ‘f’ reduced by 1. if d=0 the result goes to W. If d=1 the result goes to f. If result = 1, the next instruction in executed. If it is 0 the next instr. is replaced with a NOP | 1 or 2 cycles |
GOTO k | The 11-bit immediate address is loaded into PC bits <10:0>. The upper bits of the PC are loaded from PCLATH <4:3>. | |
INCF f,d | If d=0 the result goes to W. If d=1, result goes to f. | |
INCFSZ f,d | Contents of ‘f’ incremented. If d=0 the result goes to W. If d=1 the result goes to f. If rfesult = 1, the next instruction is executed. If it is 0 the next instr. is replaced with a NOP | 1 or 2 cycles |
IORLW k | The contents of the W register are ANDed with an 8-bit number and the result put in the W reg. | Z |
IORFWF f,d | The contents of the W register are Inclusive ORed with reg. F. If d=1 resujlt goes back into f | |
MOVF f,d | If d=0, contents of f goes to W reg. If d=1 it goes to f | Z |
MOVLW k | The 8-bit number k goes into W. | |
MOVWF f | Moves data from W register to f register | |
NOP | Does nothing – just a time waster (one cycle period) | |
RETFIE | Return from interrupt. Top of stack→PC, 1→GIE | 2 cycle |
RETLW k | W reg loaded with number , return address→PC | 2 cycle |
RETURN | Return from subroutine. Return address→PC | 2 cycle |
RLF f,d | Contents of ‘f’ are rotated left one bit via the carry flag. If d=0 the result goes to W. Id=1, result goes back to f. See fig. below | C |
SLEEP | Powerdown status bit PD is cleared, Timeout status bit TO is set. WDT and prescaler are cleared, oscillator stops and controller goes to sleep. | TO, PD |
SUBLW k | W register subtracted from the number k, result goes into W reg. (2’s complement method) | C, DC, Z |
SUBWF f,d | W register subtracted from the register f. If d=0 the result goes to W. If d=1 the result goes to f. (2’s complement method) | C, DC, Z |
SWAPF f,d | Upper and lower nibbles of f are exchanged. If d=0 the result goes to W. If d=1 the result goes to f. | |
XORLW k | W register contents XOR’ed with the number k, result goes into W reg. | Z |
XORWF f,d | W register contents XOR’ed with the register f, if d=0 the result goes to W. If d=1 the result goes to f | Z |