52905.fb2 Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 7

Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 7

6. Registers and memories

The logic gates that we met in the last chapter occur in their millions in microprocessors and in the surrounding circuitry. They are to be found in all microprocessors from the oldest and simplest, to this years’ ‘Ultimate Wonder Child’ and even next year’s ‘New and Improved Ultimate Wonder Child MkII’.

When logic gates are used in a microprocessor, they are usually grouped together into circuits, called flip-flops, each one being able to store a single binary digit.

A flip-flop or bistable

A flip-flop or bistable is a circuit that can store a single binary bit – either 0 or 1. One useful characteristic of the flip-flop is that it can only have an output of 0 or 1. It cannot hover somewhere in between. The flip-flop is shown in Figure 6.1. The purpose of the clock input is to tell the flip-flop when to accept the new input level.

Figure 6.1 A flip-flop – the basic building block of a microprocessor

The sequence of the events is:

1 Apply the binary level to be stored.

2 Wait a short time (a few nanoseconds) until the voltage is properly established.

3 Apply a signal to the clock input to tell the flip-flop to memorize the signal present at the input.

Why do we have to wait?

When we apply a voltage to a length of wire, we would hope that the voltage changes as in Figure 6.2. Unfortunately, it takes a few nanoseconds to settle down. The rise of voltage travels along the connecting wire and is reflected from the end causing another voltage to be reflected towards the input. This reflection is itself reflected and after repeated reflections, the voltage slowly settles down to its new level as in Figure 6.3. This occurs if we suddenly tip a bucket of water into a half-filled bath. The added water sets up a wave that is reflected backwards and forwards along the bath as the new level is established. If we didn’t wait for the voltage to settle down, we could accidentally store an incorrect value.

Figure 6.2  A voltage is switched on – how we would like it to change

Figure 6.3 A voltage is switched on – what really happens?

And what about the clock signal?

This is just an input to tell the flip-flop that it is time to read the input level. All microprocessor operations are carefully timed by clock pulses to ensure that the system operates in the correct sequence.

The clock signal is usually a positive-going voltage pulse. This pulse can be used to switch two circuits at different times by designing one circuit to respond to an increasing voltage and the other to use a decreasing voltage. If, for example, the pulse in Figure 6.4 were to be 10 ns wide then this could create the required delay for the voltage to settle. The circuit supplying the input voltage is kicked into action by the positive-going edge and then 10 ns later the negative-going edge instructs the flip-flop to save the data present at that time.

Figure 6.4 Using a clock pulse to control timing of a circuit

A register

A register is just a collection of flip-flops. A flip-flop can only store one bit so to handle 32 bits at a time we would need 32 flip-flops and would refer to this as a 32-bit register. To save space, Figure 6.5 shows an 8-bit register.

Figure 6.5 An 8-bit register

The register has two distinct groups of connections: the data bits 0 to 7 and the control signals. The data connections or data lines carry the binary levels in or out of the register. The number of data lines determines the size of the register so a 64-bit register would have 64 data connections.

The three control signals include two new ones

1 Enable. This is a simple on/off switch for the register. We met this in Chapter 5 with the tri-state buffer. The line over the top of the word indicates that it is ‘on’ when this line is ‘low’ or at logic zero. We tend to say the line is ‘active low’ in this situation. Therefore, it follows that the register is disabled or switched ‘off’ when the enable line is at logic 1 or ‘high’. Nearly all control lines are active low. The benefit of having the enable line is that we are able to disconnect a register without doing any physical uncoupling of links etc.

2 Read/write. The terms ‘read’ and ‘write’ are used to describe the direction of data movement. We ‘write’ data into a register then ‘read’ the data to recover it.

You may remember that the flip-flop in Figure 6.1 included a separate line for reading the data and another for writing. Now, while this was OK with a single flip-flop, a 64-bit register would require 128 lines just to carry the data in and out. By using the tri-state buffer from Chapter 5, we can use each line to read and write data as required. The tri-state buffers are all controlled by the logic level applied to the read/write line. The normal convention applies – the line over the ‘write’ means that this line is taken low to write data and, of course, high to read data.

It may be interesting to look inside the register to see how the tristate buffer is used to achieve this two-way traffic on a single wire. Have a look at Figure 6.6. Two tri-state buffers are connected back-to-back. In the first example, logic 1 input will enable the top buffer. The control voltage is inverted to a logic 0, which then disables the lower buffer. Data can now flow from left to right. When the control signal changes to a logic 0, the top buffer is disabled and the lower one is enabled and the reverse direction of data flow is possible. Note how two buffers and an inverter are used for each line to be controlled. A single control line is used to switch all the data lines at the same time.

Figure 6.6 Two-way data flow

What are registers for?

Registers are storage areas inside the microprocessor. Almost the whole of the microprocessor is made of registers. They store the data that is going to be used, they store the instructions that are to be used and they store the results obtained. Nearly all registers involve tri-state buffers to control the direction of data flow.

In most cases, the data to be stored is applied to the inputs of the register and, after a short pause to let the voltages stabilize, the register is enabled by the voltage on the enable control. The information is then safely stored until it is next required.

The sequence is:

1 The read/write line is taken to logic 0 to allow the register to receive data from an external source.

2 The enable control switches ON the tri-state buffers at the input to each flip-flop.

3 The data is written to each flip-flop and then the enable control puts the register to sleep until the next time it is needed.

How long can it be stored?

It will be stored until the power supplies are removed – either by an equipment fault or, more usually, by the system being switched off. The data does not deteriorate in storage.

Shift registers

These are a variation on the register theme. They still consist of group of flip-flops but the interconnections have been changed. Have a look at the arrangement in Figure 6.7 and see if you can guess the likely outcome.

Figure 6.7 A shift-left register

This is called a shift register because the data is shifted from one flipflop to the next each time the clock pulse occurs. Specifically, the one shown is a shift left register because each bit moves one place to the left on each clock pulse. All the bits move at the same time. The last one in bit 7 drops off the end and is lost while at the other end, a new bit is entered into bit 0.

In Figure 6.8, the register has been loaded with the binary equivalent of 3610 or 24H and a series of zeros has been chosen to be loaded at the bit 0 end.

Figure 6.8 A shift-left register in action

Follow the sequence through and in particular note what happens to the numbers stored:

1 After one clock pulse, all the bits will have moved one place to the left. A new ‘0’ will have entered bit 0 and the last, which was in bit 7, will have fallen off the end of the world. The bits stored at this time are 01001000 and the numerical value is 48H or, in denary, 7210. Notice how shifting the bits to the left has multiplied the value by 2.

2 After eight clock pulses, all the existing data in the register will have been flushed out and refilled with zeros. The register will hold the number zero so there is a limit to how many times we can multiply by shifting the register.

3 After 5000 clock pulses, it is still full of zeros. Admittedly, they will be new zeros that have replaced the others but that will not make any difference.

What happens if we don’t apply any input data to enter bit 0?

If the input connection is simply left unconnected, there will be no voltage information coming in to the first flip-flop. The input is said to be ‘floating’ and will assume some voltage which may be low or high. As the clock pulses are applied this may well result in random data entering the register. Random data is of no help to anyone so we normally overcome this problem by building in a bias in the design of the register to make it have a tendency to move towards one logic level rather than the other. It is up to the manufacturer but most floating inputs will float high and enter ones.

The shift register considered has been a shift-left register, which means that the information is fed in at the right-hand end and moves progressively towards the left along the register until it drops off the end.

By re-arranging the register, it is easy to produce a shift-right register as in Figure 6.9. This has all the same properties except it shifts data towards the right and divides the number by two each time the clock pulse is entered. Compare Figures 6.7 and 6.9.

Figure 6.9 A shift-right register

A real world use for a shift register

It is interesting that a shift register can perform simple multiplication and division but it can do many jobs that are more interesting.

One example would be automatic checking of inputs. In Figure 6.10 it is controlling an automatic ticket dispenser. The customer inserts some money and presses any button of the eight available to obtain the ticket required – but which button was pressed?

Figure 6.10 Using a shift register

As a button is pressed the voltage output can be designed to change from logic 0 to logic 1 so to start with, we can assume no buttons are pressed and the response from each button is zero. Along comes a customer who, having read the instructions, inserted some money and re-read the instructions and stared at the buttons, eventually decides to press a button.

Pressing a button generates a burst of eight clock pulses and the value of each button is loaded into the shift register. Once the button has been pressed the zeros and ones corresponding to each of the buttons is loaded into the shift register. The output from each button is made available to external circuits and one such circuit will be activated and a ticket will drop down the chute.

For how long would the customer have to press the button?

The microprocessor is amazingly fast compared with us. If we feel the temperature of a piece of metal and it is too hot, we immediately take our hand off. But how long did this take? For most people the time to think and then respond would be about one-tenth of a second. In sport, it means that the person at the receiving end must use body movement or magic to predict what is going to happen. Waiting to respond to the flight of the ball will make them too late. Most people would therefore press a button for at least 0.1 s. So what can the microprocessor do in the same 0.1 s? A modern microprocessor can check a button in about 0.25 µs or 0.25 millionths of a second. In other words, it can check about 4 000 000 buttons in a second.

We have a best response time of 0.1 s. The microprocessor has a response time of about 0.25 µs. This means than the microprocessor lives at a speed of about 400 000 times faster than us. Can you imagine how we would feel faced with a creature called a ‘Waitabit’ that moves 400 000 times slower than us? It would take 11 hours to press the button. After all that effort, it may run off at 3 cm/h (1.2 in/h) to spend 11 years having a cup of coffee. By way of compensation, it may well live for 28 million years!

Rotate registers

These are modified versions of the shift registers. There are only two simple changes necessary. The first is that the data is loaded in parallel.

This means that the data is loaded into each flip-flop in the register at the same time. This requires a separate connection to carry each bit but the good news is all the data is loaded under the control of a single clock pulse so it is very much faster. Once loaded, subsequent clock pulses cause the data to be moved along the register as before. The last bit of data is connected back to the other end of the register instead of dropping off the end into our bin. Have a look at Figures 6.11 and 6.12.

Figure 6.11 A rotate-left register

Figure 6.12 Data movement in a rotate-left register

As with shift registers, rotate registers can be made in rotate right as well as left versions. In microprocessors, the same register can be used to rotate or shift in either direction.

The benefit of using a rotate rather than a shift register is that the data is not destroyed. We have seen that a shift register is progressively emptied as bits fall into the bin at the end. With a rotate register, the data is not changed. If we rotate left say, six times, we only have to rotate right six times to recover all the original data.


The function of a memory is to store information – almost the same as we said for the register. Generally, a register lives within the microprocessor and stores small quantities of data for immediate use and it can do useful little tricks like shift and rotate. A memory is designed for bulk storage of data but that is all it can do – no tricks this time.

Well, almost no tricks – some types can remember the data even when the power is switched off. The ability to remember data after the power is switched off is the dividing line between the two main types of memory. If it loses its data when the power is switched off, then we call the memory RAM or volatile memory. If it can hold on to the data without power, we call it ROM or non-volatile memory (volatile means ‘able to evaporate’). This is seen in Figure 6.13.

Figure 6.13 The two classes of memory


The letters RAM stands for Random Access Memory which is a silly, out-of-date, name. It should be called read/write memory or RWM but it is so difficult to get something to change once it is established. Anyway, let’s leave the name for the moment and look at the memory.

The memory comes in an integrated circuit looking like a small microprocessor and is usually called a memory chip. Inside, there are a large number of registers, hundreds, thousands, millions depending on the size of the memory. Incidentally, when we are referring to memories, we use the word ‘cell’ instead of register even though they are the same thing.

So, each of the internal cells may have 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits stored in flip-flops. Figure 6.14 shows the register layout in a very small memory containing only 16 cells or locations, each of which can hold 4 bits and is given a memory number or address.

Figure 6.14 The layout of cells in a memory

This RAM word

In prehistoric computing days, the memory would be loaded in order. The first group of bits would go into location 0, the next would go into location 2, then location 3 and so on rather like a shift register. This meant that the time to load or recover the information would increase as we started to fill the memory and have to move further down the memory. This was called sequential access memory (or serial access memory), abbreviated to SAM. This was OK when a large computer may hold 256 bits of information but would be impossibly slow if we tried this trick with a gigabyte.

To overcome this problem, we developed a way to access any memory location in the same amount of time regardless of where in the memory it happens to be stored. This system was called random access memory or RAM.

All memory, whether volatile or non-volatile is now designed as random access memory so it would be much better to divide the two types of memory into read/write and read only memory. But it won’t happen, RAM is too firmly entrenched.

Accessing memory

Each location in a memory is given a number, called an address. In Figure 6.14, the 16 locations of memory would be numbered from 0 to 15, or in binary 0000–11112. The cells are formed into a rectangular layout, in this case a 4×4 square with four columns and four rows.

To use a cell, the row containing the cell must be selected and the column containing the cell must also be activated. The shaded cell in Figure 6.15 has the address 0110 which means that it is in row 01 and in column 10.

Figure 6.15 Selecting a memory location

To access this cell we need to apply the binary address to the row and column decoders. When the address 0110 is applied, the first half of the address, 01, is applied to the row decoder and the second half of the address is applied to the column decoder. A decoder circuit is a small logic circuit that, when fed with the address of the location, is able to switch on the appropriate row and column. The maximum number of locations that can be addressed will depend on the number of bits in the address. We have already seen that a 4-bit address can access 16 locations. This was because 24=16, so, generally 2n= number of locations where n is the number of bits in the address. To take a more realistic example, if we had 20 address lines we would have 220=1 048 576 or 1 Meg locations.

Two types of RAM

Ram chips can be designed in two different forms which we call static RAM (SRAM) and dynamic RAM (DRAM), as seen in Figure 6.16.

Figure 6.16 The two types of RAM

Static RAM

These are constructed of flip-flops. The problem with the flip-flop is that it draws current all the time. Therefore, it tends to get rather warm and, on a single chip, the components cannot be packed together very tightly. The benefit is that they are very fast and are used where speed of access is important. Static RAM is often called SRAM.

Dynamic RAM

These store the information in capacitors, which are small components that store an electrical charge in the form of static electricity. They are called ‘dynamic’ owing to one of its drawbacks. In use, the electricity stored in each capacitor leaks away because of the imperfect insulation. So, after a little while the charge has to be replaced otherwise the DRAM will be empty and all the stored information will be lost. This replacing is called ‘refreshing’ and has to be performed at intervals of about 2 ms by a DRAM control circuit. To prevent any interference with the operation of the microprocessor system, the refreshing is done in the background whenever the DRAM is not being used.

Once the static charge is stored, no further current is required (except for refreshing), therefore less heat is being generated internally and we can pack more memory into a given space. We say it has a high packing density.

Memory organization

A memory contains a number of cells or registers that, themselves store a number of bits. In Figure 6.14, we saw a really simple memory with 16 locations, each of which could store between 1, 4 or 8 bits. The memory organization is always quoted as ‘number of locations x bits stored in each’ so this memory would have an organization of anywhere between 16×1, 16×4 or 16×8.

Static RAMs usually store 8 bits in each location so a typical chip size would be 131 072×8 giving a total storage capacity of 1 048 576 bits. This is often referred to as 128 K×8.

Dynamic RAMs store either 1 or 4 bits in each location. One bit in each is very popular, so a typical chip organization would be 1 048 576×1 which, as we can see, would actually hold the same total number of bits as the example SRAM – it’s just the organization that has been changed.

Three types of ROM

All ROMs are used to store information on a more-or-less permanent basis. In use, the ROM can be read but new information cannot be stored in it. In other words, we cannot write to it (see Figure 6.17).

Figure 6.17 Three types of ROM

Masked ROM

A masked ROM is manufactured to our specification and cannot be changed. We must be very sure that the information is correct before it is made otherwise it all goes in the waste bin and the person responsible is looking for a new job. The initial cost is necessarily high due to the expense of the tooling required. It is only worthwhile if at least a few thousand identical chips are required (see Figure 6.18).

Figure 6.18 The economics of ROM choice

Programmable ROM (PROM)

This chip is supplied with all the data held at zero by means of small internal fuses. When one of the fuses is blown, the associated bit changes from 0 to 1. To blow the fuses a piece of programming equipment is needed. This equipment can be purchased quite cheaply if only one PROM is to be programmed at a time. If a larger throughput is needed then this will inevitably increase the cost of the equipment. Once the fuse is blown, it cannot be repaired so if you make a mistake, the chip is wasted.

The ROM is useful for low volume production because the initial costs are much lower than the masked ROM but you do have to program them yourself.

Erasable programmable ROM (EPROM)

As the name would suggest, this chip allows us to program it, then change our mind and try again. To erase the data there are two methods – ultraviolet light or electrical voltage pulses. EPROMs are ideal for prototyping since it is so easy to change the data to make modifications.


The chip is bombarded with ultraviolet light via a transparent window on the chip. A specially constructed EPROM eraser provides the light. We pop the chip in, close the lid and switch on the timer. After a few minutes, the data is erased. When erased, all the data output is set to 1. We then put the chip into an EPROM programmer, usually the same piece of gear that was used to program the PROM. We can feed in the new data and within a couple of minutes, we have finished the process.

They can be erased and reprogrammed about 700 times before they become increasingly reluctant to erase and their life is over. Once programmed, the data is safe for about seven years. For long term storage, it is best to reload them or, better still, use a masked ROM if available.

A safety note: be extremely careful not to expose your eyes to the ultraviolet light from the eraser. The wavelength of 253.7 nm is very dangerous.

Electrically erasable programmable ROM (EEPROM)

This chip uses electrical voltage pulses as inputs to clear the previous data and is then reprogrammed in the same way as the UVEPROM. It has the added advantage that individual parts of the data can be reprogrammed without deleting everything first as is the case with the ultraviolet version. EEPROM can be found as serial access (SAM), as well as the more usual random access.

The reprogramming can be done while installed in the microprocessor-based system. It does not need a separate programmer. Their disadvantage is that they are slow to program and have a limited number of reprogramming cycles.

Pin layout of an EPROM

Figure 6.19 shows the pin-out diagram for a 1 Mb (1 048 576 bits) EPROM with an organization of 131 072×8 bits.

Figure 6.19 Pin out diagram of an EPROM

Power supplies

The main power supplies to operate the chip are the +5 V applied to the V+ pin and 0 V on the GND (ground) pin.

To program the memory, the programming voltage is applied to Vpp. When not being programmed, it should be held at +5 V. Be careful to read the data book – the value of Vpp differs widely.

Address pins

Address pins are always numbered starting from A0. We have seen that the number of location is given by 2nso with 17 address lines (A0 to A16) the number of locations would be 217=131 072.

Data pins

Like the addresses, these pins always start counting from zero. In the EPROM shown in Figure 6.19, they are abbreviated to D for data and go from D0 to D7 – eight in all. Some manufacturers call them output pins and number them O0, O1, O2 etc. The output from these pins is either 0 V or +5 V or near to these values.

Control pins

1 Chip enable (CE), sometimes called chip select (CS), is the main on/off switch for the chip. It is usually active low, which means that the chip needs a logic 0 voltage to be applied to switch the chip on. This is indicated by a line over the CE. When the chip is switched off, it goes to sleep and the power drops with a reduction of about 150 times.

2 Output enable (OE) leaves the chip fired up but with its output disconnected from the data pins. This is done by disabling a series of tri-state buffers immediately before the data pins. Disconnecting the output pins is very much faster than switching the chip off. Watch out for the line over the name to indicate the polarities required.

Unconnected pins

These are shown as NC and are not used. They are physically separate from the internal chip and therefore have no effect of anything. They should be left unconnected.

Pin layout of a SRAM

Have a look at the SRAM in Figure 6.20. Many of these pins will be recognized as being the same as we saw with the EPROM.

Figure 6.20 Pin out diagrams of RAM chips

Data pins

Since the SRAM is a read/write memory, the data pins are used to read data into the chip and to write data out to the microprocessor system. With this in mind, they have been called input/output pins (I/O) and, as usual, are numbered from zero.

Control pins

1 Write enable (WE#) controls internal tri-state buffers to control the flow of data to write or read on the data pins. The line over the WE indicates that, to write data, the pin must be held low. 2 There are two chip selects, one shown as active low and one as active high. To enable the chip, both must have the correct voltage present. This provides a degree of flexibility to the system designer. If either is not required, it can simply be held down permanently to its appropriate voltage and then the other can then be used to control the operation of the chip.

Pin layout of a DRAM

Row address strobe (RAS) and Column address strobe (CAS)

At first glance, there does not seem to be enough address pins for the number of locations to be addressed. A0 to A9 is only 10 pins, which would suggest a total of 210 or 1024 locations. The trick here is to use the same pins twice and hence load in a total 220 or 1 048 576 addresses.

The sequence of events dictates that the RAS line is taken low and the bottom half of the address is loaded into the Rows – RAS then returns high. Then the CAS is taken low while the remainder of the address is fed into the columns. After this, the state of the write line (same as R/W) determines whether data is entering or leaving the DRAM.

There is only a single bit stored in each address, the data entering via the data in (Din) pin and leaving via the data out (Dout) pin.

Some more memories that don’t fit into the general pattern


Single in-line memory modules are a collection of separate RAM chips that are mounted on a piece of board to make installation quicker and easier. They are not actually a different type of memory.

RAM Cards

The problem with RAM memory is that it is volatile. The information is lost as soon as the system is switched off. RAM cards overcome this by providing the RAM chips with their own on-board battery. In this way, the RAM card can be removed from the system without losing the data. It is really a RAM pretending to be ROM. This provides full speed operation and permanence during the 10-year life of the battery.

Flash memory

This is non-volatile RAM (NVRAM). In fact, it is really a form of RAM with a battery installed to provide power during shutdown periods. Rather like a single chip version of a RAM card.

Memory maps

A microprocessor has a number of address lines that can be used to access RAM or ROM or other devices within the system. As we saw in the memory chips, the total memory addressable by a microprocessor is found by the formula 2n where n is the number of address lines. For example, an 8-bit microprocessor generally has 16 address lines and can access 216 or would have 65 536 or 64 bytes of memory. The Digital Alpha 21064 has 34-bit address lines giving 234 or a little over 17 Gbytes. This memory is shared between the RAMs, ROMs and other devices, including some for the microprocessor itself to use.

The system designer has to decide in what way the available memory is to be used. Using the memory map of the 8-bit microprocessor as a simple example, we start off with a blank space as in Figure 6.21. When the microprocessor is first supplied with power it will immediately start following the first program provided. How does it know what program is first? The answer to this is that it goes to a predetermined address, which has been built into the microprocessor during manufacture.

Figure 6.21 The starting point for a memory map

Figure 6.22 A typical small system memory map

If we assume the startup address is FFFAH, then we must put some useful information at that address for it to follow. This implies that some ROM memory must be at the top end of the memory map. Most provide some extra fast programming ability and this usually requires that some RAM to be available at the bottom end of the memory map.

There is nothing else that is allocated to any particular address so any other RAM and ROM memories can be placed at any position on the map. The map does not have to be full, indeed it seldom is. The balance between RAM and ROM depends on the purpose to which the system is to be put. A control system running a piece of manufacturing machinery is likely to be predominately ROM whereas a computer would need significant RAM. A simple memory map is shown in Figure 6.22.

Sorting out the addresses

This is just an exercise in hex numbers in which a ‘hex’ calculator will prove invaluable. Now, 1 kbyte of memory occupies 210 or 1024 locations, which is 400H in hex. The first section of RAM extends from: start address + highest RAM address = 0000H to 03FFH so the highest address in the ‘Fast instructions’ section is 03FFH. The User RAM extends from 0400H to 3FFFH. How many kilobytes of memory is this?

This is 15 kbytes of memory. This was found by subtracting 0400H from 4000H to give 3C00H and then dividing this result by 400H, the hex equivalent of 1 kbyte. The division is best done by calculator. Remember that the fact that the user-RAM ended at 3FFFH means that the total number of locations, including the first one in 4000H so it was more convenient to use the figure of 4000H straight from the memory map. This is sometimes a little difficult to fully come to terms with, but a cup of coffee and a slump in an armchair often helps.

In a similar way, the video RAM that holds the information to be displayed on a monitor can be found by subtracting the lower address D800H from the higher address E000H to give 800H. Dividing by 400H indicates 2 kbytes of video RAM.


If a 12 kbytes block of ROM started at the address 8000H, what is the highest address in the ROM?

Since 1 kbyte = 1024, it follows that 12 kbytes = 12×1024 or 12 288 in denary. Converting this to hex gives 3000H. Now, we have to be a bit careful. If the ROM includes 3000H addresses, they will run from 0 to 2FFFH. Adding the start address of 8000H to the highest address will give 8000+2FFF=AFFFH, which is the highest address in the ROM.

Quiz time 6

In each case, choose the best option.

1 An SRAM with 12 address pins and 8 data pins would have:

(a) an organization of 12×8 bits.

(b) approximately 16¾ M locations.

(c) an organization of 12×8 bits.

(d) a storage capacity of 32 768 bits.

2 A bistable:

(a) can store two bits of information.

(b) is another name for flop-flip.

(c) has a floating output.

(d) is made from several registers.

3 The pin that is most similar to one marked as CS may be labelled as:

(a) OE.

(b) CAS.

(c) CE.

(d) Vcc.

4 If, in a memory map, the lowest address of an 8 kbyte RAM is 1000H the highest address would be:

(a) 8192H.

(b) 2FFFH.

(c) 7FFFH.

(d) 3000H.


(a) is programmed by ultraviolet light.

(b) loses the data if the power supplies are disconnected.

(c) is a form of non-volatile memory.

(d) is used in a SIMM.